為配合本校課程分流辦法,讓學生因應產業需求,促進學用合一,培養畢業後多元就業能力,本實 習課程於學期或暑假期間開設,實習時數 720 小時。期盼學生能落實所學、學以致用,提早接觸社 會,汲取實務經驗。亦讓企業界或相關單位拔擢人才,達成產學合作,進而增加學校實務教學資源 及學生就業機會。本課程限大四已修完畢業學分之同學選修。


課程內容與進度 1. 由本校/系推薦實習單位,若自行尋找者請填寫「實習單位意願調查表」。 2. 填寫「實習學生甄選報名表」 連同履歷表提交系上,以利甄選作業及後續與實習單位的聯繫。 3. 甄選確定後,請提出「家長同意書」並辦理保險 (公司未提供保險者請自行投保)。 4. 實習結束 後,請繳交「實習單位成績評分表」及「實習報告書」,由授課老師依據「實習報告評量表」評 量。


1. 實習成績: 由實習單位評量,佔 40%。 2. 實習心得報告成績: 由授課老師評量,佔 30%。 3. 實習相關活動成績:於課程中分組討論,發表實習工作經驗與人際關係之體驗, 由授課老師評 量,佔 30%。







課程內容與進度 1. 由本校/系推薦實習單位,若自行尋找者請填寫「實習單位意願調查表」。 2. 填寫「實習學生甄選報名表」 連同履歷表提交系上,以利甄選作業及後續與實習單位的聯繫。 3. 甄選確定後,請提出「家長同意書」並辦理保險 (公司未提供保險者請自行投保)。 4. 實習結束後,請繳交「實習單位成績評分表」及「實習報告書」,由授課老師依據「實習報告評量表」評量。


1. 實習成績: 由實習單位評量,佔40%。 2. 實習心得報告成績: 由授課老師評量,佔30%。 3. 實習相關活動成績:於課程中分組討論,發表實習工作經驗與人際關係之體驗, 由授課老師評量,佔30%。  





https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3ae5vnnIDhuE3phskVKQQt824Qgi7kCYkcM47jLY90c1Q1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=f96f4f70-0038-4bd1-a9f5-7c6004fe55a8&tenantId=5a484953-77ef-42ec-90cf-2f4e1037ffc7 The aim of this course is to provide guidelines for the students who are planning to write theses for their master's degree.
For more information on online and remote learning, please contact the assigned instructor.


First Semester: 1. Lay out a research and writing plan. 2. Search and analyze primary and secondary sources. 3. Produce an outline and research bibliography. 4. Conduct field research. 5. Write draft chapters. Second Semester: 5. Complete draft chapters. 6. Revise and finalize the dissertation. 7. Prepare for the oral defense.


For details about reference books, please contact your supervisor. 本課程因指導老師不同以及教學主題各異。

Your supervisor will explain the requirements and the basis upon which grades are determined.





The Linguistics of European Languages Long Title: The Linguistics of European Languages: Genealogical relationships, languages in contact, bilingualism and linguae francae Most national and regional languages of Europe are genealogically related to some of their geographic neighbors, usually by sharing a common origin dating back hundreds of years. Languages like French, Italian and Spanish, for example, can be traced back to Latin in a tree-like model of inheritance of linguistic changes that occurred over more than a thousand years. The origin and transformation of Germanic languages, another major language branch in Europe, is different however. The development of Germanic languages, such as German, Dutch, Swedish, can best be understood by a wave model, where different sources of transformation propagate through the language continuum, becoming weaker at their respective peripheries. After all, there has never been a united Germanic kingdom which monopolized or prioritized a Germanic language. Instead, the languages originated and spread through closely related tribes, which all contributed to the formations that resulted in the modern Germanic languages.

In addition, war, occupation, migration, shifting border lines, Christianization, the establishment of nation states and the promotion of national languages caused different languages, sometimes of different language families, to coexist at various social levels within the same geographic space, giving languages another spin to influence each other. As a consequence, nowadays German is spoken in the North of Italy, Italian in Croatia, Catalan in Italy and France, Yiddish in Poland, English in Ireland, Finnish in Sweden and Swedish in Finland.
Interestingly, this coexistence didn't create bilingualism all over Europe. Some people perceive a second language as an enrichment of their lives, others consider it an oppression. Some can draw economic advantages from their bilingualism, others prefer to remain monolingual. While some groups base their identity on a specific culture and language, others see their bilingualism as a source of their identity. For example, while most speakers of Catalan also speak Spanish, and most inhabitants of South Tyrol speak Italian, there are few native speakers of French who speak Dutch as a second language. As some languages disappeared through a phase of linguistic coexistence, other languages can survive a century-long coexistence or even suppression. In either case however, languages influence each other significantly, bringing even genealogically unrelated languages closer to each other, e.g. at the lexical or phraseological level.

A fourth factor of mutual influence derives from linguae francae that existed in different times in Europe. While today most people associate English with the idea of a European lingua franca, this reflects only the recent developments of the late 20th century. For almost 2 milenia Latin has been the lingua franca of Europe, shaping a common lexical heritage, e.g. the word 'culture, cultura, Kultur, kultuur, ...' but also a common grammar, e.g. implanting the passive sentence structure in the Germanic languages. In addition to the religious and academic lingua franca Latin, more local linguae francae have been in usage at the level of law and administration, such as German in Middle and East Europe, implanted by the Austro-Hungarian Empire and ending with the fall of the iron curtain.

