Critical thinking from the humanities can seem at odds with technological and business development. The purpose of this course is to provide a space where knowledge from both sides can juxtapose in a fruitful dialogue, empowering the young generation of business elite. After taking this course, students will be better informed of the impact and contribution business might have on the discursive socio-cultural context. Based on this awareness, they will develop innovative strategies and learn to present their case persuasively.
Topics: 1) Tradition and/or Innovation. 2) Erasing and/or Creating a Life Style. 3) Toursism and/or Identity. 4) Environment and/or Development. 5) Globalization and/or Localization. 6) Profit and/or Social Conntribution.
Each topic will proceed by 1) Issues (reading and discussion). 2) Example (introduction and discussion). 3) Case Studies (group workshop and oral/poster presentation).
A tea conference for posters will be held at the end of the semester.
Articles and study guides--handouts or from E-learning.
Participation and class discussion 40%
Group workshop and presentation 30%
Posters and written reports 30%
Traditional business partnerships are changing in response to technology advancements and business innovations. With network connectivity, supply chain integration is the core strategic competence that enables many companies to act as one. A supply chain represents the cross-functional integration of activities that cross the borders of individual companies. This feature is very important in many industries, because many firms must collaborate intensively throughout a project lifecycle. The issues involved in selecting e-supply chain partners extend beyond choosing a trading partner or a contractor and must include configuring the business-to-business inter-enterprise processes (or ERP deployment) among partners. All of the issues will be lectured in the class. The goal of the class is to give students a clear view of SCM and help them to analyze and develop a SCM. This course helps students to achieve the following core competencies: Basic ability in English Based management ability Decision-making and problem-solving Application integration and system development capabilities Information using force and sense of knowledge Career-oriented professionals Language ability in conjunction with international practices Innovative thinking and active learning ability Ability in scientific problem-solving approach This course helps students to achieve the following literacy : Information literacy and information ethics Social ethics and world citizenship Contemporary thinking and international perspective Responsibility for social care and world citizenship Contemporary thinking and international perspective
理論講述與討論-40.00%;個案分析或作品賞析-20.00%;專題實作與報告-20.00%;田野調查-5.00%;實驗-0.00%;其他:special issue/case practices-15.00%
1. Introduction to Supply Chain Management, Enterprise Resource Planning, concept, and their evolutions. 2. Porter Value Chain, Value Chain Management, SRM, SCM, CRM, ERP etc. 3. Supplier Relationship Management, Procurement Management, and Sourcing. 4. Collaborative Product Development and Supply Collaboration. 5. Logistics and Transportation Management) 6. Service Quality and Customer Relationship Management 7. Green Supply Chain Management (RoHS, Recycling)
Textbooks/Reference Materials 1. Supply Chain Logistics Management by Bowersox, Closs, Cooper Mc Graw-Hill 2. B2B Application Integration (David S. Linthicum/Addison Wesley) Rel. 1.Design & Managing the Supply Chain (David Simchi-Levi/Mc Graw -Hill) 2.Class handouts
1. Class participation 2. Case study and Presentation 3. Midterm and Final 4. Group project (pending).
The main purpose of this course is to teach students understanding some ways and means for rising to the top of any organization. After taking this course, students will achieve the goals setup by the Department and College as follows: 1. data analytical ability 2. the use of information technology ability 3. basic training in discipline and pursuiting excellence 4. ability in knowledge and judgement of the use of information 5. basic training in humanities and professionism.
1. The rules for becoming chief executive officer (a total of 36 rules). 2. Nelson Mandela: His 8 Lessons of Leadership 3. About two to three rules each week will be discussed.
Po-Chih Lee, Leadership Building: Ways and Means for Rising to the Top of Any Organization . Other materials relevant to the course will be distributed in the class.
The grading method is as follows: 1. Attendance 20 % 2. Writing a report 80 % 3. Total 100 %
Students are expected to know what enterprise information and knowledge system (EIKS), why EIKS, and how EIKS, specializing on the management use. Knowledge about how to develop a research proposal for the management use of EIKS is also covered (e.g. IS/KS used in marketing or IS/KS used in creation)
- What EIKS (enterprise information and knowledge system (global information system)
- Why EIKS, and how EIKS with respect to its management, specializing on the management use
- Contents covered in this course include three major parts. The first part introduces the fundamental concept of EIKS, including what information and knowledge are about and EIKS life cycle. The second focuses on the issues of information & knowledge, system, management, organization, and technology with respect to global digital firms. The final part is to provide varied materials with respect to theories and current published articles in the domain of EIKS, and cases in the management of EIKS domain
1. Laudon, K.C. & Laudon, J.P. (2017) Management Information Systems, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. (for information management)
2. Elias M. Awad & Hassan M. Ghaziri (2004), Knowledge Management, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. (for knowledge management)
3. (for knowledge management)
- Presence, reading & discussion, and participation (20%)
- Midterm (20%)
- Report and presentation for selected theories, articles and cases (40%)
- Final report (20%)
- Evaluation from both instructor and peer-review is used to derive final grade.
