搜尋結果: 220
讓授課學生能充分了解色層分析的專業知識與其應用於天然物萃取純化之實務,授課內容主要包含各式色層分析方法之基本概念與專業知識講解,與其實際應用和實作的講解,並針對講義內列舉、國際期刊(SCI)或個人實驗上所獲得天然物做詳盡地解說與實作演練,啟發授課學生對色層分析學的興趣和熱忱,進而培育出具有色層分析能力的人才。 視訊通話連結:https://meet.google.com/hmo-ybhv-tsf
Chapter 1. Introduction and General Considerations for Chromatography、Chapter 2. Introduction and Concepts for the Equipment Used、Chapter 3. Introduction and General Percepts for Basic Operation、Chapter 4. The Output: The Chromatogram、Chapter 5. Introduction to Different Types of Chromatography (Gas Chromatography、Liquid Chromatography、Thin-layer Chromatography、Paper Chromatography、Ion Exchange Chromatography、Affinity Chromatography)、Chapter 6. Another Overview of Types of Chromatography (Adsorption Chromatography、Molecular Exclusion Chromatography、Partition Chromatography)、Chapter 7. Introduction and General Conceptions for MPLC and HPLC、Chapter 8. Chromatographic Experiments on Natural Products Isolation、Chapter 9. Final Oral Report 視訊通話連結:https://meet.google.com/hmo-ybhv-tsf
1) “Chromatography and Its Applications” edited by Dhanarasu, S., ISBN 978-953-51-0357-8, 2012. 2) “Preparative Chromatography Techniques: Applications in Natural Product Isolation” edited by Hostettmann, K., Marston, A., and Hostettmann, M., 1998.
讓授課學生能充分了解色層分析的專業知識與其應用於天然物萃取純化之實務,授課內容主要包含各式色層分析方法之基本概念與專業知識講解,與其實際應用和實作的講解,並針對講義內列舉、國際期刊(SCI)或個人實驗上所獲得天然物做詳盡地解說與實作演練,啟發授課學生對色層分析學的興趣和熱忱,進而培育出具有色層分析能力的人才。 視訊通話連結:https://meet.google.com/hmo-ybhv-tsf
Chapter 1. Introduction and General Considerations for Chromatography、Chapter 2. Introduction and Concepts for the Equipment Used、Chapter 3. Introduction and General Percepts for Basic Operation、Chapter 4. The Output: The Chromatogram、Chapter 5. Introduction to Different Types of Chromatography (Gas Chromatography、Liquid Chromatography、Thin-layer Chromatography、Paper Chromatography、Ion Exchange Chromatography、Affinity Chromatography)、Chapter 6. Another Overview of Types of Chromatography (Adsorption Chromatography、Molecular Exclusion Chromatography、Partition Chromatography)、Chapter 7. Introduction and General Conceptions for MPLC and HPLC、Chapter 8. Chromatographic Experiments on Natural Products Isolation、Chapter 9. Final Oral Report 視訊通話連結:https://meet.google.com/hmo-ybhv-tsf
1) “Chromatography and Its Applications” edited by Dhanarasu, S., ISBN 978-953-51-0357-8, 2012. 2) “Preparative Chromatography Techniques: Applications in Natural Product Isolation” edited by Hostettmann, K., Marston, A., and Hostettmann, M., 1998.
This course will explore the global marketplace providing insight into current and evolving issues in international business and global management confronting the 21st century manager. The project management has been well developed during the past two decades. Right now in the United States most big coeporations have demanded that for those managers wanted to be promoted to mid-level and senior executives should possess certificates of project management. The main purpose of this course is to teach undergrade and graduate students understanding theory and applications of project management. Specific methods such as net present value, internal rate of return, payback period, life cycle costing, cost-benefit analysis, and regression analysis will be presented in details.
-Global marketing environment
-Geography / History
-Cultural factors in global marketing
-Business customs
-Political environment
-Legal Systems
-Marketing research
-Emerging markets
-Regional market groups
-Strategic marketing
-Collaborative relationships
-Developing consumer products (Product I)
-Industrial products (Product II)
-International Distribution Channels (Place)
-Exporting and logistics
-Global Advertising (Promotion)
-Training for international marketing
-Pricing issues in international marketing (Price)
The topics of project management: 1.Simple and compound interest 2. Discounting methods 3. Estimates of project costs 4. Project feasibility study 5. Risk analysis 6. Food industry project 7. Automobile industry project 8. Home heating system 9. Electric power projects 10. Transportation projects
Cateora, P. R., and Graham, J. L. (2016). International Marketing (16th Ed.). Boston: McGraw Hill.
Main textbook: Po-Chih Lee, Project Evaluation: Methods and Ap[plications. Li-Wen Publishing Company, 2010 References: International Project Management Body of Knowledge, Taiwan Project Management Assoiciation, 2005.
1. Attendance 80 % 2. Report 20 % 3. Total 100 %
This course will explore the global marketplace providing insight into current and evolving issues in international business and global management confronting the 21st century manager. The project management has been well developed during the past two decades. Right now in the United States most big coeporations have demanded that for those managers wanted to be promoted to mid-level and senior executives should possess certificates of project management. The main purpose of this course is to teach undergrade and graduate students understanding theory and applications of project management. Specific methods such as net present value, internal rate of return, payback period, life cycle costing, cost-benefit analysis, and regression analysis will be presented in details.
-Global marketing environment
-Geography / History
-Cultural factors in global marketing
-Business customs
-Political environment
-Legal Systems
-Marketing research
-Emerging markets
-Regional market groups
-Strategic marketing
-Collaborative relationships
-Developing consumer products (Product I)
-Industrial products (Product II)
-International Distribution Channels (Place)
-Exporting and logistics
-Global Advertising (Promotion)
-Training for international marketing
-Pricing issues in international marketing (Price)
The topics of project management: 1.Simple and compound interest 2. Discounting methods 3. Estimates of project costs 4. Project feasibility study 5. Risk analysis 6. Food industry project 7. Automobile industry project 8. Home heating system 9. Electric power projects 10. Transportation projects
Cateora, P. R., and Graham, J. L. (2016). International Marketing (16th Ed.). Boston: McGraw Hill.
Main textbook: Po-Chih Lee, Project Evaluation: Methods and Ap[plications. Li-Wen Publishing Company, 2010 References: International Project Management Body of Knowledge, Taiwan Project Management Assoiciation, 2005.
1. Attendance 80 % 2. Report 20 % 3. Total 100 %
This course aims to help students develop their proficiency in English. The instructor will introduce daily and academic English to students. Students are required to make efforts to learn English. They are also required to speak English when having group discussion and answering questions in class.
Google Meet link (code): https://meet.google.com/jaz-rurh-cow
W1 22/09 Course overview; every student briefly introduces himself/herself to the class.
W2 29/09 “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” by Steve Jobs and “The Power of Believing that You Can Improve” by Carol Dweck
W3 06/10 Freshman English Proficiency Test (13:00~15:00)
W4 13/10 “Are You a Procrastinator?”
W5 20/10 “Are You a Procrastinator?” continued
W6 27/10 “Study Stress”
W7 03/11 Quiz 1, CNN Interactive English Magazine; “Study Stress” continued
W8 10/11 “Grit is the Key Factor to Success” by Angela Lee Duckworth and “Why Do We Sleep?” by Russell Foster
W9 17/11 Mid-term examination, including questions on “Mr. Know-All” by W. S. Maugham
W10 24/11 Examination results announced; “Celebrate Your Struggles” by Deidre Combs and “What Makes a Good Life? Lessons from the Longest Study on Happiness” by Robert Waldinger
W11 01/12 “Managing Stress”
W12 08/12 “Managing Stress” continued
W13 15/12 “How to Make Stress Your Friend” by Kelly McGonigal and “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are” by Amy Cuddy
W14 22/12 Quiz 2, CNN Interactive English Magazine; “The Story Teller” by Saki
W15 29/12 “The Story Teller” continued
W16 05/01/2022 “The Story Teller” continued
W17 12/01 Course review
W18 19/01 Final examination, including questions on Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
I. Textbook
Latham-Koenig, Christina, and Clive Oxenden. American English File 5. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2014.
II. Essays and short stories
"Are You a Procrastinator?"
“Managing Stress.”
Saki (H. H. Munro). "The Story-Teller."
“Study Stress.”
III. TED talks and other speeches
Combs, Deidre. “Celebrate Your Struggles.”
Duckworth, Angela Lee. "Grit is the Key Factor to Success."
Dweck, Carol. "The Power of Believing that You Can Improve."
Foster, Russell. "Why Do We Sleep?"
Jobs, Steve. “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” (Jobs’s Stanford Commencement Address delivered on 12 June 2005).
McGonigal, Kelly. “How to Make Stress Your Friend.”
Waldinger, Robert. “What Makes a Good Life? Lessons from the Longest Study on Happiness.”
IV. Other Reading Materials
(1) Short Stories
Maugham, William Somerset. "Mr. Know-All."
(2) Novels
Austen, Jane. Sense and Sensibility. Oxford Bookworms Library New Edition.
(3) CNN Interactive English Magazine
CNN Interactive English Magazine. No. 241. October, 2020.
V. Useful Websites and Recommended Books
Burnett, Bill, and Dave J. Evans. Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life (做自己的生命設計師). Trans. Tien-ning Hsu. Hsinchuang: Locus, 2016.
TED: Ideas worth Spreading..
VoiceTube blog
Class participation and attendance 10% (Please notice whoever skipping the class for more than three times during the semester will lose this 10% of the whole score).
English Proficiency Test 10%
Quizzes 20%
Mid-term examination 30%
Final examination 30%
This course aims to help students develop their proficiency in English. The instructor will introduce daily and academic English to students. Students are required to make efforts to learn English. They are also required to speak English when having group discussion and answering questions in class.
Google Meet link (code): https://meet.google.com/jaz-rurh-cow
W1 22/09 Course overview; every student briefly introduces himself/herself to the class.
W2 29/09 “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” by Steve Jobs and “The Power of Believing that You Can Improve” by Carol Dweck
W3 06/10 Freshman English Proficiency Test (13:00~15:00)
W4 13/10 “Are You a Procrastinator?”
W5 20/10 “Are You a Procrastinator?” continued
W6 27/10 “Study Stress”
W7 03/11 Quiz 1, CNN Interactive English Magazine; “Study Stress” continued
W8 10/11 “Grit is the Key Factor to Success” by Angela Lee Duckworth and “Why Do We Sleep?” by Russell Foster
W9 17/11 Mid-term examination, including questions on “Mr. Know-All” by W. S. Maugham
W10 24/11 Examination results announced; “Celebrate Your Struggles” by Deidre Combs and “What Makes a Good Life? Lessons from the Longest Study on Happiness” by Robert Waldinger
W11 01/12 “Managing Stress”
W12 08/12 “Managing Stress” continued
W13 15/12 “How to Make Stress Your Friend” by Kelly McGonigal and “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are” by Amy Cuddy
W14 22/12 Quiz 2, CNN Interactive English Magazine; “The Story Teller” by Saki
W15 29/12 “The Story Teller” continued
W16 05/01/2022 “The Story Teller” continued
W17 12/01 Course review
W18 19/01 Final examination, including questions on Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
I. Textbook
Latham-Koenig, Christina, and Clive Oxenden. American English File 5. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2014.
II. Essays and short stories
"Are You a Procrastinator?"
“Managing Stress.”
Saki (H. H. Munro). "The Story-Teller."
“Study Stress.”
III. TED talks and other speeches
Combs, Deidre. “Celebrate Your Struggles.”
Duckworth, Angela Lee. "Grit is the Key Factor to Success."
Dweck, Carol. "The Power of Believing that You Can Improve."
Foster, Russell. "Why Do We Sleep?"
Jobs, Steve. “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” (Jobs’s Stanford Commencement Address delivered on 12 June 2005).
McGonigal, Kelly. “How to Make Stress Your Friend.”
Waldinger, Robert. “What Makes a Good Life? Lessons from the Longest Study on Happiness.”
IV. Other Reading Materials
(1) Short Stories
Maugham, William Somerset. "Mr. Know-All."
(2) Novels
Austen, Jane. Sense and Sensibility. Oxford Bookworms Library New Edition.
(3) CNN Interactive English Magazine
CNN Interactive English Magazine. No. 241. October, 2020.
V. Useful Websites and Recommended Books
Burnett, Bill, and Dave J. Evans. Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life (做自己的生命設計師). Trans. Tien-ning Hsu. Hsinchuang: Locus, 2016.
TED: Ideas worth Spreading.
VoiceTube blog
Class participation and attendance 10% (Please notice whoever skipping the class for more than three times during the semester will lose this 10% of the whole score).
English Proficiency Test 10%
Quizzes 20%
Mid-term examination 30%
Final examination 30%
This course will introduce a wide range of organizational behavior and leadership theories advanced by scholars over the past few decades. One course objective is for each student to develop a working knowledge of the terminology and theories used in academic research on organizational behavior and leadership. Another objective is for each student to develop his or her ability to critically evaluate and integrate organizational behavior and leadership theories. A third objective is for students to use academic models of organizational behavior and leadership to critically analyze contemporary, popular models of organizational behavior and leadership. The final course objective is to enable each student to apply the theory of organizational behavior and leadership to case studies and real world situations.
前三週課程將使用Google Meet,課程連結如下: https://meet.google.com/phs-smex-yyr
Course Schedule:
Part I: Organizational Behavior
Attitudes and Job Satisfaction
Personality and Values
Emotions and Moods
Motivation Concepts
Understanding Work Teams
Power and Politics
Organization Culture
Organizational Change and Stress Management
Conflict and Negotiation
Part II: Leadership
Universal theories of leadership: trait-based leadership theories
Universal theories of leadership: behavior-based leadership theories
Participative leadership, delegation, and empowerment
Dyadic role-making theories and followership
Contingency theories of effective leadership
Neo-universal leadership theories: Charismatic leadership and transformational leadership
Leading change in organizations
Ethical leadership
Leadership in teams and decision groups
Required Texts:
Northouse, P. G. (2018). Leadership: Theory and Practice (8th Ed.). CA: Sage.
Yukl, G. (2020). Leadership in organizations (9th ed.). NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2018). Organizational Behavior (18th ed.). NJ: Pearson Publication.