These linguae francae create common concepts, common phraseologies and common grammatical structures which are transferred to the vernaculars, the languages spoken by the people at home. Of particular interest in this respect is the Bible, which had been written until the reformation exculsively in Latin. Once translated, the Bible has for a long time been the only book a household owned. In other words, if a household in Europe had a book, it was the one and the same book all over Europe, translated from Latin into the common vernaculars. It was read on Sundays in the church, read at home before dinner, and served as reading material for those who taught themselves reading and writing, particularly women. The existence of expression like en: 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth', de: 'Auge um Auge, Zahn um Zahn', fr: 'il pour il, dent pour dent', in all European languages thus comes as little surprise.

In this course “The Linguistics of European Languages”, we will discuss and study 12 European languages, defined here as the European branch of the Indo-European languages spoken on the European continent, through texts shared among all these languages. We will follow a stepwise approach in getting acquainted with these languages and the linguistic notions that contributed to the formation of these languages, discussing the linguistic notions at the time we study the languages for which they are relevant, e.g. case with German, enclutic pronouns with French and determiners expressed as suffixes in Swedish and Bulgarian.

While our focus is strongly on exploring linguistic core notions that are relevant for the analysis of European and eventually non-European languages, the course has also some practical aspects, giving the course participants a linguistic grid, a language typology, through which they can better approach a new language and eventually dramatically reduce the time needed to speak a new European language to a few months, to read a new written European language to a few weeks, depending on the language learning history of the language learner.

During this course, we will work one week (4 hours) on one language. In a few cases, if a new script has to be acquired, as in the case of the Greek and Cyrillic alphabet, we will work two weeks on a language. During a language-week we will work through a) a handful of linguistic concepts, notions, mechanisms or regularities which are helpful or necessary to understand this language, but which are also relevant for other related languages. Such mechanisms are e.g.

    1. Sound changes in consonants, vowels and liquida:
      1. vowel change: Ablaut and Umlaut as in German,
      2. consonant change: The palatalization in Romance languages,
      3. the consonant shift in Germanic languages,
      4. liquida metathesis across language familie, e.g. de: Garten, fr: jardin, garder, ru: gorod, grad.
    1. Case systems, e.g. Latin, German, Russian:
      1. form, meaning and functions of case systems,
      2. the loss of case systems, e.g. Italian, Dutch, Bulgarian,
      3. free, relatively free, fixed word order as related to the case system,
      4. case in language loans,
      5. oblique cases, hierarchy of obliqueness (case hierarchy).
    1. Properties of nominal groups:
      1. determination in determinerless languages (Russian),
      2. determiners as suffixes (Bulgarain, Swedish),
      3. grammatical numbers:
        1. Numerals,
        2. singular, dual (Russian, Irish), plural.
      4. natural and grammatical gender:
        1. languages of three and two genders,
        2. gender agreement,
        3. gender and case,
        4. gender in loan words.
    1. Phonetic and phonological properties:
      1. syllable structures,
      2. syllable length (Germanic languages),
      3. word stress (German - French - English).
      4. clitic pronouns (French),
      5. apocope (Italian),
      6. re-syllabification,
      7. nasalization (French and Portuguese).
    1. Pronoun and verbal endings:
      1. pronouns in European languages
      2. enclitic versus pro-clitic pronouns
      3. relations between verbal endings and enclitic pronouns (Bulgarian)
    1. semantic changes
    2. changes within a language through time
    3. change of the ‘same’ word through different languages
    4. metaphors
    5. metonymies
    6. generalization
    7. specialization
    8. co-hyponymic transfer


Each language will be approached through a set of identical texts translated into the respective languages, e.g. the Lord's Prayer, Genesis 1 (1-31) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Paragraphs 1 to 10. In addition each language will be approached through one song which reflects the history or culture of a language, its region or country.
  1. Week 1: Course Introduction
  2. Week 2: Textual resources, English reading and discussion of textual resources, concepts in historical linguistics and language typology.
  3. Week 3: Germanic Languages, German:
    High German consonant shift
    Grammatical and natural gender
    Song: Udo Lindenberg - Wieder genauso

  4. Week 4 Dutch:
    Dutch words in English
    Verb first, second, last
    Losing case, fixing word order
    Song: Herman van Veen - Een lichte vrouw

  5. Week 5: Swedish:
    Determiners as suffixes, genitive suffix,
    Pronouns, reflexive pronouns
    Song: Miriam Bryant, Victor Leksell - Tystnar i luren

  6. Week 6: Romance Languages, Latin:
    Case system for nouns
    Colonial language
    Song: Requiem, Confutatis maledictis

    Additional: O, Fortuna, Panis Angelicus, Gaudete Christus est natus
  7. Week 7: Italian:
    Palatalization: giallo
    Underpalatiztion: pagare
    Overpalatization: tacere
    Song: Bella Ciao

  8. Week 8: French:
    La liaison
    Song: Jacques Brel -Mon plat pays
  9. Week 9: Catalan:
    Bilingualism, oppression, identity,
    Song: Lluis Llach - L'estaca

  10. Week 10: Spanish:
    Arabic words in Spanish
    Luis Eduardo Aute - Al alba

  11. Week 11: Hellenic Languages, Ancient Greek (2 weeks): Greek alphabet
    tense and aspect
    the aorist
  12. Week 13: Slavonic Languages, Russian (2 weeks):
    Cyrillic alphabet
    Soft and hard vowels
    Relatively free word order
    Song: Bulat Shalvovich Okudzhava - Poka zemlya esche vertitsya

  13. Week 15: Bulgarian:
    Lost case system
    Fixed word order
    Determiner suffixes
  14. Week 16: Celtic Languages, Irish:
    VSO language,
    case system,
    Latin words in Irish
    English words of Irish origin
    Irish words of English origin
  15. Week 17: Poster presentations

Each language will be approached through 3 standard texts: This set of texts, written or translated into the respective languages are: The Lord's Prayer, the first verses of the Bible, Genesis 1 (1-31), and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Paragraphs 1 to 10. These texts are freely available online.
Lord’s Prayer in written form: https://www.wordproject.org/bibles/resources/our_father/in_many_languages.htm
Lord’s Prayer in spoken form: (Spanish, French, German, Dutch, English), (Latin), (Irish),
Bibles translations in many languages: https://www.biblegateway.com/versions/ Genesis 1:1 spoken in many languages:
In addition each language will be approached through one song which reflects the history or culture of a language, its region or country. Videos are available through Youtube.