This course aims to focus on global business level marketing strategy, specifically, an examination of the global marketing-related issues and solutions to problems arising from the need to market products or services in a competitive international business environments. Many cases will be discussed throughout the course to understand the difference aspects and topics related to marketing in international context.
Course introduction and housekeeping issues Overview and Global Economy Factors in Global Marketing Social and Political Factors in Global Marketing Cultural differences in Global Marketing Global Markets and Buyers and Global Marketing Research Developing a Global Mindset and Global Marketing Strategies Guest Speaker Talk (the date may be changed) Global Market Entry Strategies Developing Global Marketing Strategies:Global Product Strategies and New Product Developments (Product) Global Service Strategies Pricing Issues in Global Marketing (Price) Pricing Issues in Global Marketing (Price) Global Communications and Advertising Strategies (Promotion) Part I Global Communications and Advertising Strategies (Promotion) Part II Planning and Controlling Global Marketing Course wrap-up
1. Cateora, P. R., Graham, J. L., and Gilly, M. C. (2016), “International Marketing,” 17th edition, McGraw Hill
20% Mid-term case presentation 30% Final case presentation 30% In class case discussion and chapter presentation 20% Attendance and Participation
This course is designed to provide further understanding of the concepts of financial management, and to develop the usage of some tools to assist in the application of concepts. The primary focus will be on corporate investment, financing decisions, and multinational financial management. The course includes discussions of investment and financing decisions, valuation techniques, corporate control, corporate risk management policies, and multinational risk management. Through the lectures and discussions, students will develop skill in recognizing business problems in which financial theory is applicable and develop competencies in applying financial theory to corporate decision-making.
Course Outline:
Week |
Date |
Topic |
Required Reading |
1 |
02/25 -- 03/02 |
The Corporation and Financial Markets |
Chapter 1 |
2 |
03/03 -- 03/09 |
The Corporation and Financial Markets |
Chapter 1 |
3 |
03/10 -- 03/16 |
Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis |
Chapter 2 |
4 |
03/17 – 03/23 |
Introduction to Financial Statement Analysis (Quiz 1) |
Chapter 2 |
5 |
03/24 -- 03/30 |
Financial Decision Making and the Law of One Price |
Chapter 3 |
6 |
03/31 -- 04/06 |
The Time Value of Money |
Chapter 4 |
7 |
04/07 -- 04/13 |
The Time Value of Money |
Chapter 4 |
8 |
04/14 -- 04/20 |
Interest Rates (Quiz 2) |
Chapter 5 |
9 |
04/21 -- 04/27 |
Midterm Exam 09:10AM – 012:00PM, (04/21/2020) Tuesday |
10 |
04/28 -- 05/04 |
Valuing Bonds |
Chapter 6 |
11 |
05/05 -- 05/11 |
Valuing Bonds |
Chapter 6 |
12 |
05/12 -- 05/18 |
Valuing Stocks |
Chapter 9 |
13 |
05/19 -- 05/25 |
Investment Decision Rules |
Chapter 7 |
14 |
05/26 -- 06/01 |
Fundamentals of Capital Budgeting (Quiz 3) |
Chapter 8 |
15 |
06/02 -- 06/08 |
Capital Markets and the Pricing of Risk |
Chapter 10 |
16 |
06/09 -- 06/15 |
Optimal Portfolio Choice and the Capital Asset Pricing Model |
Chapter 11 |
17 |
06/16 -- 06/22 |
Estimating the Cost of Capital (Quiz 4) |
Chapter 12 |
18 |
06/23 -- 06/29 |
Final Exam 06/23/2020 |
** The above is tentative course schedule. Hopefully, we will get through all the listed topics.
Required Text Book:
Corporate Finance – The Core by Jonathan Berk and Perter DeMarzo, 2017 4rd Edition Global Edition, Pearson, ISBN-13: 9781292158334, ISBN-10: 1292158336雙葉代理
Corporate Finance by Jonathan Berk and Perter DeMarzo, 2020, 5th Edition Global Edition, Pearson, ISBN-13: 9781292304151, ISBN-10: 1292304154新陸代理
Course Information on Web:
Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Finance. If you are not familiar with the materials or you would like to refresh your memory in finance, the following books are recommended to read before you attend the class. If you are interested in the textbook in English, Fundamentals of Financial Management : Concise (4E, published by South-Western College) by Brigham and Houston or Essentials of Corporate Finance (4E, published by McGraw-Hill/Irwin) by Ross, Westerfield, and Jordan is recommended.