Additional readings will also be distributed from time to time.
Participation & Article Reviews - 70%
Analysis of Famous Leaders – 30%
This course will introduce a wide range of organizational behavior and leadership theories advanced by scholars over the past few decades. One course objective is for each student to develop a working knowledge of the terminology and theories used in academic research on organizational behavior and leadership. Another objective is for each student to develop his or her ability to critically evaluate and integrate organizational behavior and leadership theories. A third objective is for students to use academic models of organizational behavior and leadership to critically analyze contemporary, popular models of organizational behavior and leadership. The final course objective is to enable each student to apply the theory of organizational behavior and leadership to case studies and real world situations.
前三週課程將使用Google Meet,課程連結如下: https://meet.google.com/phs-smex-yyr
Course Schedule:
Part I: Organizational Behavior
Attitudes and Job Satisfaction
Personality and Values
Emotions and Moods
Motivation Concepts
Understanding Work Teams
Power and Politics
Organization Culture
Organizational Change and Stress Management
Conflict and Negotiation
Part II: Leadership
Universal theories of leadership: trait-based leadership theories
Universal theories of leadership: behavior-based leadership theories
Participative leadership, delegation, and empowerment
Dyadic role-making theories and followership
Contingency theories of effective leadership
Neo-universal leadership theories: Charismatic leadership and transformational leadership
Leading change in organizations
Ethical leadership
Leadership in teams and decision groups
Required Texts:
Northouse, P. G. (2018). Leadership: Theory and Practice (8th Ed.). CA: Sage.
Yukl, G. (2020). Leadership in organizations (9th ed.). NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2018). Organizational Behavior (18th ed.). NJ: Pearson Publication.
Additional readings will also be distributed from time to time.
Participation & Article Reviews - 70%
Analysis of Famous Leaders – 30%
110-<span class="highlight">2</span>_電磁學(二)
The static magnetic fields will be the first part of this semester to complete the discussion of the static fields. Then the course will focus on the time-varying fields beginning with Maxwell’s equations. Students will understand how plane electromagnetic waves propagate in media after this course. 週四電磁線上課程連結如下: 因 Meet 不再支援視訊會議的錄製,所以改用 Teams。 請大家務必以校內 o365 帳號登入!!(是英文字母 'o' 唷!) 學生o365帳號: 個人學號@o365.nuk.edu.tw ex: m1095108@o365.nuk.edu.tw (以碩士班帳號為例) PS1:課程團隊代碼:taewifu,同學利用代碼加入時,將不會收到加入要求的顯示。 PS2:因仍有不少同學未加入,請班代與大家相互轉知或是幫忙將同學加入群組,感謝大家的配合。 我們線上見囉~ https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a10aWg8fYG4xbuz-EvQhFqc2zfuAVTQBGzbMtAp-id8E1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=08a26b3e-af97-4d22-ae42-ba8196d838c3&tenantId=5a484953-77ef-42ec-90cf-2f4e1037ffc7
1.Static magnetic fields
-Magnetostatics in free space
-The Biot-Savart Law
-Magnetic dipole
-Magnetic field intensity
-Magnetic materials
-Boundary conditions
-Inductances and inductors
-Magnetic energy
-Magnetic forces and torques
2.Time-varying fields and Maxwell’s equations
-Faraday’s law
-Maxwell’s equations
-Potential functions
-Time-harmonic fields
3.Plane electromagnetic waves
-Plane waves in lossless media
-Plane waves in lossy media
-Group velocity
-Flow of electromagnetic power and the Poynting vector
-Normal incidence of plane waves
-Oblique incidence of plane waves
Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics, by David K. Cheng, Addison-Wesley, 1993, ISBN: 0-201-60071-4
Quizzes/attendance: 30%
Midterm: 35%
Final exam: 35%
The static magnetic fields will be the first part of this semester to complete the discussion of the static fields. Then the course will focus on the time-varying fields beginning with Maxwell’s equations. Students will understand how plane electromagnetic waves propagate in media after this course. 週四電磁線上課程連結如下: 因 Meet 不再支援視訊會議的錄製,所以改用 Teams。 請大家務必以校內 o365 帳號登入!!(是英文字母 'o' 唷!) 學生o365帳號: 個人學號@o365.nuk.edu.tw ex: m1095108@o365.nuk.edu.tw (以碩士班帳號為例) PS1:課程團隊代碼:taewifu,同學利用代碼加入時,將不會收到加入要求的顯示。 PS2:因仍有不少同學未加入,請班代與大家相互轉知或是幫忙將同學加入群組,感謝大家的配合。 我們線上見囉~ https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a10aWg8fYG4xbuz-EvQhFqc2zfuAVTQBGzbMtAp-id8E1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=08a26b3e-af97-4d22-ae42-ba8196d838c3&tenantId=5a484953-77ef-42ec-90cf-2f4e1037ffc7
1.Static magnetic fields
-Magnetostatics in free space
-The Biot-Savart Law
-Magnetic dipole
-Magnetic field intensity
-Magnetic materials
-Boundary conditions
-Inductances and inductors
-Magnetic energy
-Magnetic forces and torques
2.Time-varying fields and Maxwell’s equations
-Faraday’s law
-Maxwell’s equations
-Potential functions
-Time-harmonic fields
3.Plane electromagnetic waves
-Plane waves in lossless media
-Plane waves in lossy media
-Group velocity
-Flow of electromagnetic power and the Poynting vector
-Normal incidence of plane waves
-Oblique incidence of plane waves
Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics, by David K. Cheng, Addison-Wesley, 1993, ISBN: 0-201-60071-4
Quizzes/attendance: 30%
Midterm: 35%
Final exam: 35%
110-<span class="highlight">2</span>_電路學(二)
The main goal of this course will give the student the baics electric circuits analysis skill
8.NATURAL AND STEP RESPONSES OF RLC CIRCUITS{8.1 Introduction to the Natural Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit 8.2 The Forms of the Natural Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit 8.3 The Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit 8.4 The Natural and Step Response of a Series RLC Circuit 8.5 A Circuit with Two Integrating Amplifiers } 9.SINUSOIDAL STEADY –STATE ANALYSIS{The Sinusoidal Source 9.2 The Sinusoidal Response 9.3 The Phasor 9.4 The Passive Circuit Elements in the Frequency Domain 9.5 Kirchhoff’s Laws in the Frequency Domain 9.6 Series, Parallel, and Delta-to-Wye Simplifications 9.7 Source Transformations and Th233;vein- Norton Equivalent Circuits The Node-Voltage Method 9.9 The Mesh-Current Method 9.10 The Transformer 9.11 The Ideal Transformer 9.12 Phasor Diagrams } 10.SINUSOIDAL STEADY – STATE POWER CALCULATIONS{Instantaneous Power 10.2 Average and Reactive Power 10.3 The rms Value and Power Calculations 10.4 Complex Power 10.5 Power Calculations 10.6 Maximum Power Transfer } 11.BALANCED THREE–PHASE CIRCUITS{Balanced Three-Phase Voltages 11.2 Three-Phase Voltage Sources 11.3 Analysis of the Wye-Wye Circuit 11.4 Analysis of the Wye-Delta Circuit 11.5 Power Calculations in Balanced Three- Phase Circuits 11.6 Measuring Average Power in Three- Phase Circuits} 12INTRODUCTION TO THE LAPLACE TRANSFORM{Definition of the Laplace Transform 12.2 The Step Function 12.3 The Impulse Function 12.4 Functional Transforms 12.5 Operational Transforms 12.6 Applying the Laplace Transform 12.7 Inverse Transforms 12.8 Poles and Zeros of F(s) 12.9 Initial- and Final-Value Theorems} 13. THE LAPLACE TRANSFORM IN CIRCUIT ANALYSIS{13.1 Circuit Elements in the s Domain 13.2 Circuit Analysis in the s Domain 13.3 Applications 13.4 The Transfer Function 13.5 The Transfer Function in Partial Fraction Expansions The Transfer Function and the Convolution Integral 13.7 The Transfer Function and the Steady- State Sinusoidal Response 13.8 The Impulse Function in Circuit Analysis } 14. INTRODUCTION TO FREQUENCY SELECTIVE CIRCUITS{Some Preliminaries 14.2 Low-Pass Filters 14.3 High-Pass Filters 14.4 Bandpass Filters 14.5 Bandreject Filters } 15. ACTIVE FILTER CIRCUITS{First-Order Low-Pass and High-Pass Filters 15.2 Scaling 15.3 Op Amp Bandpass and Bandreject Filters 15.4 High Order Op Amp Filters 15.5 Narrowband Bandpass and Bandreject Filters}
Mintern: 40% Final: 40% Homework: 20%
The main goal of this course will give the student the baics electric circuits analysis skill
8.NATURAL AND STEP RESPONSES OF RLC CIRCUITS{8.1 Introduction to the Natural Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit 8.2 The Forms of the Natural Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit 8.3 The Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit 8.4 The Natural and Step Response of a Series RLC Circuit 8.5 A Circuit with Two Integrating Amplifiers } 9.SINUSOIDAL STEADY –STATE ANALYSIS{The Sinusoidal Source 9.2 The Sinusoidal Response 9.3 The Phasor 9.4 The Passive Circuit Elements in the Frequency Domain 9.5 Kirchhoff’s Laws in the Frequency Domain 9.6 Series, Parallel, and Delta-to-Wye Simplifications 9.7 Source Transformations and Th233;vein- Norton Equivalent Circuits The Node-Voltage Method 9.9 The Mesh-Current Method 9.10 The Transformer 9.11 The Ideal Transformer 9.12 Phasor Diagrams } 10.SINUSOIDAL STEADY – STATE POWER CALCULATIONS{Instantaneous Power 10.2 Average and Reactive Power 10.3 The rms Value and Power Calculations 10.4 Complex Power 10.5 Power Calculations 10.6 Maximum Power Transfer } 11.BALANCED THREE–PHASE CIRCUITS{Balanced Three-Phase Voltages 11.2 Three-Phase Voltage Sources 11.3 Analysis of the Wye-Wye Circuit 11.4 Analysis of the Wye-Delta Circuit 11.5 Power Calculations in Balanced Three- Phase Circuits 11.6 Measuring Average Power in Three- Phase Circuits} 12INTRODUCTION TO THE LAPLACE TRANSFORM{Definition of the Laplace Transform 12.2 The Step Function 12.3 The Impulse Function 12.4 Functional Transforms 12.5 Operational Transforms 12.6 Applying the Laplace Transform 12.7 Inverse Transforms 12.8 Poles and Zeros of F(s) 12.9 Initial- and Final-Value Theorems} 13. THE LAPLACE TRANSFORM IN CIRCUIT ANALYSIS{13.1 Circuit Elements in the s Domain 13.2 Circuit Analysis in the s Domain 13.3 Applications 13.4 The Transfer Function 13.5 The Transfer Function in Partial Fraction Expansions The Transfer Function and the Convolution Integral 13.7 The Transfer Function and the Steady- State Sinusoidal Response 13.8 The Impulse Function in Circuit Analysis } 14. INTRODUCTION TO FREQUENCY SELECTIVE CIRCUITS{Some Preliminaries 14.2 Low-Pass Filters 14.3 High-Pass Filters 14.4 Bandpass Filters 14.5 Bandreject Filters } 15. ACTIVE FILTER CIRCUITS{First-Order Low-Pass and High-Pass Filters 15.2 Scaling 15.3 Op Amp Bandpass and Bandreject Filters 15.4 High Order Op Amp Filters 15.5 Narrowband Bandpass and Bandreject Filters}
Mintern: 40% Final: 40% Homework: 20%
110-<span class="highlight">2</span>_高等微積分(二)
1. 若因疫情關係無法實體上課將採遠距教學方式進行,,本課程部份訊息會在Microsoft Teams上公布,請同學務必加入,使用方法如下:
請到下列網址:https://www.office.com/ 後登入,
學生帳號:學號@o365.nuk.edu.tw ,例如:a10XXXXX@o365.nuk.edu.tw
預設密碼:Nuk西元生日八碼 例如:Nuk199XXXXX(注意N是大寫),此外登入後需設定新的密碼,之後就能以學生帳戶進入Microsoft Teams
2. 於Microsoft Teams中左側標籤【團隊】進入後,再於右上的【加入或建立團隊】點選後在【使用代碼加入團隊】輸入團隊代碼: 8igw0g8
5 Integrability on R (Week 1-3)
The Riemann integral; Riemann sums; The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; Improper Riemann integration
6 Infinite Series of Real Numbers (Week 4-6)
Series with nonnegative terms; Absolute convergence; Alternating series
7 Infinite Series of Functions (Week 7-10)
Uniform convergence of sequences; Uniform convergence of series; Power series; Analytic functions
8 Euclidean Spaces (Week 11-14)
Algebraic structure; Planes and linear transformations; Topology of R^n; Interior; closure; boundary
9 Convergence in R^n (Week 15-18)
Limits of sequences; Heine-Borel Theorem; Limits of functions; Continuous functions
教科書: W. R. Wade, Introduction to Analysis, 4th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1-292-03932-9
參考書: 1. J. E. Marsden and M. J. Hoffman, Elementary Classical Analysis.
2. T. Apostal, Mathematical Analysis.
3. W. Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis.
期中考 (30%)、期末考 (30%)、作業 (30%)、出席(10%) 備註:若因疫情關係無法實體考試,上述配分將滾動式調整。
1. 若因疫情關係無法實體上課將採遠距教學方式進行,,本課程部份訊息會在Microsoft Teams上公布,請同學務必加入,使用方法如下:
請到下列網址:https://www.office.com/ 後登入,
學生帳號:學號@o365.nuk.edu.tw ,例如:a10XXXXX@o365.nuk.edu.tw
預設密碼:Nuk西元生日八碼 例如:Nuk199XXXXX(注意N是大寫),此外登入後需設定新的密碼,之後就能以學生帳戶進入Microsoft Teams
2. 於Microsoft Teams中左側標籤【團隊】進入後,再於右上的【加入或建立團隊】點選後在【使用代碼加入團隊】輸入團隊代碼: 8igw0g8
5 Integrability on R (Week 1-3)
The Riemann integral; Riemann sums; The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; Improper Riemann integration
6 Infinite Series of Real Numbers (Week 4-6)
Series with nonnegative terms; Absolute convergence; Alternating series
7 Infinite Series of Functions (Week 7-10)
Uniform convergence of sequences; Uniform convergence of series; Power series; Analytic functions
8 Euclidean Spaces (Week 11-14)
Algebraic structure; Planes and linear transformations; Topology of R^n; Interior; closure; boundary
9 Convergence in R^n (Week 15-18)
Limits of sequences; Heine-Borel Theorem; Limits of functions; Continuous functions
教科書: W. R. Wade, Introduction to Analysis, 4th Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1-292-03932-9
參考書: 1. J. E. Marsden and M. J. Hoffman, Elementary Classical Analysis.