The course participants will be evaluated on the basis of their course attendance (30%), as well as their active participation in the collection and discussion of language material. 40% of the evaluation will be based on a poster to be presented by each participant at the end of the semester on the topic of one European language that hasn’t been discussed in class. No two students are allowed to present the same language. This poster presentation should reflect the geographic, sociolinguistic, grammatical, lexical, phonological and phonetic features of a language and discuss at least the Lord’s Prayer in this language. Special attention should be given to the interaction of different features, such as case system and word order, the absence of determiners and word order, verbal inflection and pronouns.





This course introduces students to on-going changes in postcolonial film studies. Postcolonial film scholarship has long examined films within geo-political contexts, enlightening our understanding of history, empire, and resistance in both Anglophone and Sinophone worlds. What’s new in the twenty-first century is a shift in postcolonial space, largely away from the third world to the fourth world of indigenous, marginal, subaltern struggles, in particular within settler states. This changing geographical face brings with it new conceptual vocabulary and theoretical approaches.
This 2023 spring semester will explore: The issue of reverse displacement from the imperial centers, represented by films such as The Leaving of Liverpool (Australia-UK) and Wansei Back Home (Taiwan-Japan); The De/Construction of national identity in a settler state via colonial otherness, represented by the image of Japan in four stages of Taiwanese films; A comparative study of Austronesian films: Utu (New Zealand) and Seediq Bale (Taiwan); Workshops on postcolonial issues and films concerning the students’ geographical backgrounds.


Weeks 1-2: A shift in postcolonial film scholarship
• “New Perspectives on Postcolonial Film”
• “Introducing Settler Colonial Studies”
• “Vanishing Natives and Taiwan’s Settler-colonial Unconsciousness”
Weeks 3-6: Reverse displacement of people from the imperial centers
Film text: The Leaving of Liverpool (Australia-UK)
• Lost Children of the Empire
Film text: Wansei Back Home (Taiwan-Japan)
• When Empire Comes Home: Repatriation and Reintegration in Postwar Japan
Weeks 7-8: A comparative study of Austronesian films
Film texts: Utu (New Zealand) and Seediq Bale (Taiwan)
• “Utu and Seediq Bale: Austronesian Cinematic Milestones in New Zealand and Taiwan”
Weeks 10-14: De/Construction of national identity in a settler state via colonial otherness
Film texts: Blood Shed at Qing Shan, The World No.1; Everlasting Glory, Victory; A City of Sadness, The Puppetmaster; Cape No. 7, Seediq Bale, KANO.
• Taiwan Cinema: International Reception and Social Change
Weeks 15-17: Guided workshops on postcolonial issues and films concerning the students’ geographical backgrounds
• Film texts and relevant articles
Week 18: Final paper due (undergraduate options: group project report or poster)

Bean, Philip and Joy Melville, Lost Children of the Empire, Routledge, 2018 [1989].
Chiu, Kuei-fen; Ming-yeh T. Rawnsley; and Gary D. Rawnsley eds., Taiwan Cinema: International Reception and Social Change, London: Routledge, 2017.
Fu, Yu-wen, “Utu and Seediq Bale: Austronesian Cinematic Milestones in New Zealand and Taiwan”, Ora Nui, vol. 4, 2020, pp 206-215.
Hirano, Katsuya. Lorenzo Veracini and Toulouse-Antonin Roy. “Vanishing Natives and Taiwan’s Settler-colonial Unconsciousness.” Critical Asian Studies, vol. 50, no. 2, 2018, pp.196-218.
Veracini, Lorenzo. “Introducing Settler Colonial Studies”, Settler Colonial Studies, vol. 1, no.1, 2011, pp. 1-12.
“The Wansei of Taiwan: History’s Castaways”, OFTaiwan.
Watt, Lori, When Empire Comes Home: Repatriation and Reintegration in Postwar Japan, Havard University Asian Center, 2009.
Weaver-Hightower, Rebecca. “New Perspectives on Postcolonial Film”, Rebecca Weaver-Hightower and Peter Hulme eds., Postcolonial Film: History, Empire, Resistance, London: Routledge, 2014, pp 1-20.

Attendance and discussions 50%
Presentations and guided workshops 30%
Final paper 20% (undergraduate options: group project report or poster)





In the last decade, we have seen an explosion of Shakespeare films in the United States and worldwide. These films remind us that Shakespeare's popularity has lasted until the mid-sixteenth century and that traditional high/low culture distinctions require more critical examinations. This course will examine how Shakespeare became a cultural icon in literature and popular culture. Although we will be learning how to analyze films, we will also work carefully with the language of Shakespeare's plays. We will examine how filmmakers worldwide reinterpreted Shakespeare, focusing on the cultural politics (such as gender, race, and class) that these films connote. As for the course format, we will consider three Shakespeare plays (The Taming of the Shrew, Othello, and A Midsummer Night's Dream) in the written text and on the screen. We will try to distinguish the places where cinematic representations have markedly altered the plays and explore how these changes refocus traditional understanding of the Renaissance texts. This course is divided into three units of lectures, in-class discussions, and film screenings. Each unit will cover a particular play, screen at least two (or more) film adaptations, and discuss various aspects of Shakespeare and film criticism along with social, economic, cultural, and political issues.