Supplemental Material: Financial Calculators are optional in this class. The procedures in using financial calculators will be demonstrated in class. If you are interested in purchasing one, Texas Instrument models BAII Plus, TI83, TI83 plus and HP model 10B are recommended. The user manuals of HP 10B, TI BAII Plus, TI83, and TI83 plus are available upon request. Electronic versions of those models are also available in my webpage. However, the computer skill of MS Excel is essential to the class. The technique of using MS Excel and financial calculator will be demonstrated in the class.
Course Evaluation Process:
Your final grade will be based upon your performance on two exams and a project. One is midterm exam, which will be given in the middle of the semester, and a comprehensive final exam will be given during the final exam week. All grading is done on a percentage basis.
Midterm Exam 30%
Final Exam 30%
Quizzes 25%
Assignments 5%
Attendance 10%
All grading is done on a percentage basis. However, each exam might be curved.
Exams and Quizzes:
Midterm and Final Exams
All exams are closed book exams. The material covered for the midterm exams will be announced in class. The final exam will cover all material covered in class after the midterm exam. The practice exam for each exam will be posted on my webpage before the exam. All examinations will include only material covered in class, and will be of the closed book type. Examinations will be composed of multiple choice, problems and essays. The particular format will be indicated prior to the exam. There is no make-up exam. If an emergency or illness should force you to miss an examination, contact me before the exam to make alternative arrangements. If we do not discuss the situation before the exam date, no make-up will be given.
Exam notes:
Given that a financial calculator is mandatory, there is no sharing of calculators. Any sharing of calculators during the exam will be considered cheating.
In order to motivate the students, there will be four quizzes in class. The quizzes will be noticed in advance in class. Each quiz is worth 100 points. Quizzes will be held around 30 minutes during the class. The average point of the quiz is the average points of highest (n-1) quizzes. In other words, you can miss one of the quizzes. However, if all quizzes are taken without zero points, 10 extra points are added to your average point of the quizzes. The final points of the quizzes are 25% of the semester final grade.
To assist the students having better understanding the lecture materials, the instructor will assign 1 to 2 questions and problems at the end of each chapter. The due date for submitting the assignment is the class meeting time of the following week. No grade for the late submission.
Attendance Policy: Students are encouraged to attend the class. Students are fully responsible to being in the class. Students are fully responsible for the materials that had been taught in the class.
Academic Dishonesty: No cheating is allowed during the exam. Copying projects is also considered for cheating.
Important dates
Midterm Exam 09:10AM – 12:00PM, 04/21/2020, Tuesday Week 9
Final Exam: 09:10AM – 12:00PM, 06/23/2020, Tuesday Week 18
Quiz 1 09:10AM – 12:00PM, 03/17/2020, Tuesday Week 4
Quiz 2 09:10AM – 12:00PM, 04/14/2020, Tuesday Week 8
Quiz 3 09:10AM – 12:00PM, 05/26/2020, Tuesday Week 14
Quiz 4 09:10AM – 12:00PM, 06/16/2020, Tuesday Week 17
Important note: There is no makeup exams. If you miss an exam for an excused reason, you must contact me before the exam in order to be excused. There are no exceptions to this rule. I will determine excusable absences.
The course is to help students develop an understanding of statistical thinking so students can apply basic statistical techniques in economics and business. Students will learn probability theory and basic statistical inferences.
Data and Statistics Descriptive Statistics: Graphical Presentation Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Measures Introduction of Probability Discrete Probability Distributions Continuous Probability Distributions Sampling Distribution Interval Estimation
Anderson, Sweeney and Williams, 2011. Statistics for Business and Economics, 11th edition.
Grades: Your grade consists of the following components: Midterm 30% Final 30% Homework 40%
Deepening students' learning experience by taking students through various academic related seminar and workshops. In particular, related dicusssion will focus on the theory, development and experience related to social enterprise,social business and soical entreprenurship.
Introduction Seminar 1 Seminar 2 Seminar 3 Seminar 4 Seminar 5
Attendence 20% Disucssion 20% Presentation 60%