2. T. Apostal, Mathematical Analysis.
3. W. Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis.
期中考 (30%)、期末考 (30%)、作業 (30%)、出席(10%) 備註:若因疫情關係無法實體考試,上述配分將滾動式調整。
110-<span class="highlight">2</span>_國際經貿情勢分析
The purpose of this course is to cultivate students with 1.the ability to find , analyze and resolve the interesting topics on international economics 2.the ability of communication and presentation 3.the initiative to learn and the motivation to innovate 線上會議連結: https://meet.google.com/rrs-vedb-mwb
Every week discusses one or more papers on international economics 1 Basak, D. (2017), Cournot vs. Bertrand under Centralised Bargaining. Economics Letters 154, 124–127. 2 Basak, D. A Mukherjee, (2016), Social Efficiency of Entry in a Vertically Related Industry. Economics letters 139, 8-10. 3 Beladi,H. A. Mukherjee, (2017), Union Bargaining Power, Subcontracting and Innovation. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 137, 90-104. 4 Bernheim, B.D. M.D .Whinston, (1986), Menu Auctions, Resource Allocation, and Economic Influence, The Quarterly Journal of Economics101(1), 1-32 5 Biancini, S. D. Ettinger, (2017), Vertical Integration and Downstream Collusion, International Journal of Industrial Organization 53, 99–113. 6 Cao, J. A. Mukherjee, (2017), Market Power of the Input Supplier, Technology Transfer and Consumer Welfare, The Manchester School 84(4), 430-449. 7 Chen, Z., H. Ding, Z. Liu, Z. (2016), Downstream Competition and the Effects of Buyer Power, Review of Industrial Organization 49(1), 1-23. 8 Fanti, L., (2016), Interlocking Cross-Ownership in a Unionised Duopoly: When Social Welfare Benefits from “More Collusion”. Journal of Economics 119(1), 47-63. 9 Federico, G., Langus, G., & Valletti, T. (2017). A simple model of mergers and innovation. Economics Letters, 157, 136-140. 10 Gong, Q., Q. Liu, Y. Zhang (2016), Optimal Product Differentiation in a Circular Model. Journal of Economics 119(3), 219-252. 11 Haraguchi, J. T. Matsumura, (2017), Optimal Privatization Policy with Asymmetry among Private Firms. MPRA Paper No. 77523. 12 Haraguchi, J. T. Matsumura, (2017), Firms' Costs, Profits, Entries, and Innovation under Optimal Privatization Policy. MPRA Paper No. 80927. 13 Harrington Jr, J.E. (2017), The Deterrence of Collusion by a Structural Remedy. Economics Letters 160, 78–81. 14 Herweg,F. D. M252;ller , (2012), Price Discrimination in Input Markets: Downstream Entry and Efficiency. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 21(3), 773-799. 15 Heywood, J.S. G. Ye, (2009), Delegation in a Mixed Oligopoly: The Case of Multiple Private Firms. Managerial and Decision Economics, 30( 2) 71-82 16 Jansen, T. A van Lier, A van Witteloostuijn, (2017), A Note on Strategic Delegation: The Market Share Case. International Journal of Industrial Organization 53, 99–113. 17 Jaunaux, L., Y. Lefouili, W. Sand-Zantman, (2017), Entry and Merger Policy. Economics Letters 161, 124-129. 18 Kopel, M. C. L246;ffler, T Pfeiffer, (2017), Complementary Monopolies and Multi-Product Firms. Economics Letters 157, 28–30.
One or two papers on international trade and economics per week.
class participation 40% oral presentation 60%
The purpose of this course is to cultivate students with 1.the ability to find , analyze and resolve the interesting topics on international economics 2.the ability of communication and presentation 3.the initiative to learn and the motivation to innovate 線上會議連結: https://meet.google.com/rrs-vedb-mwb
Every week discusses one or more papers on international economics 1 Basak, D. (2017), Cournot vs. Bertrand under Centralised Bargaining. Economics Letters 154, 124–127. 2 Basak, D. A Mukherjee, (2016), Social Efficiency of Entry in a Vertically Related Industry. Economics letters 139, 8-10. 3 Beladi,H. A. Mukherjee, (2017), Union Bargaining Power, Subcontracting and Innovation. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 137, 90-104. 4 Bernheim, B.D. M.D .Whinston, (1986), Menu Auctions, Resource Allocation, and Economic Influence, The Quarterly Journal of Economics101(1), 1-32 5 Biancini, S. D. Ettinger, (2017), Vertical Integration and Downstream Collusion, International Journal of Industrial Organization 53, 99–113. 6 Cao, J. A. Mukherjee, (2017), Market Power of the Input Supplier, Technology Transfer and Consumer Welfare, The Manchester School 84(4), 430-449. 7 Chen, Z., H. Ding, Z. Liu, Z. (2016), Downstream Competition and the Effects of Buyer Power, Review of Industrial Organization 49(1), 1-23. 8 Fanti, L., (2016), Interlocking Cross-Ownership in a Unionised Duopoly: When Social Welfare Benefits from “More Collusion”. Journal of Economics 119(1), 47-63. 9 Federico, G., Langus, G., & Valletti, T. (2017). A simple model of mergers and innovation. Economics Letters, 157, 136-140. 10 Gong, Q., Q. Liu, Y. Zhang (2016), Optimal Product Differentiation in a Circular Model. Journal of Economics 119(3), 219-252. 11 Haraguchi, J. T. Matsumura, (2017), Optimal Privatization Policy with Asymmetry among Private Firms. MPRA Paper No. 77523. 12 Haraguchi, J. T. Matsumura, (2017), Firms' Costs, Profits, Entries, and Innovation under Optimal Privatization Policy. MPRA Paper No. 80927. 13 Harrington Jr, J.E. (2017), The Deterrence of Collusion by a Structural Remedy. Economics Letters 160, 78–81. 14 Herweg,F. D. M252;ller , (2012), Price Discrimination in Input Markets: Downstream Entry and Efficiency. Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 21(3), 773-799. 15 Heywood, J.S. G. Ye, (2009), Delegation in a Mixed Oligopoly: The Case of Multiple Private Firms. Managerial and Decision Economics, 30( 2) 71-82 16 Jansen, T. A van Lier, A van Witteloostuijn, (2017), A Note on Strategic Delegation: The Market Share Case. International Journal of Industrial Organization 53, 99–113. 17 Jaunaux, L., Y. Lefouili, W. Sand-Zantman, (2017), Entry and Merger Policy. Economics Letters 161, 124-129. 18 Kopel, M. C. L246;ffler, T Pfeiffer, (2017), Complementary Monopolies and Multi-Product Firms. Economics Letters 157, 28–30.
One or two papers on international trade and economics per week.
class participation 40% oral presentation 60%
110-<span class="highlight">2</span>_國際經貿與紛爭解決
This course helps students to explore international trade systems and business transaction by understanding underline legal principles of WTO and international commercial dispute resolution mechanisms. The basic theory of international trade will also be explored.The recent trade disputes and practical case study will also be discussed. By studying course materials and case discussion in the class, students are expected to enhance her understanding of WTO and dispute resolution mechanism as well as writing and research skills of managing legal English in business environment. [Google Meet] for online teaching(111.05.09-111.05.22): https://meet.google.com/oaf-nrri-jtb
This course offers the survey of basic legal and policy framework of WTO, underlining policy concerns, discussion and analysis of several landmark cases concerning international trade dispute resolution. This course will also explore important issues concerning international trade, such as international IP, antidumping, public health concerns, international investment protection, and trade and environment issues in the context of WTO framework or domestic legal system in several major economic powers such as U.S. and China.
Course materials provided or assigned by the lecturer.
Class Evaluation proportion: class performance, participation of class: 40% final report:60%
This course helps students to explore international trade systems and business transaction by understanding underline legal principles of WTO and international commercial dispute resolution mechanisms. The basic theory of international trade will also be explored.The recent trade disputes and practical case study will also be discussed. By studying course materials and case discussion in the class, students are expected to enhance her understanding of WTO and dispute resolution mechanism as well as writing and research skills of managing legal English in business environment. [Google Meet] for online teaching(111.05.09-111.05.22): https://meet.google.com/oaf-nrri-jtb
This course offers the survey of basic legal and policy framework of WTO, underlining policy concerns, discussion and analysis of several landmark cases concerning international trade dispute resolution. This course will also explore important issues concerning international trade, such as international IP, antidumping, public health concerns, international investment protection, and trade and environment issues in the context of WTO framework or domestic legal system in several major economic powers such as U.S. and China.
Course materials provided or assigned by the lecturer.
Class Evaluation proportion: class performance, participation of class: 40% final report:60%
110-<span class="highlight">2</span>_進階英語聽力與會話(二下)(A)
(1) This course is designed to help students develop English listening and speaking skills.
(2) This course aims to help students acquire their academic note-taking skills. This course will introduce certain note-taking tips to students to help them organize main ideas and supporting details while they listen to lectures. A few note-taking tips including numbers and statistics noting, items listing, charts making, sketches drawing, descriptions and definitions noting, use of abbreviations and symbols, and etc. will be introduced, for they may help students taking better notes. [Should circumstances require, the lectures will be delivered online. Here are the link and code: meet.google.com/tjs-wjyr-oms].
Week 1 22/02 Course overview
Week 2 01/03 “Unit 5,” Contemporary Topics 3
Week 3 08/03 “Unit 5,” Contemporary Topics 3; “A Simple Way to Break a Bad Habit” by Judson Brewer
Week 4 15/03 “Unit 6,” Contemporary Topics 3
Week 5 22/03 “Unit 6,” Contemporary Topics 3
Week 6 29/03 “Unit 7,” Contemporary Topics 3; “Let’s Not Use Mars as a Backup Planet” by Luciane Walowicz
Week 7 05/04 Bank Holiday
Week 8 12/04 Tests 1 & 2; CNN Interactive English Magazine; “Unit 7,” Contemporary Topics 3; “Let’s Not Use Mars as a Backup Planet” by Luciane Walowicz
Week 9 19/04 Midterm Examination
Week 10 26/04 See the results; “Unit 8,” Contemporary Topics 3
Week 11 03/05 “Unit 8,” Contemporary Topics 3
Week 12 10/05 “Unit 9,” Contemporary Topics 3
Week 13 17/05 “Unit 9,” Contemporary Topics 3; "Why Our Screens Make Us Less Happy" by Adam Alter"
Week 14 24/05 “Unit 10,” Contemporary Topics 3
Week 15 31/05 Presentation 1; “Unit 10,” Contemporary Topics 3; “Who Are You, Really? The Puzzle of Personality" by Brian Little
Week 16 07/06 Presentation 2; topics discussion
Week 17 14/06 Quiz on Tests 3 & 4, CNN Interactive English Magazine; Course review
Week 18 21/06 Final Examination; end of Semester
I. Textbooks
Beglar, David, and Neil Murray. Contemporary Topics: 21st Century Skills for Academic Success." 4th ed. New York: Pearson Education, 2017.
II. TED talks
Alter, Adam. "Why Our Screens Make Us Less Happy."
Brewer, Judson. “A Simple Way to Break a Bad Habit.”
Cain, Susan. “The Power of Introverts.”
Honor233;, Carl. “In Praise of Slowness.”
Little, Brian. "Who Are You, Really? The Puzzle of Personality."
Marshik, Tesia. “Learning Styles and the Importance of Critical Self-Reflection.”
Waldinger, Robert. “What Makes a Good Life? Lessons from the Longest Study of Happiness.”
Walkowicz, Lucianne. “Let’s Not Use Mars as a Backup Planet.”
III. Others
CNN Interactive English Magazine. No. 248. March 2022.
IV. Recommended Websites
Class attendance and participation 10% (Please notice that if you miss the class for more than three times during the semester, you will lose this 10% of the whole score).
Quizzes 20%
Presentation 20% (You are required to upload your ppt/script after the presentation to complete the requirements).
Mid-term examination 25%
Final examination 25 %
(1) This course is designed to help students develop English listening and speaking skills.
(2) This course aims to help students acquire their academic note-taking skills. This course will introduce certain note-taking tips to students to help them organize main ideas and supporting details while they listen to lectures. A few note-taking tips including numbers and statistics noting, items listing, charts making, sketches drawing, descriptions and definitions noting, use of abbreviations and symbols, and etc. will be introduced, for they may help students taking better notes. [Should circumstances require, the lectures will be delivered online. Here are the link and code: meet.google.com/tjs-wjyr-oms].
Week 1 22/02 Course overview
Week 2 01/03 “Unit 5,” Contemporary Topics 3
Week 3 08/03 “Unit 5,” Contemporary Topics 3; “A Simple Way to Break a Bad Habit” by Judson Brewer
Week 4 15/03 “Unit 6,” Contemporary Topics 3
Week 5 22/03 “Unit 6,” Contemporary Topics 3
Week 6 29/03 “Unit 7,” Contemporary Topics 3; “Let’s Not Use Mars as a Backup Planet” by Luciane Walowicz
Week 7 05/04 Bank Holiday
Week 8 12/04 Tests 1 & 2; CNN Interactive English Magazine; “Unit 7,” Contemporary Topics 3; “Let’s Not Use Mars as a Backup Planet” by Luciane Walowicz
Week 9 19/04 Midterm Examination
Week 10 26/04 See the results; “Unit 8,” Contemporary Topics 3
Week 11 03/05 “Unit 8,” Contemporary Topics 3
Week 12 10/05 “Unit 9,” Contemporary Topics 3
Week 13 17/05 “Unit 9,” Contemporary Topics 3; "Why Our Screens Make Us Less Happy" by Adam Alter"
Week 14 24/05 “Unit 10,” Contemporary Topics 3
Week 15 31/05 Presentation 1; “Unit 10,” Contemporary Topics 3; “Who Are You, Really? The Puzzle of Personality" by Brian Little
Week 16 07/06 Presentation 2; topics discussion
Week 17 14/06 Quiz on Tests 3 & 4, CNN Interactive English Magazine; Course review
Week 18 21/06 Final Examination; end of Semester
I. Textbooks
Beglar, David, and Neil Murray. Contemporary Topics: 21st Century Skills for Academic Success." 4th ed. New York: Pearson Education, 2017.