Week 1 Feb. 14
Introduction: objective, methodologies, and policies

Week 2 Feb. 21
The Taming of the Shrew, Induction-4.2
In-class activities:
1. Foregrounding The Taming of the Shrew
2. Compare and contrast film adaptations: 1) the wooing scene, 2.1.112-316
2) Petruchio's country house scene (Read especially 4.2.123-92)

Week 3 Feb. 28
February 28 Peace Memorial Day
National Holiday

Week 4 Mar. 7
The Taming of the Shrew, 4.3-5.2
In-class activity:
Compare and contrast film adaptations:
1. the second taming scene in Petruchio's country house, 4.3
2. the final marriage scene, 5.2

Week 5 Mar. 14
1. Film Screening: Ten Things I Hate About You
2. Compare Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew with Ten Things I Hate about You. (Group Worksheets due by the end of the day. Please send an electronic file to my Yahoo account by 12:00 pm.)

Week 6 Mar. 21
Othello, 1.1-2.2
In-class activities:
Film screening: Othello

Week 7 Mar. 28
Othello, 2.3-3.4
In-class activities:
1. Compare and contrast the film adaptations: the temptation scene, the handkerchief scene, 3.4
2. Miming: Passing the Handkerchief (Teaching Othello, pp. 191-92)

Week 8 Apr. 4
Spring Recess

Week 9 Apr. 11
Midterm Recess

Week 10 Apr. 18
Othello, 5.1-5.2
Compare and contrast film adaptations: the wife-murder scene, 5.2
Week 11 Apr. 25
Film Screening: O
Compare Shakespeare's Othello with O. (Group Worksheets due by the end of the day. Please send an electronic file to my Yahoo account by 12:00 pm.)

Week 12 May 2
A Midsummer Night's Dream, 1.1-2.1
In-class activities:
1. texts and subtexts
2. the Athenian artisans
3. Titania and her voltress
4. film screening

Week 13 May 9
A Midsummer Night's Dream, 2.2-3.3
In-class activities:
1. film screening
2. Interactions of the Athenian artisans
3. comparison and contrast: the language of the aristocratic and the working-class
4. Brainstorming: What are the women's complaints?
What's Helena's and what's Hermia's—analysis and cultural notes

Week 14 May 16
A Midsummer Night's Dream, 4.1-5.2
In-class activities:
1. film screening
2. the bower scene: cultural notes on the Cult of Elizabeth and the formation of Elizabethan idolatry culture
3. the final wedding scene

Week 15 May 23
Compare two Shakespeare adaptations of A Midsummer Night's Dream. (Group Worksheets due by the end of the day. Please send an electronic file to my Yahoo account by 12:00 pm.)

Week 16 May 30
Flexible teaching week, or reading for your final exam

Week 17 June 6
Final Exam (a written exam for The Taming of the Shrew, Othello, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream)

Week 18 June 13
Return of the Final Test Papers (Meet in my office)

Video Materials:

The Taming of the Shrew:

The Taming of the Shrew. Created by Franco Zeffirelli, performance by Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton. Columbia Pictures, 1967. (馴悍記)

10 Things I Hate about You. Created by Gil Junger, performance by Heath Ledger and Julia Stiles. Touchstone Pictures, 1999. (對面的惡女看過來)


Othello. Created by Oliver Parker, performance by Laurence Fishburne and Irene Jacob. Castle Rock, 1995. (奧賽羅)

“O.” Created by Tim Blake Nelson, performance by Jon Finch and Francesca Annis. Columbia Tristar, 1971. (千方百計)

A Midsummer Night's Dream:

A Midsummer Night's Dream. Directed by Adrian Noble, performance by Lindsay Duncan and Alex Jennings. Miramax, 1996. (仲夏夜之夢)

A Midsummer Night's Dream. Directed by Michael Hoffman, performance by Kevin Kline and Michelle Pfeiffer. (仲夏夜之夢)

Your final grade of the class depends upon your performance in the following work:
1.Attendance and group worksheets (20%)
2.Group presentations (90%)





Digital Humanities are called all those activities that humanists are engaged in when using digital media or computational techniques for teaching, the creating of digital media, such as annotated e-books, or in the analysis of digitized material.
The purpose of the course is to give the participants an understanding of what 'Digital Humanities' is about, and to motivate them to use this kind of approach to research and problem solving in their future activities. Participants should gain an overview over the wide range of research activities that are conducted under this umbrella term and what the tools are that can be used in this context. Students are also motivated to think about what their skills and interests are and how these match with research activities in Digital Humanities.


This class will focus evenly on the usage of digital tools and digital resources, as well as on the relation between these: Focusing specifically on three areas within the digital humanities, Aerial photography, Geographic Information Systems, and Social Network Analysis, we explore tools and data in order to understand the potential usage we can make of these resources and software tools.

Online digital archives and online tools for the analysis of digital data.
Graphs, Maps, Trees: Abstract Models for a Literary History. Franco Moretti. Verso, 2005.
Driven by data. Exploring the research horizon. de Groot and Wittenberg, Pallas Publications, 2010.