II. TED talks
Alter, Adam. "Why Our Screens Make Us Less Happy."
Brewer, Judson. “A Simple Way to Break a Bad Habit.”
Cain, Susan. “The Power of Introverts.”
Honor233;, Carl. “In Praise of Slowness.”
Little, Brian. "Who Are You, Really? The Puzzle of Personality."
Marshik, Tesia. “Learning Styles and the Importance of Critical Self-Reflection.”
Waldinger, Robert. “What Makes a Good Life? Lessons from the Longest Study of Happiness.”
Walkowicz, Lucianne. “Let’s Not Use Mars as a Backup Planet.”
III. Others
CNN Interactive English Magazine. No. 248. March 2022.
IV. Recommended Websites
Class attendance and participation 10% (Please notice that if you miss the class for more than three times during the semester, you will lose this 10% of the whole score).
Quizzes 20%
Presentation 20% (You are required to upload your ppt/script after the presentation to complete the requirements).
Mid-term examination 25%
Final examination 25 %
110-<span class="highlight">2</span>_科技與社會
Teams 110-2 科技與社會倪麥童 遠距線上授課會議連結 https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19:KSg55B3IVGK79SwwvcF_FP8_q-Oa8nS3CiP_MQof_Qc1@thread.tacv2/1651761393660?context=%7B%22Tid%22:%225a484953-77ef-42ec-90cf-2f4e1037ffc7%22,%22Oid%22:%2265c6c67d-8d69-4984-8af0-207a616ea09e%22%7D 請加入 課程群組: 110-2科技與社會倪麥童 Line 網址 https://line.me/R/ti/g/3bnUb_UfuS 1.教學目標(輕鬆版): 與校核心能力的關係: 「老師的一顆心,學生的一片天。」,通識教育是『一場可帶走的盛宴』,在未來的人生,可以有相當大的幫助。我們正在實現這個夢想,希望能用我們的誠意,讓您成為我們實現夢想的夥伴,加入我們成為現代科技公民,人生多彩多姿,快樂學習。 本課程係本校通識教育正式課程規劃中,核心課程:「科學素養」子類下的一門,其所欲回應校訂「基本素養」指標為「科學素養」與「專業素養」,所欲成就學子的能力為「知識力」與「創造力」,除建立學生學習能力與思考能力外,同時激發學生創造之發想與實作能力。 2.教學目標(延伸閱覽,深度版):與通識中心核心能力的關係: 對照於本校通識課程核心能力的養成設定,本課程希望能達成以下幾點具體目標,養成學子相關的能力: 1.民主素養:本課程將經由全球化議題之探討,幫助學生了解全球性之規範、慣例、典章和制度,提升學生休戚與共之感受與對多元文化之認同,使其具力行民主生活所需的民主知識、態度。 2.倫理素養:沒有倫理的科學可能是空洞、主觀、武斷及有偏見的。本課程將於適合之主題課程中,佐以相關影片、文獻資料進行討論,強化學生重視且實踐「有倫理的科學」,並幫助學生從科學探索的角度找尋一種與生活價值契合的豐富美好內涵與時代精神,從中建立「高感度、高體會」之美學新概念,使其不管在哪個面向都可發展出延伸的美意與信念。 3.科學素養:本課程之主要課程設計即以建立學生科學素養為主,除自製投影片內容說明外,並配合科普讀本導讀及相關影片,引導學生藉由小組討論及簡報,進行深度科學思考,進而提升「形成科學議題」的能力及「解釋科學現象」的能力。 4.媒體素養:在資訊媒體傳播快速、媒體倫理不被重視的環境中,本課程透過理論的閱讀,加上科學相關新聞解說,引導學生進行科學新聞稿撰寫,使學生瞭解媒體對於最新科技訊息的篩選、包裝、選擇與組合,並培養學生能夠從各類媒體原始資料中舉出導致事件發生和結果的因素,改變並結合資料以得到結論。 5.新能源素養:本課程藉由生活中能源危機問題的探究,闡示能源的利用與能源危機的預防,引導學生認識新能源科技,讓學生對「能源危機」議題做出明智的抉擇,並且主動採取負責任的行為以及將抉擇付諸於行動中。 1.提高學生的學習興趣與動機:本課程以「STS 教學模式」進行,教學時以社會議題或生活中的問題為題材,藉由科學探究活動的進行,使學生可以習得相關的技能和技術,更可以科學的態度和科學的概念去尋找問題解決之道,並且從中表現出其創造力,進而提昇其學習興趣與科學素養。 2.培養學生問題解決的能力:透過問題導向學習的過程,學生不單只是學會學科知識,同時也學會如何面對生活中真實情境問題的解決方法,經由以探究方式建立知識本質,養成提出證據和講道理的處事習慣,並在面對問題、處理問題時,持以好奇與積極的探討、瞭解及合理的解決態度。 3.培養高層次思考能力:透過問題導向學習的討論及與人分享的過程,學生可以培養對問題內容批判思考、創造性思考及知識整合能力,擺脫傳統的限制,可因應問題而變化解決的途徑,以產生不同類別的解答。 4.發展觀念和價值:對於地區性或全球性,有關科學、技學與社會互動的論題發展合宜的觀念與價值觀。 5.培養學生合作學習的精神及社會化協商的能力。
課程內容的專業範疇說明: 人類的食、衣、住、行均與科技發展息息相關,在現代科技快速發展下,人類社會究竟產生什麼變化?該如何因應科技突破所帶來的社會變遷及倫理價值衝擊? 本課程期望經由探討社會呈現的變化與所帶動之政治、經濟、產業的改變,引導學生逐漸擺脫科學是客觀、中立於社會之外的想法,開始思索科技與社會的複雜關聯,以及科技人不可避免牽扯上的權力關係與政治問題,並使學生在學習活動中強化其反應及感受力、溝通技能、技巧實踐、資訊科技應用能力及智力刺激、鍛鍊,強調每一位同學都是知識的主體,利用真實問題或情境模擬啟發學生創新及批判性思考,以及體驗結構與行動的權力關係;在團體行動操演及小組討論的互動過程中,進行知識之交融與建構,以獲得創意思考及問題解決所需之綜合性知識和技能、及持續自我學習技巧及動機。 各週進度與主題: Week 01 Introduction of Technology and Society(Happy Health Hope) Week 02 Technology and Society( living experience(1)) Week 03 Technology and Society( living experience(2)) Week 04 A Whole New Mind Vs Future education (I) Week 05 A robot pass a university entrance exam Week 06 Power of Passion and Perseverance Week 07 A Whole New Mind Vs Future education (II) Week 08 Future Learning & A story for making gliders Week 09 Midterm Feedback Report Week 10 Hand Glider Flight Competition Week 11 You Should Have a Good Life Week 12 Having a Good Speech Week 13 Minerva A New Kind of Higher Education Week 14 Be a Science Good Inspiring Leader Week 15 There's More to Life Than Being Happy Week 16 Technology and People Week 17 The Age of the Unthinkable Week 18 Final Review Report (Deadline for Supplementary Report)
教科書: 1.指定用書:葉文冠、陳德興、黃鼎元著,《科技與工程倫理》,東華書局,2017年。 2.課程中指定之相關文章。 參考書: 1.台灣經濟研究院,《建構低碳綠活社會:全球綠色能源應用推廣案例》,台經院出版,2011年。 2.成令方、傅大為、林宜平編,《醫療與社會共舞》,群學出版社,2008年。 3.杜文苓,電子科技與環境風險,《科技社會人》,頁266-277。 4.李尚仁,英國基因改造作物爭議,《科技渴望參與》,頁317-320,2009年。 5.林崇熙,科技就是風險,《科技渴望參與》,頁127-132,2009年。 6.周桂田,從美國牛肉談爭議性科技的風險溝通,《醫療與社會共舞》頁350-357,群學出版社,2008年。 7.吳嘉苓、傅大為、雷祥麟,《科技渴望社會》,群學出版社,2004年。 8.郭文華,我要我的STS,《科技渴望參與》,頁89-95,2009年。 9.陳恒安,科學素養與民主社會,《科學月刊》四月號,400期,頁309-312,2003年。 12.陳恒安、郭文華、林宜平編,《科技渴望參與》,群學出版社,2009年。 13.喬舒亞.庫珀.雷默,《不可思議的年代:面對新世界必須具備的關鍵概念》,行人文化實驗室,2009年。 14.蘇瓦茲(Joe Schwarcz),《科學新聞不能這樣看:蘇老師教你聰明解讀》,天下遠見出版,2009年。 15.AI Gore ,《不願面對的真相》,商周出版,2007年。 16.David Held and Anthony McGrew,《全球化與反全球化》,弘智文化事業出版,2005年。 17.Raj Patel著,葉家興等譯,《糧食戰爭》,台北:高寶出版社,2009年。 18.倪麥童,《科際整合淺釋》,樹德科技大學 科際整合與大學教育研討會論文集 ,2008年 19.倪麥童,《科際整合與大學通識教育》,南榮通識教育學術研討會論文集 ,2009年
1.出席率30%(課堂點名) 2.課中表現(各週主題引言與結論)20% 3.期中手擲機實作20%(含小組互評) 4.個人期末報告20% 5.課堂活動加分10%。
Teams 110-2 科技與社會倪麥童 遠距線上授課會議連結 https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19:KSg55B3IVGK79SwwvcF_FP8_q-Oa8nS3CiP_MQof_Qc1@thread.tacv2/1651761393660?context=%7B%22Tid%22:%225a484953-77ef-42ec-90cf-2f4e1037ffc7%22,%22Oid%22:%2265c6c67d-8d69-4984-8af0-207a616ea09e%22%7D 請加入 課程群組: 110-2科技與社會倪麥童 Line 網址 https://line.me/R/ti/g/3bnUb_UfuS 1.教學目標(輕鬆版): 與校核心能力的關係: 「老師的一顆心,學生的一片天。」,通識教育是『一場可帶走的盛宴』,在未來的人生,可以有相當大的幫助。我們正在實現這個夢想,希望能用我們的誠意,讓您成為我們實現夢想的夥伴,加入我們成為現代科技公民,人生多彩多姿,快樂學習。 本課程係本校通識教育正式課程規劃中,核心課程:「科學素養」子類下的一門,其所欲回應校訂「基本素養」指標為「科學素養」與「專業素養」,所欲成就學子的能力為「知識力」與「創造力」,除建立學生學習能力與思考能力外,同時激發學生創造之發想與實作能力。 2.教學目標(延伸閱覽,深度版):與通識中心核心能力的關係: 對照於本校通識課程核心能力的養成設定,本課程希望能達成以下幾點具體目標,養成學子相關的能力: 1.民主素養:本課程將經由全球化議題之探討,幫助學生了解全球性之規範、慣例、典章和制度,提升學生休戚與共之感受與對多元文化之認同,使其具力行民主生活所需的民主知識、態度。 2.倫理素養:沒有倫理的科學可能是空洞、主觀、武斷及有偏見的。本課程將於適合之主題課程中,佐以相關影片、文獻資料進行討論,強化學生重視且實踐「有倫理的科學」,並幫助學生從科學探索的角度找尋一種與生活價值契合的豐富美好內涵與時代精神,從中建立「高感度、高體會」之美學新概念,使其不管在哪個面向都可發展出延伸的美意與信念。 3.科學素養:本課程之主要課程設計即以建立學生科學素養為主,除自製投影片內容說明外,並配合科普讀本導讀及相關影片,引導學生藉由小組討論及簡報,進行深度科學思考,進而提升「形成科學議題」的能力及「解釋科學現象」的能力。 4.媒體素養:在資訊媒體傳播快速、媒體倫理不被重視的環境中,本課程透過理論的閱讀,加上科學相關新聞解說,引導學生進行科學新聞稿撰寫,使學生瞭解媒體對於最新科技訊息的篩選、包裝、選擇與組合,並培養學生能夠從各類媒體原始資料中舉出導致事件發生和結果的因素,改變並結合資料以得到結論。 5.新能源素養:本課程藉由生活中能源危機問題的探究,闡示能源的利用與能源危機的預防,引導學生認識新能源科技,讓學生對「能源危機」議題做出明智的抉擇,並且主動採取負責任的行為以及將抉擇付諸於行動中。 1.提高學生的學習興趣與動機:本課程以「STS 教學模式」進行,教學時以社會議題或生活中的問題為題材,藉由科學探究活動的進行,使學生可以習得相關的技能和技術,更可以科學的態度和科學的概念去尋找問題解決之道,並且從中表現出其創造力,進而提昇其學習興趣與科學素養。 2.培養學生問題解決的能力:透過問題導向學習的過程,學生不單只是學會學科知識,同時也學會如何面對生活中真實情境問題的解決方法,經由以探究方式建立知識本質,養成提出證據和講道理的處事習慣,並在面對問題、處理問題時,持以好奇與積極的探討、瞭解及合理的解決態度。 3.培養高層次思考能力:透過問題導向學習的討論及與人分享的過程,學生可以培養對問題內容批判思考、創造性思考及知識整合能力,擺脫傳統的限制,可因應問題而變化解決的途徑,以產生不同類別的解答。 4.發展觀念和價值:對於地區性或全球性,有關科學、技學與社會互動的論題發展合宜的觀念與價值觀。 5.培養學生合作學習的精神及社會化協商的能力。
課程內容的專業範疇說明: 人類的食、衣、住、行均與科技發展息息相關,在現代科技快速發展下,人類社會究竟產生什麼變化?該如何因應科技突破所帶來的社會變遷及倫理價值衝擊? 本課程期望經由探討社會呈現的變化與所帶動之政治、經濟、產業的改變,引導學生逐漸擺脫科學是客觀、中立於社會之外的想法,開始思索科技與社會的複雜關聯,以及科技人不可避免牽扯上的權力關係與政治問題,並使學生在學習活動中強化其反應及感受力、溝通技能、技巧實踐、資訊科技應用能力及智力刺激、鍛鍊,強調每一位同學都是知識的主體,利用真實問題或情境模擬啟發學生創新及批判性思考,以及體驗結構與行動的權力關係;在團體行動操演及小組討論的互動過程中,進行知識之交融與建構,以獲得創意思考及問題解決所需之綜合性知識和技能、及持續自我學習技巧及動機。 各週進度與主題: Week 01 Introduction of Technology and Society(Happy Health Hope) Week 02 Technology and Society( living experience(1)) Week 03 Technology and Society( living experience(2)) Week 04 A Whole New Mind Vs Future education (I) Week 05 A robot pass a university entrance exam Week 06 Power of Passion and Perseverance Week 07 A Whole New Mind Vs Future education (II) Week 08 Future Learning & A story for making gliders Week 09 Midterm Feedback Report Week 10 Hand Glider Flight Competition Week 11 You Should Have a Good Life Week 12 Having a Good Speech Week 13 Minerva A New Kind of Higher Education Week 14 Be a Science Good Inspiring Leader Week 15 There's More to Life Than Being Happy Week 16 Technology and People Week 17 The Age of the Unthinkable Week 18 Final Review Report (Deadline for Supplementary Report)
教科書: 1.指定用書:葉文冠、陳德興、黃鼎元著,《科技與工程倫理》,東華書局,2017年。 2.課程中指定之相關文章。 參考書: 1.台灣經濟研究院,《建構低碳綠活社會:全球綠色能源應用推廣案例》,台經院出版,2011年。 2.成令方、傅大為、林宜平編,《醫療與社會共舞》,群學出版社,2008年。 3.杜文苓,電子科技與環境風險,《科技社會人》,頁266-277。 4.李尚仁,英國基因改造作物爭議,《科技渴望參與》,頁317-320,2009年。 5.林崇熙,科技就是風險,《科技渴望參與》,頁127-132,2009年。 6.周桂田,從美國牛肉談爭議性科技的風險溝通,《醫療與社會共舞》頁350-357,群學出版社,2008年。 7.吳嘉苓、傅大為、雷祥麟,《科技渴望社會》,群學出版社,2004年。 8.郭文華,我要我的STS,《科技渴望參與》,頁89-95,2009年。 9.陳恒安,科學素養與民主社會,《科學月刊》四月號,400期,頁309-312,2003年。 12.陳恒安、郭文華、林宜平編,《科技渴望參與》,群學出版社,2009年。 13.喬舒亞.庫珀.雷默,《不可思議的年代:面對新世界必須具備的關鍵概念》,行人文化實驗室,2009年。 14.蘇瓦茲(Joe Schwarcz),《科學新聞不能這樣看:蘇老師教你聰明解讀》,天下遠見出版,2009年。 15.AI Gore ,《不願面對的真相》,商周出版,2007年。 16.David Held and Anthony McGrew,《全球化與反全球化》,弘智文化事業出版,2005年。 17.Raj Patel著,葉家興等譯,《糧食戰爭》,台北:高寶出版社,2009年。 18.倪麥童,《科際整合淺釋》,樹德科技大學 科際整合與大學教育研討會論文集 ,2008年 19.倪麥童,《科際整合與大學通識教育》,南榮通識教育學術研討會論文集 ,2009年
1.出席率30%(課堂點名) 2.課中表現(各週主題引言與結論)20% 3.期中手擲機實作20%(含小組互評) 4.個人期末報告20% 5.課堂活動加分10%。
110-<span class="highlight">2</span>_美國影視流行文化
This is a fun elective course. It will focus on critical thinking, or higher level thinking, and communication while learning about American popular culture. This course will focus on the history of T.V. shows from the 1950’s to the current time, while at the same time discussing and comparing Taiwanese culture and the influence of T.V. Various themes, ethics, and moral lessons will be taught and discussed and several popular American T.V. shows will be viewed that are not available in Taiwan. Specifically, the students will utilize English listening and communication skills while moving from the basic forms thinking through the advance forms of thinking: Students will be able to critically evaluate and verbally discuss American Popular culture and American T.V. shows. Students will be able to relate these shows to Taiwanese culture and society and critically evaluate if there are any connections or influences. Students will learn advance intercommunication techniques and students will learn advanced level public speaking skills, PPT, etc. Contact Aaron through online teaching in the following 3 ways: 1) You can use the class LINE group or private LINE chat with Aaron 2) You can look for information Aaron posts on his website: http://aaron-pe-5-6.blogspot.com/ 3) You can email Aaron directly at: freethoughts2@yahoo.com
Each week will have different topics and/or T.V. shows to be viewed and discussed, to be announced in the future. Week 1 Introduction and general course description of requirements Week 2 History of TV, how the creation of TV changed American society, TV show re-runs Week 3 1950’s Themes: Innocence, traditional values, traditional roles of family members, right from wrong, super heroes (I Love Lucy , Adventures of Superman, The Lone Ranger, Father Knows Best , The Abbott and Costello Show, Maverick, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, The Ed Sullivan Show, Gunsmoke, The Mickey Mouse Club, Leave It to Beaver, The Walt Disney Company, American bandstand) Week 4 1950’s Continued from week 3 Week 5 1960’s Themes: Innocence lost, impact of Vietnam War, distractions from real life events (Perry mason, The Andy Griffith Show, The Flintstones, Gilligan's Island, Batman, The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Beverly Hillbillies , The Beverly Hillbillies , The Twilight Zone , Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., Bewitched , Hogan's Heroes, My Three Sons, Flipper, Hazel, The Fugitive, The Big Valley, Top Cat , The Bugs Bunny Show, star trek) Week 6 1960’s Continued from week 5 Week 7 1970’s Themes: Trying to get back where America was before, introducing fantasy, civil rights for all, woman’s empowerment, more entertainment (The Brady Bunch, The Carol Burnet Show, Sesame Street, All in the Family, Good Times, Sanford and Son, The Mary Tyler Moore Show , The Odd Couple, The Bob Newhart Show, Welcome Back, Kotter , The Six Million Dollar Man , The Waltons , The Bionic Woman, Wonder Woman, Charlie's Angels , Happy Days, Little House on the Prairie, Laverne & Shirley , Battlestar Galactica, The Jefferson’s, M*A*S*H , Hee Haw, Donny & Marie Show, The Love Boat , Fantasy Island, Different Strokes, Eight Is Enough) Week 8 1970’s Continued from week 7 Week 9 Mid-term Exam Week Week 10 1980’s Themes: Continuation of all of the themes before as they changed over time, new forms of entertainment using well-known comedians, more programing for teens (Three's Company, Mork & Mindy, Taxi, Family Ties, Cheers, Hill Street Blues, The Facts of Life, The Dukes of Hazzard , The Cosby Show, Dallas, Who's the Boss?, Night Court, Growing Pains, Miami Vice, 60 Minutes, Magnum, P.I. , Seinfeld, Mtv) Week 11 1980’s Continued from week Week 12 1990’s Themes: Continuation of all of the themes before as they changed over time, money vs. values in programing (Friends, Dawson's Creek , Gilmore Girls, , Will & Grace, reality TV, Everybody Loves Raymond , Frasier , Home Improvement, Beverly Hills, 90210, The Simpsons) Week 13 1990’s Continued from week Week 14 2000’s Themes: Continuation of all of the themes before as they changed over time, money vs. values in programing, mindless/brainless TV shows, pushing the limits of what is allowed on TV with language and adult themes (Cable TV shows, South Park, SpongeBob Square Pants, Battlestar Galactica , How I Met Your Mother, Rules of Engagement , One Tree Hill , The King of Queens , Lost , That '70s Show, Veronica Mars , The West Wing, The X-Files , Two and a Half Men , Premium TV (HBO/ Showtime) Six Feet Under , The Sopranos , Sex and the City , Curb Your Enthusiasm , etc.) Week 15 2000’s Continued from week Week 16 2010-present Themes: Continuation of all of the themes before as they changed over time, money vs. values in programing, mindless/brainless TV shows, pushing the limits of what is allowed on TV with language and adult themes, short attention spans of viewers (Mom, Modern Family, The Big Bang Theory , CSI: Crime Scene Investigation , GREYs anatomy , American Idol , The Office , 30 Rock , The Good Wife , Fresh Off the Boat , Hot in Cleveland , Premium TV, Breaking Bad , The Walking Dead , Game of Thrones , etc.) Week 17 2010-present Continued from week 16 Week 18 2010-present Continued from week 16 and 17 Week 19 Final Exam Week
None, but there will be a ‘teacher’s package’ that is required for this course that the student MUST read and bring every day.
80% In-class activities (16 assignments worth 5 points each), 20% final exam or other final exam task
This is a fun elective course. It will focus on critical thinking, or higher level thinking, and communication while learning about American popular culture. This course will focus on the history of T.V. shows from the 1950’s to the current time, while at the same time discussing and comparing Taiwanese culture and the influence of T.V. Various themes, ethics, and moral lessons will be taught and discussed and several popular American T.V. shows will be viewed that are not available in Taiwan. Specifically, the students will utilize English listening and communication skills while moving from the basic forms thinking through the advance forms of thinking: Students will be able to critically evaluate and verbally discuss American Popular culture and American T.V. shows. Students will be able to relate these shows to Taiwanese culture and society and critically evaluate if there are any connections or influences. Students will learn advance intercommunication techniques and students will learn advanced level public speaking skills, PPT, etc. Contact Aaron through online teaching in the following 3 ways: 1) You can use the class LINE group or private LINE chat with Aaron 2) You can look for information Aaron posts on his website: http://aaron-pe-5-6.blogspot.com/ 3) You can email Aaron directly at: freethoughts2@yahoo.com
Each week will have different topics and/or T.V. shows to be viewed and discussed, to be announced in the future. Week 1 Introduction and general course description of requirements Week 2 History of TV, how the creation of TV changed American society, TV show re-runs Week 3 1950’s Themes: Innocence, traditional values, traditional roles of family members, right from wrong, super heroes (I Love Lucy , Adventures of Superman, The Lone Ranger, Father Knows Best , The Abbott and Costello Show, Maverick, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, The Ed Sullivan Show, Gunsmoke, The Mickey Mouse Club, Leave It to Beaver, The Walt Disney Company, American bandstand) Week 4 1950’s Continued from week 3 Week 5 1960’s Themes: Innocence lost, impact of Vietnam War, distractions from real life events (Perry mason, The Andy Griffith Show, The Flintstones, Gilligan's Island, Batman, The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Beverly Hillbillies , The Beverly Hillbillies , The Twilight Zone , Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., Bewitched , Hogan's Heroes, My Three Sons, Flipper, Hazel, The Fugitive, The Big Valley, Top Cat , The Bugs Bunny Show, star trek) Week 6 1960’s Continued from week 5 Week 7 1970’s Themes: Trying to get back where America was before, introducing fantasy, civil rights for all, woman’s empowerment, more entertainment (The Brady Bunch, The Carol Burnet Show, Sesame Street, All in the Family, Good Times, Sanford and Son, The Mary Tyler Moore Show , The Odd Couple, The Bob Newhart Show, Welcome Back, Kotter , The Six Million Dollar Man , The Waltons , The Bionic Woman, Wonder Woman, Charlie's Angels , Happy Days, Little House on the Prairie, Laverne & Shirley , Battlestar Galactica, The Jefferson’s, M*A*S*H , Hee Haw, Donny & Marie Show, The Love Boat , Fantasy Island, Different Strokes, Eight Is Enough) Week 8 1970’s Continued from week 7 Week 9 Mid-term Exam Week Week 10 1980’s Themes: Continuation of all of the themes before as they changed over time, new forms of entertainment using well-known comedians, more programing for teens (Three's Company, Mork & Mindy, Taxi, Family Ties, Cheers, Hill Street Blues, The Facts of Life, The Dukes of Hazzard , The Cosby Show, Dallas, Who's the Boss?, Night Court, Growing Pains, Miami Vice, 60 Minutes, Magnum, P.I. , Seinfeld, Mtv) Week 11 1980’s Continued from week Week 12 1990’s Themes: Continuation of all of the themes before as they changed over time, money vs. values in programing (Friends, Dawson's Creek , Gilmore Girls, , Will & Grace, reality TV, Everybody Loves Raymond , Frasier , Home Improvement, Beverly Hills, 90210, The Simpsons) Week 13 1990’s Continued from week Week 14 2000’s Themes: Continuation of all of the themes before as they changed over time, money vs. values in programing, mindless/brainless TV shows, pushing the limits of what is allowed on TV with language and adult themes (Cable TV shows, South Park, SpongeBob Square Pants, Battlestar Galactica , How I Met Your Mother, Rules of Engagement , One Tree Hill , The King of Queens , Lost , That '70s Show, Veronica Mars , The West Wing, The X-Files , Two and a Half Men , Premium TV (HBO/ Showtime) Six Feet Under , The Sopranos , Sex and the City , Curb Your Enthusiasm , etc.) Week 15 2000’s Continued from week Week 16 2010-present Themes: Continuation of all of the themes before as they changed over time, money vs. values in programing, mindless/brainless TV shows, pushing the limits of what is allowed on TV with language and adult themes, short attention spans of viewers (Mom, Modern Family, The Big Bang Theory , CSI: Crime Scene Investigation , GREYs anatomy , American Idol , The Office , 30 Rock , The Good Wife , Fresh Off the Boat , Hot in Cleveland , Premium TV, Breaking Bad , The Walking Dead , Game of Thrones , etc.) Week 17 2010-present Continued from week 16 Week 18 2010-present Continued from week 16 and 17 Week 19 Final Exam Week
None, but there will be a ‘teacher’s package’ that is required for this course that the student MUST read and bring every day.