Course Participation 50% Final Report 50%





This course aims to explore both literature and cinema as art forms that convey their languages, as media that reflect their cultural contexts, and as platforms that document social issues and deliver socio-political messages. To provide a thematic focus for our in-class discussion, the course of the semester hovers around the issues of social injustices. Beginning with Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, we will watch its film adaptation by Robert Mulligan and investigate the issues of racial and sexual inequities. Then, we will read Betty Smith's novel, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, watch its film adaptation by Elia Kazan, and delve into the sorrow and pathos of those who grow up in poverty and social discrimination. After that, we will read Dave Eggers's novel, The Circle, watch its film adaptation by James Ponsoldt, and investigate how internet technology infringes on personal privacy. And finally, we will read Laurie Halse Anderson's Speak, watch its film adaptation by Jessica Sharzer, and examine the issues of campus bullying, teen rape, and sexual violence. The class format includes lectures, in-class discussions, film screenings, oral presentations, and poster presentations.

Google Classroom Code: qpf5c6i
Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/wye-pkyw-qyu
Important messages will be announced via Google Classroom. Please refer to the Google Meet link above.


Tentative Calendar

Week 1 Feb. 15
Introduction: objective, methodologies, and policies
To Kill a Mockingbird (the film)

Week 2 Feb. 22
To Kill a Mockingbird (the film and the novel)

Week 3 Mar. 1
To Kill a Mockingbird (the novel)

Week 4 Mar. 8
To Kill a Mockingbird and racial and sexual injustices

Week 5 Mar. 15
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (the film)

Week 6 Mar. 22
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (the film and the novel)

Week 7 Mar. 29
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (the novel)

Week 8 Apr. 5
Spring Break

Week 9 Apr. 12
Midterm Recess

Week 10 Apr. 19
Guidelines for preparing for your final poster presentation
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn and poverty and social discrimination

Week 11 April 26
The Circle (the film and the novel)

Week 12 May 3
The Circle (the novel)

Week 13 May 10
The Circle and the infringement of internet technology on personal privacy

Week 14 May 17
Speak (the film)

Week 15 May 24
Speak (the film and the novel)

Week 16 May 31
Speak and campus bullying, teen rape, and sexual violence

Week 17 June 7
Final Poster Presentation

Week 18 June 14
Final Poster due
Discussion for Final Poster Presentation Project

1. Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird, introduced by Harold Bloom. Chelsea House Publishers, 1996.
Mulligan, Robert, director. To Kill a Mockingbird. Universal Pictures, 1962.

2. Smith, Betty. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Harper & Brother, 1943.
Kazan, Elia. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Twentieth Century Fox, 1945.

3. Dave, Eggers. The Circle. Vintage, 2014.
Ponsoldt, James, director. Circle. Lionsgate, 2017.

4. Anderson, Laurie Halse. Speak. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1999.
Sharzer, Jessica, director. Speak. Showtime Entertainment, 2005.

When grading your final oral and poster presentations, I will consider your grammar, logic and organization, clarity, conciseness, originality, unity and coherence, development, and copy-editing. Your final grade of this course depends upon your performance in the following work:
1. in-class presentations 20 %
2. oral presentation 30 %
3. poster presentation 50 %





This course attempts to introduce juniors, seniors and postgraduate students to Phonetics, the study of sounds. It aims to increase students’ knowledge of the English sounds and the accuracy of the English pronunciation through the introduction of main concepts of English phonetics. Topics include articulatory phonetics and acoustic phonetics, concerning consonants, vowels, stress, rhythm and intonation. It is hoped that students learn to conduct a project on Phonetics on their own and are able to present their work at the end of the course.


Week 1 Introduction
Week 2 Basic Concepts of Phonetics
Week 3 Speech Organ
Week 4 Consonants: English vs. Mandarin
Week 5 Vowels: English vs. Mandarin
Week 6 Speech analysis tool I
Week 7 Speech analysis tool II
Week 8 Holiday
Week 9 Proposal
Week 10 Report of Proposal
Week 11 Supra-segmentals: Rhythm
Week 12 Invited speech
Week 13 Supra-segmentals: Intonation
Week 14 Data collection
Week 15 Syllable Structure and Consonant Clusters
Week 16 Review & Discussion
Week 17 Oral presentation of final project
Week 18 Final Paper/Project Due

Sun, S. H. (1999). American English Phonetics. Taipei: Crane.
Ladefoged, P. (2001). A Course in Phonetics, 5th ed. Orlando, FL: Harcourt Brace & Company.
Paper collection
Collected papers.

1. Attendance, class participation, presentation: 30%
2. Responses, mid-term proposal, and final report: 70%





This course provides students with practical training, instructional aids, and techniques of teaching English. Throughout the course, students will learn to put theories of Teaching Practicum into practice and familiarize themselves with different teaching and pedagogical delivery, for example, course and syllabus design, lesson planning, classroom management, designing tests and grading. They will also undertake their teaching practice under the supervision of assigned course instructors. By the end of the course, students will be able to utilize relevant instructional materials and learning resources appropriate to their intended audience.

For more information on online and remote learning, please contact the assigned instructor.


For the detailed course schedule, please contact the assigned instructor.

Harmer, J. (1998). How to Teach English. UK: Longman Group Limited.
Brown, H. D. (2000). (4th ed.). Principles of language learning and teaching. NY: Longman.
Celce-Murcia, M. (2001). (3rd ed.). Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Boston: Heinle & Heinle.
Larsen-Freeman, D. (2000). Techniques and principles in language teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Parkinson, B. and H. Reid Thomas (2000). Teaching Literature in a Second Language. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Ng, Kit-har (2004). Incorporating Literature into the Certificate Level English Classroom in Hong Kong: Three Case Studies. PhD dissertation. The University of Hong Kong.
Hismanoglu, Murat (2005). “Teaching English through Literature", Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, Vol.1, No.1, pp 53-66.
Paran, Amos ed. (2006). Literature in Language Teaching and Learning. Virginia: TESOL. Inc.