80% In-class activities (16 assignments worth 5 points each), 20% final exam or other final exam task
110-<span class="highlight">2</span>_人文計算:程式語言設計、基本概念及人文特色開拓介紹
https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a3IEA-aSLXDwjQwFpp7mgV0lCaPKuwKYUfi6Bm28babs1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=8a4ed31a-1194-4a1c-aacd-0c7d91d61b20&tenantId=5a484953-77ef-42ec-90cf-2f4e1037ffc7 Digital Humanities, a research activity that aims at the creation and usage of digital archives, the transformation of cultural heritage into digital objects or the analysis of humanistic material in digital format, has become an established research branch within the Humanities, which provides new or alternative views on culture, history, arts, literature, music, languages etc. Using the potentials of the computer, i.e. its large storage capacity and its capacity to search through data, to reorganize data, to find patterns within data and to visualize data in various views, allows to create and explore large and unexploited data sets. Many of the analysis-related activities in digital humanities can be handled with specific software solutions, e.g. GIS implementations of KWIC toos. When using these specific software solutions, only a basic understanding of the main concepts and a procedural knowledge of where and when to click is required. Yet, data have in most cases to be generated first, e.g. extracted from larger text corpora, or transformed into a specific format in order to fulfill the input requirements of a specific software. To overcome these two problems, knowledge of a general purpose programming language is helpful or required. In addition to the general features of a such a programming language, shared by many alternative programming languages, e.g. opening files, extracting information, and reorganizing this new information into new formats, some general purpose programming languages come with powerful add-ons, that can turn them into tools for specific analyses. These general purpose languages, combined with these highly specific add-ons can replace specialized software solutions implemented in graphical interfaces. This liberation from the graphical interface unleashed the full power of the computer. The repeated processing of similar data becomes possible, without having to go to the same sequence of clicking hundreds or thousands of times. In addition, the freedom to generate creative solutions for analysis and visualization, specific to the research question and not specific to the company that produces the interface, lays the foundation for groundbreaking and innovative research. Python is an excellently designed and frequently taught programming language for these two seemingly opposing purposes. Easy to learn and applicable to all kind of data acquisition and data processing problems, Python can be extended by powerful modules to do corpus analyses, natural language processing, pattern identification, statistical analyses, geographic analyses, time-line analyses or network analyses. These properties have made Python to become the most frequently and extensively employed programming language in the Humanities, in teaching as well as in research: Using the same, simple-to-learn, basic Python syntax in advanced modules, users can concentrate on the concepts, the predicates that implement them and the design of creative solutions for analysis and visualization.
This course aims to promote insight, practice and confidence in the usage of the programming language in general and of Python more specifically. Students should by the end of the course understand the general principles of using a programming language, become acquainted with the principles of Python, and have develop literacy in that language. In addition students should be aware of the kind of programming that is common in the humanities (text analysis, network analysis etc) and which add-ons are available for these tasks. Finally students should explore as many of these add-ons as possible. Doing this work on their own data and creating their own solutions will show them that they are in state to produce exciting, innovative and thought provoking results. Week 1 and 2 starts with the very basics. Learning how to code is easy if somebody helps you with the start. The first steps will thus be very slow, making sure that students understood and master the new material. Week 3 and 4 will introduce students to the task of text processing. They will learn how to read files from a file system, how to clean them and compute a frequency distribution over words. Frequency distributions will be produced for long texts and for large collections of texts. Week 5 and 6 deal with preprocessing text. Students will experiment with some of the elementary tools to analyze their textual data. Week 7 and 8 are more theoretical. We will discuss some of the basic programming principles, common practices and where to find documentation. In week 9 and 10, students will first write a program to compute the readability of texts. Next, students will implement the basic algorithm that is behind authorship attribution. Week 11 and 12 will introduce students to the concept of Object Oriented Programming. Students will implement a network structure to analyze relations between people on Twitter. In week 13 and 14, we start working on more real applications. We will work on systems for archiving and searching through collections of text. We introduce students to the field of Information Retrieval and build a simple information retrieval system. In week 15 to 17, we create a web application to search through a library of PDF files. This will be our first real application ready for use by end-users. Theses weeks introduce students to many modules available in the standard library as well as third-party modules.
Teaching Material: Folgert Karsdorp, Maarten van Gompel and Matt Munso, Python Programming for the Humanities https://github.com/sonofmun/FK-python-course/blob/master/README.md.
Course participation (50%) and final project (50%)
https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a3IEA-aSLXDwjQwFpp7mgV0lCaPKuwKYUfi6Bm28babs1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=8a4ed31a-1194-4a1c-aacd-0c7d91d61b20&tenantId=5a484953-77ef-42ec-90cf-2f4e1037ffc7 Digital Humanities, a research activity that aims at the creation and usage of digital archives, the transformation of cultural heritage into digital objects or the analysis of humanistic material in digital format, has become an established research branch within the Humanities, which provides new or alternative views on culture, history, arts, literature, music, languages etc. Using the potentials of the computer, i.e. its large storage capacity and its capacity to search through data, to reorganize data, to find patterns within data and to visualize data in various views, allows to create and explore large and unexploited data sets. Many of the analysis-related activities in digital humanities can be handled with specific software solutions, e.g. GIS implementations of KWIC toos. When using these specific software solutions, only a basic understanding of the main concepts and a procedural knowledge of where and when to click is required. Yet, data have in most cases to be generated first, e.g. extracted from larger text corpora, or transformed into a specific format in order to fulfill the input requirements of a specific software. To overcome these two problems, knowledge of a general purpose programming language is helpful or required. In addition to the general features of a such a programming language, shared by many alternative programming languages, e.g. opening files, extracting information, and reorganizing this new information into new formats, some general purpose programming languages come with powerful add-ons, that can turn them into tools for specific analyses. These general purpose languages, combined with these highly specific add-ons can replace specialized software solutions implemented in graphical interfaces. This liberation from the graphical interface unleashed the full power of the computer. The repeated processing of similar data becomes possible, without having to go to the same sequence of clicking hundreds or thousands of times. In addition, the freedom to generate creative solutions for analysis and visualization, specific to the research question and not specific to the company that produces the interface, lays the foundation for groundbreaking and innovative research. Python is an excellently designed and frequently taught programming language for these two seemingly opposing purposes. Easy to learn and applicable to all kind of data acquisition and data processing problems, Python can be extended by powerful modules to do corpus analyses, natural language processing, pattern identification, statistical analyses, geographic analyses, time-line analyses or network analyses. These properties have made Python to become the most frequently and extensively employed programming language in the Humanities, in teaching as well as in research: Using the same, simple-to-learn, basic Python syntax in advanced modules, users can concentrate on the concepts, the predicates that implement them and the design of creative solutions for analysis and visualization.
This course aims to promote insight, practice and confidence in the usage of the programming language in general and of Python more specifically. Students should by the end of the course understand the general principles of using a programming language, become acquainted with the principles of Python, and have develop literacy in that language. In addition students should be aware of the kind of programming that is common in the humanities (text analysis, network analysis etc) and which add-ons are available for these tasks. Finally students should explore as many of these add-ons as possible. Doing this work on their own data and creating their own solutions will show them that they are in state to produce exciting, innovative and thought provoking results. Week 1 and 2 starts with the very basics. Learning how to code is easy if somebody helps you with the start. The first steps will thus be very slow, making sure that students understood and master the new material. Week 3 and 4 will introduce students to the task of text processing. They will learn how to read files from a file system, how to clean them and compute a frequency distribution over words. Frequency distributions will be produced for long texts and for large collections of texts. Week 5 and 6 deal with preprocessing text. Students will experiment with some of the elementary tools to analyze their textual data. Week 7 and 8 are more theoretical. We will discuss some of the basic programming principles, common practices and where to find documentation. In week 9 and 10, students will first write a program to compute the readability of texts. Next, students will implement the basic algorithm that is behind authorship attribution. Week 11 and 12 will introduce students to the concept of Object Oriented Programming. Students will implement a network structure to analyze relations between people on Twitter. In week 13 and 14, we start working on more real applications. We will work on systems for archiving and searching through collections of text. We introduce students to the field of Information Retrieval and build a simple information retrieval system. In week 15 to 17, we create a web application to search through a library of PDF files. This will be our first real application ready for use by end-users. Theses weeks introduce students to many modules available in the standard library as well as third-party modules.
Teaching Material: Folgert Karsdorp, Maarten van Gompel and Matt Munso, Python Programming for the Humanities https://github.com/sonofmun/FK-python-course/blob/master/README.md.
Course participation (50%) and final project (50%)
110-<span class="highlight">2</span>_生物科技英文特論
This course is designed to provide a comprehensive course for graduate and senior/junior undergraduate students with life science background and specialized vocabulary to enhance their reading, speaking, oral presentation, and writing skills in Biological English Literature. It also provides students with a basic knowledge and understanding of the general structures of academic papers including original research article/review article/news/note/experimental protocol. It covers the word usage and phrase, sentence structures, paragraph writing, and essay, report, and abstract writing. This course also benefits for improving English presentation skills including seminar, self-introduction, and poster presenting. Practicing is at the core of this course. The objective of this course is to assist students make a good presentation with English. Practicing formal presentation (seminar or interview) will be key elements throughout this course. A 5-min self-introduction, 5-min professional oral presentation in English, and 25-min oral presentation will be required for each student. 本課程目的是提升生物科技與相關領域之專業英語溝通表達能力,包括熟悉生物專業英文文獻,加強專業字彙以及閱讀與口說或文字溝通表達等能力。課程著重在介紹生物科技專業英文之閱讀,包括一般生物科技新聞(news),報導短文(note/comment),及專業生物科技類的實驗操作手冊(protocol) ,與進階的生物科技專業英文,包括文獻回顧文章(review article),研究型文章(research article),訓練同學在閱讀了解,翻譯,寫作(包括:中英文摘要寫作,研究成果資料整理,計畫與研究論文撰寫),還有專業研究文獻的準備以及口頭報告,研究計畫成果的整理以及報告,及專業領域自我介紹的訓練;期望提升學生此類技能,不僅因應將來閱讀生物科技專業英文資料,準備專題討論課程,繼續升學進修或進入專業生技相關職場就業之提早準備,更達到深化生物科技專業知識及多元文化之學習,因應生物科技產業國際化的需求。本課程和學校計劃合作,特別聘請通識中心蔡奎如老師進行兩次全英文授課,並在課程結束前提供一次英文自我介紹練習與指導,並搭配西語系TA協助同學練習。期末每位同學都必須進行5分鐘英文自我介紹,5分鐘專業英文口頭報告以及25分鐘搭配PPT的專業英文文獻介紹。
本課程的目的是要介紹生物科技專業英文之閱讀 (包括一般生物科技短文, 專業生物科技類的research paper, review article), 朗讀與翻譯 (即席翻譯或指定時間內完成翻譯), 寫作原則 (包括英翻中之寫作, 摘要寫法練習, 資料整理與paper等的寫作), 及自我介紹,口頭報告,期望提升學生此類技能。
Week 1: Course Orientation 說明課程 Course Introduction- Professional Website to search literature article, especially those research/review article in SCI journal
Week 2: How to find a suitable material for presentation? How to use Journal citation report database? (Practice on Reading and Translation: Title & Abstract)
Week 3: How to prepare your lecture & ppt for formal presentation (in Mandarin and English)
Week 4: How to prepare a formal interview self-introduction presentation (in Mandarin and English) 如何準備口試 (應對練習) Oral presentation (demo), Oral presentation by 2 graduate students (中文)
Week 5: 蔡奎如老師共同授課, 全英, Preparing Presentations: Outline, visual aids (By Dr. Tsai)
Week 6: 蔡奎如老師共同授課, 全英, Presentation Dos and Don'ts & Delivering presentations: Verbal and non-verbal communication, signposting (By Dr. Tsai)
Week 7: 清明節放假
Week 8: 每位同學中文自我介紹 (預約西語系TA協助修正自我介紹的英文稿子&訓練oral presentation)
Week 9: Midterm Translation Writing Test (翻譯寫作練習, 15%)
Week 10: Introducing various styles of literature, including note, comment, review & research article
Week 11: Oral presentation by 2 graduate students (中文)
Week 12: 每位同學英文自我介紹, 蔡奎如老師共同授課, Co-advised by Dr. Tsai and Dr. Kao
Week 13: Oral presentation by undergraduate students (中文)
Week 14: Oral presentation by undergraduate students (中文)
Week 15: Oral presentation by undergraduate students (中文)
Week 16: How to write Abstract and prepare your poster
Week 17: Oral presentation in English (every students)
Week 18: 補報告,It will be scheduled and posted later (另行通知)
Teaching Assistants (TA) from Department of Western Language and Literature. Their meeting time and information will be posted later.
Course materials provided or assigned by the lecturer.