The instructor will explain the requirements and the basis upon which grades are determined.





This is an fun and interesting elective course. It will focus on critical thinking or higher level thinking while learning advanced listening and communication skills using children’s stories. This course will focus on the diverse English children’s stories that are read throughout the world. Story designs and themes, like rhyming and repeating words, ethics, and moral lessons to be taught to children will also be some of the course contents that students will focus on through listening activities. Specifically, the students will utilize English listening and communication skills while moving from the basic forms of thinking through the advance forms of thinking. By the end of the course, students should be able to critically evaluate and verbally discuss children’s stories from all over the world. Students will learn advanced intercommunication techniques and advanced levels of public speaking skills. ALL students MUST do the following if you register for this course: Email Aaron with the following information at: freethoughts2@yahoo.com You English name, your Chinese name, your NUK I.D. number, and your mobile phone number AND the English name for this class. When you email Aaron, you will be given a Line group to join, you will be given Google Classroom information, and you can also find important class information on Aaron’s website: http://aaron-pe-5-6.blogspot.com/


Each week will have different topics and/or stories to be either read or listened to and then discussed afterwards. Week 1 Introduction and general course description of requirements Week 2 How children’s stories are designed and made for different age levels and abilities. Reading with your kids. Picture books and learning vocabulary. Week 3 Continue the discussion about How children’s stories are designed and made for different age levels and abilities. Reading with your kids. Picture books and learning vocabulary. Week 4 Vocabulary building books: Cars and Trucks by Richard Scarry Week 5 Continue the discussion about vocabulary building books: Things That Go by Richard Scarry Week 6 Story time and starter books. Click, Clack, Moo by Doreen Cronin, Elephant & Piggie by Mo Willems, Biscuit by Alyssa Satin Capucilli Week 7 Continue the discussion about story time and starter books. Aaron the Alligator by P. D. Eastman, The Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel Week 8 Rhyming and moral lessons, Books by Dr. Seuss: Green Eggs and Ham, Oh, the Places You'll Go! Week 9 Mid-term Exam Week Week 10 Continue the discussion about rhyming and moral lessons, Books by Dr. Seuss: The Lorax, The Cat in the Hat Week 11 Classic beginner books and the most popular books with lesson and morals: The Little Engine That Could by Watty Piper, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff Week 12 Continue the discussion about classic beginner books and the most popular books with lesson and morals: The Real Mother Goose by Blanche Fisher Wright, James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl Week 13 Continue the discussion about classic beginner books and the most popular books with lesson and morals: Love You Forever by Robert Munsch, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein, Where the Sidewalk Ends: Poems and Drawings by Shel Silverstein Week 14 Student readings and class discussions Week 15 Student readings and class discussions Week 16 Student readings and class discussions Week 17 Student readings and class discussions Week 18 Final Exam Week

Some of the books listed above, to be announced on the first or second day of class. This is based on how many students register for this class and how many student readings and class discussion there will be. There will be a ‘teacher’s package” with additional information that is required for this course and students must bring it to class every day.

40% In-class activities (this will included 12 assignments each worth 5 points and 1 student reading and class discussion worth 10 points), 20 % oral presentation, 20% midterm exam or other exam task, 20% final exam or other final exam task.





This course concentrates on the analysis and study of English and American poetry and its forms. It will guide students to recognize the role and nature of the technical elements of poetry as they contribute to make meaning. As a result of this, students would be able to enjoy reading poetry more fully, with the ability to recognize and evaluate the elements that compose a poem. Both in-class discussion and student presentation of poetic analysis are emphasized, and all work is designed to move the student toward improved competency in reading, writing, and thinking. Upon completion of the course, students will read closely, write effectively and think critically.


Week 1 Course Overview
Week 2 What is poetry?
Week 3 Reading the Poem
Week 4 Denotation and Connotation
Week 5 Imagery
Week 6 Figurative Language 1
Week 7 Figurative Language 2
Week 8 Holiday
Week 9 Mid-term exam
Week 10 Allusion
Week 11 Meaning and Idea
Week 12 Tone
Week 13 Musical Devices
Week 14 Sound and Meaning
Week 15 Rhythm and Meter
Week 16 Pattern: Open form
Week 17 Pattern: Open form
Week 18 Final exam

Arp, Thomas R. and Greg Johnson ed. Perrine’s Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry. 12th ed. Boston: Thomson, 2008.
Kennedy, X. J. & Dana Gioia. An Introduction to Poetry. New York: Longman, 2002.

Attendance 10%; in-class discussions + oral presentations + worksheets 30%; mid-term exam 30%; final exam 30%.





This course is intended to help students understand and enjoy some British and American plays. 請修課同學加入臉書教學社團 https://www.facebook.com/groups/539744358184088
Lectures and group presentations:
Groups of students take turns to give ppt presentations on each play concerning:
1. A short biography of the playwright (week 1).
2. A brief synopsis of the play (week 2).
3. Characterization, Themes, motifs, allusions, etc. (week 3).


Week 1. Introduction
Week 2 Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire
Week 3. Holiday
Week 4. Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire
Week 5. Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire
Week 6. Michael Frayn, Noises Off
Week 7. Michael Frayn, Noises Off
Week 8. Holiday
Week 9. Essay questions (open-book)
Week 10. Mid-term exam (non-Open-book)
Week 11. Arthur Miller, Death of a Salesman; Aristotle
Week 12. Arthur Miller, Death of a Salesman; Aristotle
Week 13. Arthur Miller, Death of a Salesman; Aristotle
Week 14. M. Butterfly
Week 15. M. Butterfly
Week 16. M. Butterfly
Week 17. Final exam
Week 18. Final paper

Anthologies of American Literature and English Literature
Literature Online

Class participation: 50%
Mid-term exam: 25%
Final exams: 25%
Students who are absent for 3 weeks should give up enrolling in this course. 缺席三次的學生請自行棄選。
If you take the exam later than the exam date, you will only get 4/5 of your score. 補考者分數八折。





This course is designed to enhance students’ knowledge of the origins and variations of current English languages. The first part of this course aims to provide a historical background of English. The second part will cover the key issues in sociolinguistic studies, including standard English vs. dialects; language and age; language and gender; language used in different social context etc. In the third part, the main focus will be the discussion of the outcomes of English’s contact with other languages, including the issues such as, bilingualism, language shift and language endangerment etc. This course will also examine to what extent English languages influence the global culture.


2023/02/13 — Orientation 2023/02/20 — Language and Ethnicity 2023/02/27 — National Holiday 2023/03/06 — Language and Ethnicity 2023/03/13 — Language Attitude 2023/03/20 — Students’ Presentation 1 + Language Attitude 2023/03/27 — Lexical Borrowings 2023/04/03 — Lexical Borrowings 2023/04/10 — Mid-term Exam 2023/04/24 —Students’ Presentation 2 + Internet Language 2023/05/01 — Internet Language + English as a Global Language 2023/05/08 — English as a Global Language + Students’ Presentation 3 2023/05/15 — Style, Context, and Register 2023/05/22 — Language Taboos 2023/05/29 — Pidgin and Creole + Students’ Presentation 4 2023/06/05 — Language Shift, Endangerment, and Death 2023/06/13 — Final Exam + Assignment Due    The syllabus is subject to necessary changes.

Assigned readings will be distributed in the lectures.

In-class Presentations = 20% + Attendance  Choose one topic and find example by yourself (each student 5 min) Option I: ■ Mid-term Exam (40%) ■ Final Exam (40%) (either exam or a 1500- word essay) Option II: ■ Mid-term Exam (40%) + 1,500-word Essay (40%) ■ 1,500-word Essay (40%) + Final Exam (40%) Option III: ■ 3,000-word Essay (80%)





This course provides an introduction to the theory and practice of cultural-landscape studies. It considers the various methods of reading and interpreting different landscape types within the local and global contexts. The course is transdisciplinary in its approach. It engages with a variety of disciplines, allowing students to develop their basic understanding of place and space. Upon completion of the course, students are expected to: ‧develop their awareness of the social and cultural values of landscape history and theory. ‧acquire in-depth knowledge of cultural landscape studies and its application to multiple areas of inquiry, both locally and globally.


Week 1 Course overview
Week 2 Situating cultural landscapes
Week 3 Landscapes in literature and the arts
Week 4 Landscapes in literature and the arts
Week 5 Landscape as cultural heritage
Week 6 Landscape as cultural heritage
Week 7 Landscape as cultural heritage
Week 8 Holiday
Week 9 Midterm exam: case studies
Week 10 The landscape of consumption
Week 11 The landscape of consumption
Week 12 Media landscapes
Week 13 Media landscapes
Week 14 Food landscapes
Week 15 Food landscapes
Week 16 Leisure and tourism landscapes
Week 17 Leisure and tourism landscapes
Week 18 Final exam: case studies

Course handouts and online resources.

Attendance (10%), assignments (30%, including in-class discussions, oral presentations, and worksheets), and case studies (midterm exam 30%; final exam 30%).





This course is intended to help students understand and enjoy American literature.
請修課同學加入臉書教學社團 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1262794990935497
Lectures and group presentations:
Groups of students take turns to give ppt presentations for 15 minutes concerning
1. A short biography of the author
2. A summary of the works
3. Themes, motifs, allusions, etc.


Week 1. Introduction
Week 2 Louisa May Alcott
Week 3. Louisa May Alcott, Little Women
Week 4. Mark Twain
Week 5. Mark Twain, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Week 6. Mark Twain, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Week 7. Henry James
Week 8. Henry James, The Turn of the Screw
Week 9. Essay Questions (open-book)
Week 10. Mid-term exam (non-Open-book)
Week 11. Eugene O'Neill
Week 12. Eugene O'Neill, Long Day's Journey into Night
Week 13. William Faulkner, “A Rose for Emily”
Week 14. Ernest Hemingway, "An Indian Camp"
Week 15. Lorraine Hansberry
Week 16. Lorraine Hansberry, A Raisin in the Sun
Week 17. Final exam
Week 18. Final paper

Anthologies of American Literature
Literature Online

Class participation: 50%
Mid-term exam: 25%
Final exams: 25%
Students who are absent for 3 weeks should give up enrolling in this course. 缺席三次的學生請自行棄選。
If you take the exam later than the exam date, you will only get 4/5 of your score. 補考者分數八折。





This course aims to introduce students to as many canonical works as possible of English literature from the Romantic Period to the Victorian Period.
Students are required to preview the works which will be covered in each of the weeks before they come to class. During the class, the instructor will ask students to feel free to express their ideas about the works they have read before she gives a detailed explanation of each of the works.