Additional Reading Material:
Dazzle 'Em With Style : The Art of Oral Scientific Presentation (2nd Ed) RH Anholt (Academic Press)
MLA Handbook : for Writers of Research Papers (7th Edition) Author:Joseph Gibaldi (Modern Language Association)
Professional and technical writing strategies (6th Edition) Author: Judith S. VanAlstyne (Pearson)
How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (7th Edition) Author: Robert A Day (ORYX press)
Writing successful science proposals (2nd Edition ) Authors: Andrew Friedland (Yale University Press)
ESP:English for Biotechnology (2nd Ed) NCKU ESP Program (Bookman)
*participation (參與度10%) Participation: Attendance is strongly required. Active participation is highly appreciated (10%), especially in Dr. Tsai’s class, including “reading and translation” (即席翻譯)
*Reading and translation (即席翻譯或預先提供資料的口語表現5%)
* 翻譯寫作練習 (15%,期中考,Translation in writing)
Formal Self-introduction : 自我介紹的口頭訓練(A 5-min oral self-introduction二次, 一次中文一次英文,各5分鐘,10+15%)
口頭報告oral presentation (Biotechnology related research article) (35%,個別報告25min+回答問題與討論 25 min, for each student,準備完整PowerPoint印出給教師,研究生需兩次,報告前週日PowerPoint上傳教學平台,本世紀SCI前50%期刊文章)
Oral presentation in English (5-10min presentation, 10%)
This course is designed to provide a comprehensive course for graduate and senior/junior undergraduate students with life science background and specialized vocabulary to enhance their reading, speaking, oral presentation, and writing skills in Biological English Literature. It also provides students with a basic knowledge and understanding of the general structures of academic papers including original research article/review article/news/note/experimental protocol. It covers the word usage and phrase, sentence structures, paragraph writing, and essay, report, and abstract writing. This course also benefits for improving English presentation skills including seminar, self-introduction, and poster presenting. Practicing is at the core of this course. The objective of this course is to assist students make a good presentation with English. Practicing formal presentation (seminar or interview) will be key elements throughout this course. A 5-min self-introduction, 5-min professional oral presentation in English, and 25-min oral presentation will be required for each student. 本課程目的是提升生物科技與相關領域之專業英語溝通表達能力,包括熟悉生物專業英文文獻,加強專業字彙以及閱讀與口說或文字溝通表達等能力。課程著重在介紹生物科技專業英文之閱讀,包括一般生物科技新聞(news),報導短文(note/comment),及專業生物科技類的實驗操作手冊(protocol) ,與進階的生物科技專業英文,包括文獻回顧文章(review article),研究型文章(research article),訓練同學在閱讀了解,翻譯,寫作(包括:中英文摘要寫作,研究成果資料整理,計畫與研究論文撰寫),還有專業研究文獻的準備以及口頭報告,研究計畫成果的整理以及報告,及專業領域自我介紹的訓練;期望提升學生此類技能,不僅因應將來閱讀生物科技專業英文資料,準備專題討論課程,繼續升學進修或進入專業生技相關職場就業之提早準備,更達到深化生物科技專業知識及多元文化之學習,因應生物科技產業國際化的需求。本課程和學校計劃合作,特別聘請通識中心蔡奎如老師進行兩次全英文授課,並在課程結束前提供一次英文自我介紹練習與指導,並搭配西語系TA協助同學練習。期末每位同學都必須進行5分鐘英文自我介紹,5分鐘專業英文口頭報告以及25分鐘搭配PPT的專業英文文獻介紹。
本課程的目的是要介紹生物科技專業英文之閱讀 (包括一般生物科技短文, 專業生物科技類的research paper, review article), 朗讀與翻譯 (即席翻譯或指定時間內完成翻譯), 寫作原則 (包括英翻中之寫作, 摘要寫法練習, 資料整理與paper等的寫作), 及自我介紹,口頭報告,期望提升學生此類技能。
Week 1: Course Orientation 說明課程 Course Introduction- Professional Website to search literature article, especially those research/review article in SCI journal
Week 2: How to find a suitable material for presentation? How to use Journal citation report database? (Practice on Reading and Translation: Title & Abstract)
Week 3: How to prepare your lecture & ppt for formal presentation (in Mandarin and English)
Week 4: How to prepare a formal interview self-introduction presentation (in Mandarin and English) 如何準備口試 (應對練習) Oral presentation (demo), Oral presentation by 2 graduate students (中文)
Week 5: 蔡奎如老師共同授課, 全英, Preparing Presentations: Outline, visual aids (By Dr. Tsai)
Week 6: 蔡奎如老師共同授課, 全英, Presentation Dos and Don'ts & Delivering presentations: Verbal and non-verbal communication, signposting (By Dr. Tsai)
Week 7: 清明節放假
Week 8: 每位同學中文自我介紹 (預約西語系TA協助修正自我介紹的英文稿子&訓練oral presentation)
Week 9: Midterm Translation Writing Test (翻譯寫作練習, 15%)
Week 10: Introducing various styles of literature, including note, comment, review & research article
Week 11: Oral presentation by 2 graduate students (中文)
Week 12: 每位同學英文自我介紹, 蔡奎如老師共同授課, Co-advised by Dr. Tsai and Dr. Kao
Week 13: Oral presentation by undergraduate students (中文)
Week 14: Oral presentation by undergraduate students (中文)
Week 15: Oral presentation by undergraduate students (中文)
Week 16: How to write Abstract and prepare your poster
Week 17: Oral presentation in English (every students)
Week 18: 補報告,It will be scheduled and posted later (另行通知)
Teaching Assistants (TA) from Department of Western Language and Literature. Their meeting time and information will be posted later.
Course materials provided or assigned by the lecturer.
Additional Reading Material:
Dazzle 'Em With Style : The Art of Oral Scientific Presentation (2nd Ed) RH Anholt (Academic Press)
MLA Handbook : for Writers of Research Papers (7th Edition) Author:Joseph Gibaldi (Modern Language Association)
Professional and technical writing strategies (6th Edition) Author: Judith S. VanAlstyne (Pearson)
How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (7th Edition) Author: Robert A Day (ORYX press)
Writing successful science proposals (2nd Edition ) Authors: Andrew Friedland (Yale University Press)
ESP:English for Biotechnology (2nd Ed) NCKU ESP Program (Bookman)
*participation (參與度10%) Participation: Attendance is strongly required. Active participation is highly appreciated (10%), especially in Dr. Tsai’s class, including “reading and translation” (即席翻譯)
*Reading and translation (即席翻譯或預先提供資料的口語表現5%)
* 翻譯寫作練習 (15%,期中考,Translation in writing)
Formal Self-introduction : 自我介紹的口頭訓練(A 5-min oral self-introduction二次, 一次中文一次英文,各5分鐘,10+15%)
口頭報告oral presentation (Biotechnology related research article) (35%,個別報告25min+回答問題與討論 25 min, for each student,準備完整PowerPoint印出給教師,研究生需兩次,報告前週日PowerPoint上傳教學平台,本世紀SCI前50%期刊文章)
Oral presentation in English (5-10min presentation, 10%)
110-<span class="highlight">2</span>_台灣與全球化
【Synchronous online/on site lecture】
Google Meet for this class= https://meet.google.com/yqs-xgqa-znd
This course aims to provide students a picture of Taiwan in the context of globalization. Throughout the history, Taiwan has always been impacted by globalization. In fact, the very names “Taiwan” and “Formosa” themselves are the products of globalization. One may have a totally different understanding of Taiwan in the perspective of globalization.
This course traces the history of Taiwan since the paleolithic age to the 21st century and offer explanations from the view of globalization. This course will provide an opportunity for students to explore the interactions and the political and economic calculations of the actors.
This course offers local students a new view of their homeland and introduce international students a historic tour of this beautiful island.
Field trips to historic scenes are included.
Week 1 Introduction
Week 2 The Migration of the Austronesians
Week 3 Kingdom of Middag, the Dutch, the Spanish, and the Pirates
Week 4 Koxinga, the Manchu Empire, and Their International Allies
Week 5 Merchants, Missionaries, and the Mandarin
Week 6 Walking Tour in "The British Consulate at Takow" (4 hours)
Week 7 Combined with Week 6, no class this week
Week 8 Meiji Revolution, Southward Advance, and the Sino-Japanese War
Week 9 Midterm Report: Taiwan Treasure Hunt
Week 10 Speech: "Wars in the 21st century: With particular reference to Ukraine an Taiwan." by Mr. Chen-en Sung, Deputy CEO of the Taiwan New Constitution Foundation
Week 11 Colonization, Industrialization, and Fortification under the Japanese Empire
Week 12 World War II and Taiwan
Week 13 Cold War, US Strategies, and the Chiang Regime
Week 14 Taiwan’s Economic Development after WWII
Week 15 Dragon Boat Festival
Week 16 Taiwan's Role in the international Power Games
Week 17 Final Report I
Week 18 Final Report II
Denny Roy. (2003). Taiwan: A Political History. Cornell University Press.
Shelley Riggers. (2011). Why Taiwan Matters: Small Island, Global Powerhouse. Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc
Tonio Andrade. (2008). How Taiwan Became Chinese: Dutch, Spanish, and Han Colonization in the Seventeenth Century. Columbia University Press
Ming-chin Monique Chu, Scott L. Kastner. (2015). Globalization and Security Relations across the Taiwan Strait: In the Shadow of China. Routledge.
Bonnie Glaser. (2019). Charting Convergence: Exploring the Intersection of the U.S. Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy and Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy. CSIS.
Gary Hamilton and Cheng-shu Kao.(2018) Making Money: How Taiwanese Industrialists Embraced the Global Economy. California: Stanford University.
Jonathan Manthrope. (2008). Forbidden Nation: A History of Taiwan. St. Martin’s Griffin.
Gareth Price. (2018). Language, Society, and State: From Colonization to Globalization in Taiwan. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Murray A. Rubinstein,(2007).Taiwan : a New History. M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, N.Y.
Memo 20%
Discussion 30%
Midterm Exam 20%
Final Report 30%
【Synchronous online/on site lecture】
Google Meet for this class= https://meet.google.com/yqs-xgqa-znd
This course aims to provide students a picture of Taiwan in the context of globalization. Throughout the history, Taiwan has always been impacted by globalization. In fact, the very names “Taiwan” and “Formosa” themselves are the products of globalization. One may have a totally different understanding of Taiwan in the perspective of globalization.
This course traces the history of Taiwan since the paleolithic age to the 21st century and offer explanations from the view of globalization. This course will provide an opportunity for students to explore the interactions and the political and economic calculations of the actors.
This course offers local students a new view of their homeland and introduce international students a historic tour of this beautiful island.
Field trips to historic scenes are included.
Week 1 Introduction
Week 2 The Migration of the Austronesians
Week 3 Kingdom of Middag, the Dutch, the Spanish, and the Pirates
Week 4 Koxinga, the Manchu Empire, and Their International Allies
Week 5 Merchants, Missionaries, and the Mandarin
Week 6 Walking Tour in "The British Consulate at Takow" (4 hours)
Week 7 Combined with Week 6, no class this week
Week 8 Meiji Revolution, Southward Advance, and the Sino-Japanese War
Week 9 Midterm Report: Taiwan Treasure Hunt
Week 10 Speech: "Wars in the 21st century: With particular reference to Ukraine an Taiwan." by Mr. Chen-en Sung, Deputy CEO of the Taiwan New Constitution Foundation
Week 11 Colonization, Industrialization, and Fortification under the Japanese Empire
Week 12 World War II and Taiwan
Week 13 Cold War, US Strategies, and the Chiang Regime
Week 14 Taiwan’s Economic Development after WWII
Week 15 Dragon Boat Festival
Week 16 Taiwan's Role in the international Power Games
Week 17 Final Report I
Week 18 Final Report II
Denny Roy. (2003). Taiwan: A Political History. Cornell University Press.
Shelley Riggers. (2011). Why Taiwan Matters: Small Island, Global Powerhouse. Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc
Tonio Andrade. (2008). How Taiwan Became Chinese: Dutch, Spanish, and Han Colonization in the Seventeenth Century. Columbia University Press
Ming-chin Monique Chu, Scott L. Kastner. (2015). Globalization and Security Relations across the Taiwan Strait: In the Shadow of China. Routledge.
Bonnie Glaser. (2019). Charting Convergence: Exploring the Intersection of the U.S. Free and Open Indo-Pacific Strategy and Taiwan’s New Southbound Policy. CSIS.
Gary Hamilton and Cheng-shu Kao.(2018) Making Money: How Taiwanese Industrialists Embraced the Global Economy. California: Stanford University.
Jonathan Manthrope. (2008). Forbidden Nation: A History of Taiwan. St. Martin’s Griffin.
Gareth Price. (2018). Language, Society, and State: From Colonization to Globalization in Taiwan. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Murray A. Rubinstein,(2007).Taiwan : a New History. M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, N.Y.
Memo 20%
Discussion 30%
Midterm Exam 20%
Final Report 30%
110-<span class="highlight">2</span>_天然物結構鑑定
讓授課學生能充分了解天然物純化與有機光譜學領域之專業知識(尤其是化合物的醇、醚、酸、酯、醯胺等官能基及天然物核磁共振光譜的特殊訊號與解析)及其相關延伸與應用(天然物結構與活性的研究),啟發學生對天然物結構鑑定的興趣和熱忱,進而培育天然物研究(中草藥)相關領域的人才。 天然物結構鑑定: 視訊通話連結:https://meet.google.com/jvf-kowi-rkz
第單元:Chromatography (W1、W2)、第一單元:1H NMR Spectrometry I (W3、W4)、第二單元:1H NMR Spectrometry II (W5、W6)、第三單元:1H NMR Spectrometry III (W7、W8)、第四單元:13C NMR Spectrometry (W9、W10)、第五單元:2D NMR & Structure Elucidation (W11、W12)、第六單元:2D NMR Examples (W13、W14)、第七單元:測圖操作技術與程式軟體實作應用 (W15)、第八單元:Final Oral Report (W16、W18)。
1) Organic Structure Determination Using 2D NMR Spectroscopy, Jeffery H. Simpson, 2008. 2) “Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds” 7th, Silverstein, R. M., Webster, F. X. and Kiemle, D. J., 2005. 3) Natural Product Chemistry: A mechanistic, biosynthetic and ecological approach, Kurt B. G. Torssell, 2th, 1997. 4) Purification and Structure Elucidation for Natural Products, Shi-Yie Cheng, 2013.
Homework Assignments:50%、Midterm Examination:20%、Final Examination:30%。
讓授課學生能充分了解天然物純化與有機光譜學領域之專業知識(尤其是化合物的醇、醚、酸、酯、醯胺等官能基及天然物核磁共振光譜的特殊訊號與解析)及其相關延伸與應用(天然物結構與活性的研究),啟發學生對天然物結構鑑定的興趣和熱忱,進而培育天然物研究(中草藥)相關領域的人才。 天然物結構鑑定: 視訊通話連結:https://meet.google.com/jvf-kowi-rkz
第單元:Chromatography (W1、W2)、第一單元:1H NMR Spectrometry I (W3、W4)、第二單元:1H NMR Spectrometry II (W5、W6)、第三單元:1H NMR Spectrometry III (W7、W8)、第四單元:13C NMR Spectrometry (W9、W10)、第五單元:2D NMR & Structure Elucidation (W11、W12)、第六單元:2D NMR Examples (W13、W14)、第七單元:測圖操作技術與程式軟體實作應用 (W15)、第八單元:Final Oral Report (W16、W18)。
1) Organic Structure Determination Using 2D NMR Spectroscopy, Jeffery H. Simpson, 2008. 2) “Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds” 7th, Silverstein, R. M., Webster, F. X. and Kiemle, D. J., 2005. 3) Natural Product Chemistry: A mechanistic, biosynthetic and ecological approach, Kurt B. G. Torssell, 2th, 1997. 4) Purification and Structure Elucidation for Natural Products, Shi-Yie Cheng, 2013.
Homework Assignments:50%、Midterm Examination:20%、Final Examination:30%。
110-<span class="highlight">2</span>_統計學(二)
Statistics is a powerful tool for people making decision under uncertainty. The goal of this second squeal of statistics is to equip students the skill of applying the theory of sampling distribution in making decisions in business and economics. The topics include in this semester confidence interval, hypotheses testing, analysis of variances, analysis of categorical data and simple linear regression model.
Hypothesis test: Variance Analysis of variance (ANOVA) Simple linear regression Multiple regression Nonparametric methods
Required Textbook: Anderson, Sweeney and Williams, 2011. Statistics for Business and Economics, 11th edition. Recommended Textbooks: Paul Newbold, William Carlson, and Betty Thorne, 2012. Statistics for Business and Economics, 7th edition. Heinz Kohler, 2002. Statistics for Business and Economics. 林惠玲,陳正倉, 應用統計學,雙葉書廊。 嚴月珠,商用統計學,三民書局。
Exams: There will be one midterm and one final exam. I do not give makeup exams. If you have time conflict with the exams, you must let me know prior to the exam. Calculator and dictionary are allowed in the exams. Quiz: Quiz will be given about once every two weeks during lab hours. The purpose is to encourage students to study statistics regularly. Makeup quiz will not be given under any circumstances. Homework: There will be a one-hour lab, held by TA, in approximately every other week. The lab hour is designed to evaluate and enhance students' understanding about the topics covered in class. Consequently, the lab is spent on quiz and homework discussion. It also gives students the hand-on opportunity to apply statistical software on real data. Homework will be assigned and due exactly one week from the date of the assignment. Late homework will not be accepted. Grades: Your grade consists of the following components: Midterm 35% Final 40% Quiz 12% Homework 8% Participation: 5%
Statistics is a powerful tool for people making decision under uncertainty. The goal of this second squeal of statistics is to equip students the skill of applying the theory of sampling distribution in making decisions in business and economics. The topics include in this semester confidence interval, hypotheses testing, analysis of variances, analysis of categorical data and simple linear regression model.
Hypothesis test: Variance Analysis of variance (ANOVA) Simple linear regression Multiple regression Nonparametric methods
Required Textbook: Anderson, Sweeney and Williams, 2011. Statistics for Business and Economics, 11th edition. Recommended Textbooks: Paul Newbold, William Carlson, and Betty Thorne, 2012. Statistics for Business and Economics, 7th edition. Heinz Kohler, 2002. Statistics for Business and Economics. 林惠玲,陳正倉, 應用統計學,雙葉書廊。 嚴月珠,商用統計學,三民書局。
Exams: There will be one midterm and one final exam. I do not give makeup exams. If you have time conflict with the exams, you must let me know prior to the exam. Calculator and dictionary are allowed in the exams. Quiz: Quiz will be given about once every two weeks during lab hours. The purpose is to encourage students to study statistics regularly. Makeup quiz will not be given under any circumstances. Homework: There will be a one-hour lab, held by TA, in approximately every other week. The lab hour is designed to evaluate and enhance students' understanding about the topics covered in class. Consequently, the lab is spent on quiz and homework discussion. It also gives students the hand-on opportunity to apply statistical software on real data. Homework will be assigned and due exactly one week from the date of the assignment. Late homework will not be accepted. Grades: Your grade consists of the following components: Midterm 35% Final 40% Quiz 12% Homework 8% Participation: 5%
110-<span class="highlight">2</span>_微波無線系統導論
本課程為 "射頻主動電路" 先修課程,透過此課程,讓學生認識微波(射頻)無線通訊系統各種特性參數(例如:靈敏度、雜訊指數、1-dB增益壓縮點等)意義,並且認識微波(射頻)無線通訊系統各種架構特性以及學習鍊路特性參數之計算。
1. 培養學生瞭解微波(射頻)無線通訊系統基本架構;
2. 培養學生瞭解微波(射頻)無線通訊系統特性參數;
In this course, we will learn the following topics:
1. Transmission Lines
2. Two-port Network Analysis
3. Microwave Power Dividers and Couplers
4. Microwave Filters
5. Antenna Fundamentals
6. RF Link
7. Basic Concepts of Modulation
8. Transceiver Architectures
1. D. M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, 4th ed.
2. M. Steer, Microwave and RF Design, 3rd ed.
Midterm Exam (30%), Term Report (30%), Homework (30%), and Attendance (10%)
為配合學校規定,5/11 採用 Microsoft Teams 會議方式線上授課,請於 5/10(二) 以前加入課程團隊,詳情已公告在 Moodle 4.0 教學平台方式。
本課程為 "射頻主動電路" 先修課程,透過此課程,讓學生認識微波(射頻)無線通訊系統各種特性參數(例如:靈敏度、雜訊指數、1-dB增益壓縮點等)意義,並且認識微波(射頻)無線通訊系統各種架構特性以及學習鍊路特性參數之計算。
1. 培養學生瞭解微波(射頻)無線通訊系統基本架構;
2. 培養學生瞭解微波(射頻)無線通訊系統特性參數;
In this course, we will learn the following topics:
1. Transmission Lines
2. Two-port Network Analysis
3. Microwave Power Dividers and Couplers
4. Microwave Filters
5. Antenna Fundamentals
6. RF Link
7. Basic Concepts of Modulation
8. Transceiver Architectures
1. D. M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, 4th ed.
2. M. Steer, Microwave and RF Design, 3rd ed.
Midterm Exam (30%), Term Report (30%), Homework (30%), and Attendance (10%)
110-<span class="highlight">2</span>_微積分(二)
1. 若因疫情關係無法實體上課將採遠距教學方式進行,,本課程部份訊息會在Microsoft Teams上公布,請同學務必加入,使用方法如下:
請到下列網址:https://www.office.com/ 後登入,
學生帳號:學號@o365.nuk.edu.tw ,例如:a10XXXXX@o365.nuk.edu.tw
預設密碼:Nuk西元生日八碼 例如:Nuk199XXXXX(注意N是大寫),此外登入後需設定新的密碼,之後就能以學生帳戶進入Microsoft Teams
2. 於Microsoft Teams中左側標籤【團隊】進入後,再於右上的【加入或建立團隊】點選後在【使用代碼加入團隊】輸入團隊代碼: u4pa4w8
7.4 Arc Length and Surfaces of Revolution
8 Integration Techniques and Improper Integrals
8.1 Basic Integration Rules
8.2 Integration by Parts
8.3 Trigonometric Integrals
8.4 Trigonometric Substitution
8.5 Partial Fractions
8.7 Integration by Tables and Other Integration Techniques
8.8 Improper Integrals
12 Vector-Valued Functions
12.1 Vector-Valued Functions
12.2 Differentiation and Integration of Vector-Valued Functions
12.4 Tangent Vectors and Normal Vectors
12.5 Arc Length and Curvature
13 Functions of Several Variables
13.1 Introduction to Functions of Several Variables
13.2 Limits and Continuity
13.3 Partial Derivatives
13.4 Differentials
13.5 Chain Rules for Functions of Several Variables
13.6 Directional Derivatives and Gradients
13.7 Tangent Planes and Normal Lines
13.8 Extrema of Functions of Two Variables
13.10 Lagrange Multipliers
9 Infinite Series (optional)
9.1 Sequences
9.2 Series and Convergence
9.3 The Integral Test and p-Series
9.4 Comparisons of Series
9.5 Alternating Series
9.6 The Ratio and Root Tests
9.7 Taylor Polynomials and Approximations
9.8 Power Series
9.9 Representation of Functions by Power Series
9.10 Taylor and Maclaurin Series
10 Conics, Parametric Equations, and Polar Coordinates (optional)
10.2 Plane Curves and Parametric Equations
10.3 Parametric Equations and Calculus
10.4 Polar Coordinates and Polar Graphs
11 Vectors and the Geometry of Space (optional)
11.1 Vectors in the Plane
11.2 Space Coordinates and Vectors in Space
11.3 The Dot Product of Two Vectors
11.4 The Cross Product of Two Vectors in Space
11.5 Lines and Planes in Space
Ron Larson and Bruce Edwards, Calculus 11e, ISBN: 978-1-337-61619-5.
期中考 (30%)、期末考 (30%)、微積分會考 (25%)、出席 (15%) 備註:若因疫情關係無法實體考試,上述配分將滾動式調整。
1. 若因疫情關係無法實體上課將採遠距教學方式進行,,本課程部份訊息會在Microsoft Teams上公布,請同學務必加入,使用方法如下:
請到下列網址:https://www.office.com/ 後登入,
學生帳號:學號@o365.nuk.edu.tw ,例如:a10XXXXX@o365.nuk.edu.tw
預設密碼:Nuk西元生日八碼 例如:Nuk199XXXXX(注意N是大寫),此外登入後需設定新的密碼,之後就能以學生帳戶進入Microsoft Teams
2. 於Microsoft Teams中左側標籤【團隊】進入後,再於右上的【加入或建立團隊】點選後在【使用代碼加入團隊】輸入團隊代碼: u4pa4w8
7.4 Arc Length and Surfaces of Revolution
8 Integration Techniques and Improper Integrals
8.1 Basic Integration Rules
8.2 Integration by Parts
8.3 Trigonometric Integrals
8.4 Trigonometric Substitution
8.5 Partial Fractions
8.7 Integration by Tables and Other Integration Techniques
8.8 Improper Integrals
12 Vector-Valued Functions
12.1 Vector-Valued Functions
12.2 Differentiation and Integration of Vector-Valued Functions
12.4 Tangent Vectors and Normal Vectors
12.5 Arc Length and Curvature
13 Functions of Several Variables
13.1 Introduction to Functions of Several Variables
13.2 Limits and Continuity
13.3 Partial Derivatives
13.4 Differentials
13.5 Chain Rules for Functions of Several Variables
13.6 Directional Derivatives and Gradients
13.7 Tangent Planes and Normal Lines
13.8 Extrema of Functions of Two Variables
13.10 Lagrange Multipliers
9 Infinite Series (optional)
9.1 Sequences
9.2 Series and Convergence
9.3 The Integral Test and p-Series
9.4 Comparisons of Series
9.5 Alternating Series
9.6 The Ratio and Root Tests
9.7 Taylor Polynomials and Approximations
9.8 Power Series
9.9 Representation of Functions by Power Series
9.10 Taylor and Maclaurin Series
10 Conics, Parametric Equations, and Polar Coordinates (optional)
10.2 Plane Curves and Parametric Equations
10.3 Parametric Equations and Calculus
10.4 Polar Coordinates and Polar Graphs
11 Vectors and the Geometry of Space (optional)
11.1 Vectors in the Plane
11.2 Space Coordinates and Vectors in Space
11.3 The Dot Product of Two Vectors
11.4 The Cross Product of Two Vectors in Space
11.5 Lines and Planes in Space
Ron Larson and Bruce Edwards, Calculus 11e, ISBN: 978-1-337-61619-5.
期中考 (30%)、期末考 (30%)、微積分會考 (25%)、出席 (15%) 備註:若因疫情關係無法實體考試,上述配分將滾動式調整。
110-<span class="highlight">2</span>_行銷與專案管理
This course will explore the global marketplace providing insight into current and evolving issues in international business and global management confronting the 21st century manager. The project management has been well developed during the past two decades. Right now in the United States most big coeporations have demanded that for those managers wanted to be promoted to mid-level and senior executives should possess certificates of project management. The main purpose of this course is to teach undergrade and graduate students understanding theory and applications of project management. Specific methods such as net present value, internal rate of return, payback period, life cycle costing, cost-benefit analysis, and regression analysis will be presented in details.
-Global marketing environment
-Geography / History
-Cultural factors in global marketing
-Business customs
-Political environment
-Legal Systems
-Marketing research
-Emerging markets
-Regional market groups
-Strategic marketing
-Collaborative relationships
-Developing consumer products (Product I)
-Industrial products (Product II)
-International Distribution Channels (Place)
-Exporting and logistics
-Global Advertising (Promotion)
-Training for international marketing
-Pricing issues in international marketing (Price)
The topics of project management:
1.Simple and compound interest 2. Discounting methods 3. Estimates of project costs 4. Project feasibility study 5. Risk analysis 6. Food industry project 7. Automobile industry project 8. Home heating system 9. Electric power projects 10. Transportation projects
Cateora, P. R., and Graham, J. L. (2016). International Marketing (16th Ed.). Boston: McGraw Hill.
Main textbook: Po-Chih Lee, Project Evaluation: Methods and Ap[plications. Li-Wen Publishing Company, 2010 (in Chinese). References: International Project Management Body of Knowledge, Taiwan Project Management Assoiciation, 2005.
1. Attendance 80 % 2. Report 20 % 3. Total 100 %
This course will explore the global marketplace providing insight into current and evolving issues in international business and global management confronting the 21st century manager. The project management has been well developed during the past two decades. Right now in the United States most big coeporations have demanded that for those managers wanted to be promoted to mid-level and senior executives should possess certificates of project management. The main purpose of this course is to teach undergrade and graduate students understanding theory and applications of project management. Specific methods such as net present value, internal rate of return, payback period, life cycle costing, cost-benefit analysis, and regression analysis will be presented in details.
-Global marketing environment
-Geography / History
-Cultural factors in global marketing
-Business customs
-Political environment
-Legal Systems
-Marketing research
-Emerging markets
-Regional market groups
-Strategic marketing
-Collaborative relationships
-Developing consumer products (Product I)
-Industrial products (Product II)
-International Distribution Channels (Place)
-Exporting and logistics
-Global Advertising (Promotion)
-Training for international marketing
-Pricing issues in international marketing (Price)
The topics of project management:
1.Simple and compound interest 2. Discounting methods 3. Estimates of project costs 4. Project feasibility study 5. Risk analysis 6. Food industry project 7. Automobile industry project 8. Home heating system 9. Electric power projects 10. Transportation projects
Cateora, P. R., and Graham, J. L. (2016). International Marketing (16th Ed.). Boston: McGraw Hill.
Main textbook: Po-Chih Lee, Project Evaluation: Methods and Ap[plications. Li-Wen Publishing Company, 2010 (in Chinese). References: International Project Management Body of Knowledge, Taiwan Project Management Assoiciation, 2005.
1. Attendance 80 % 2. Report 20 % 3. Total 100 %