W 1 14/02 Course overview; William Wordsworth's "Resolution and Independence"
W 2 21/02 Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834); “The Eolian Harp” and “Frost at Midnight”
W 3 28/02 Bank Holiday
W 4 07/03 Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”
W 5 14/03 “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” continued
W 6 21/03 Charles Lamb (1775-1834) and “Old China”; Group 1 on Coleridge's life and works
W 7 28/03 George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824); “Written after Swimming from Sestos to Abydos,” “She walks in beauty,” and “So, we’ll go no more a roving”
W 8 04/04 Bank Holiday
W 9 11/04 Mid-term examination
W 10 18/04 George Gordon, Lord Byron's Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage
W 11 25/04 Examination results announced; Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage continued
W 12 02/05 Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822); “A Song: ‘Men of England” and “Ode to the West Wind”; Group 2 on Byron's life and works
W 13 09/05 Percy Bysshe Shelley's “Ode to a Sky-Lark”; John Keats (1795-1821)
W 14 16/05 John Keats's “Ode to Psyche” and “Ode to a Nightingale”; Group 3 on Shelley's life and works
W 15 23/05 John Keats's “Ode on a Grecian Urn” and “To Autumn”
W 16 30/05 Introduction to the Victorian Age (1830-1901)
W 17 06/06 Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809-92): In Memoriam A. H. H. and Locksley Hall; Group 4 on John Keats's life and works
W 18 13/06 End of semester; final examination

I. Textbooks
Abrams, M. H., and Stephen Greenblatt, et al. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 8th ed. Vol. 1. New York: Norton, 2006.
Stephen Greenblatt, et al. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 8th ed. Vol. 2. New York: Norton, 2006.

II. Recommended Reference Books
Cudden, J. A., and Claire Preston. Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory. New York: Penguin, 2000.
Day, Martin S. History of English Literature. 3 vols. Taipei: Bookman, 1990.
Frye, Northrup, Barbara Perkins, and Sheridan Warner Baker. Harper Handbook to Literature. 2nd ed. Sydney: Pearson Education, 1997.
Hornstein, Lillian Herlands, Leon Edel, and Sterling Allen Brown, ed. The Reader’s Companion to World Literature. 2nd ed. New York: Penguin, 2002.
Thornley, G. C., and Gwyneth Roberts. An Outline of English Literature. Essex: Longman, 1997.

Class attendance and participation 10% (Please note: If you skip classes for more than three time, you will lose 10% of the score)
Presentation 30%
Mid-term examination 30%
Final examination 30%







第1週:上學期課程總覽 第2週:第二課語調練習 第3週: 第七課(上):所有格與疑問形容詞 第4週: 第七課(下):職業 第5週:第八課(上):品質形容詞 第6週:第八課(下):邀約 第7週:第九課(上):量詞片語 第8週:第九課(中):用餐 第9週:第九課(下):購物與期中考 第10週:第10課:方位 第11週:第10課:問路 第12週:近未來式與簡單未來式 第13週:近過去式與過去未完成式1 第14週:過去未完成式2 第15週:過去完成式1 第16週:過去完成式2 第17週:過去完成式3 第18週:期末考

《實用法語入門》楊美玲、林雅芬合著 華立圖書出版社 《grammaire en dialogues》Claire Miquel CLE International






This module is designed to enhance students’ knowledge of current translation theory and translating skills. Students will be given assignments (i.e., translating an assigned text) in order to apply what they learn in lectures during the translating process. Practical translation problems that may be encountered during the translating process will be investigated. Relevant problem-solving strategies and techniques will be taught. Students’ translation errors in the assignments will also be examined and discussed in the lessons. In the previous semester, the focus was to translate English texts into Chinese. The major aim of this semester, however, will be the other direction, namely translating Chinese texts into English. The texts in various fields will be translated and discussed.


2023/02/16 — Orientation 2023/02/23 — Tourism + Assignment Discussion + CI practice 2023/03/02 —Tourism + Assignment Discussion + CI practice 2023/03/09 — Literature + Assignment Discussion + CI practice 2023/03/16 — Literature + Assignment Discussion + CI practice 2023/03/23 — Education + Assignment Discussion + CI practice 2023/03/30 — Education + Assignment Discussion + CI practice 2023/04/06— National Holiday 2023/04/13 — Agriculture + Assignment Discussion + CI practice 2023/04/20 — Mid-term Exam 2023/04/27 — Mid-term Exam 2023/05/04 — State-owned Enterprise + Assignment Discussion + CI practice 2023/05/11 — Design + Assignment Discussion + CI practice 2023/05/18 — Design + Assignment Discussion + CI practice 2023/05/25 — Travel + Assignment Discussion + CI practice 2023/06/01 — Travel + Assignment Discussion + CI practice 2023/06/08 — Final Exam 2023/06/15 — Final Exam The syllabus is subject to necessary changes.


Translation Assignments + In-class practice = 60% Mid-term exam (Interpreting) = 20% Final Exam (Interpreting) = 20%





1.進一步介紹西班牙語的句法級生活用語 2.透過媒體介紹西語系國家的生活型態及文化以增進學生的國際觀 3.藉由小組討論對話增進學生的對話能力 及寫作能力 4.Google Meet: ous-xuwz-deo


1.repaso 2.Unidad 12 ¿Qué te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre? p.218-220 3. p.221-223 4. p.224-228 y música 5. p.229-233 7. p.234-235 y película 8. p.236 y ejercicios 9. Examen del semestre medio 10. Película 11. p.237-238 12. p.239-244 13. Tiempo progresivo estar+gerundio 14. ejercicios y música 15. lectura y seguir + gerundio 16. Tiempo Futuro ir a + infinitivo 17. ejercicios y lectura 18. Examen final

實用西語入門 方柏婷 李優俐 華立圖書 2018 ISBN 978-957-784-779-9

平時40% 期中 期末各30%



