搜尋結果: 220
本課程主要採取「演講課」(lecture)與「討論課」(seminar)並行的方式;演講課方式的進行中,將配合指定參考書的章節內容對照閱讀,並輔以多媒體資料。討論課的進度過程中,將配合指定之文獻與案例,並請同學自行蒐尋相關資料,最後提出發現成果。 同時,修課同學將分為幾個研讀組,並須於課前完成該週指定閱讀材料。文獻導讀的報告討論必須製作powerpoint簡報電子檔,並分發書面的綱要,內容包含:(1)三百字以內之摘述,(2)主要論點和論證邏輯的說明【建議配合論證圖示】,以及(3)評論和問題。綱要必須於首頁列明報告文獻書目(APA格式)、日期、報告人組別和姓名等基本資訊。 第 一 週 1.課程導論 第 二 週 2.案例分析與建築設計 第 三 週 3.當代建築學的疑旨 第 四 週 4.現代建築的前沿 第 五 週 5.現代建築的遺產 第 六 週 6.現代建築的遺產 第 七 週 7.現代建築的遺產 第 八 週 8.現代建築的遺產 第 九 週 9.期中考 第 十 週 10.現代建築之後的設計 第十一週 11.現代建築之後的設計 第十二週 12.解構以來的設計 第十三週 13.解構以來的設計 第十四週 14.當代日本建築的設計 第十五週 15.當代日本建築的設計 第十六週 16.期末報告(一) 第十七週 17.期末報告(二) 第十八週 18.期末考
Frampton, Kenneth(2007)The Evolution of 20th Century Architecture. (20世紀建築學的演變)張欽楠譯,北京:中國建築工業出版。 Frampton, Kenneth(2007)Studies in Tectonic Culture--the Poetics of Construction in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Architecture. (建構文化研究--論19世紀和20世紀建築中的建造詩學)王駿陽譯,北京:中國建築工業出版。 Ghirardo, Diane(2001)Architecture After Modernism. (現代主義以後的建築),台北:龍溪圖書。 Jones, Peter Blundell(2004)Modern Architecture Through Case Studies. (現代建築設計案例),北京:中國建築工業出版。 Koolhaas, Rem(2007)Delirious New York. (瘋狂的紐約)唐克揚譯,北京:三聯書店出版。 Moneo, Rafael(2008)Theoretical Anxiety and Design Strategies in the Work of Eight Contemporary Architects.(哈佛大學建築系的八堂課:八位當代建築師作品的理論焦慮及設計策略)林芳慧譯,台北:田園城市出版。 X-Knowledge(2014)《當代建築大師提案哲學與智慧》,台北:瑞昇文化。 謝宗哲(2013)《日本當代前衛建築:自然系》,台北:田園城市出版。 Thackara, Johned(1998)Beyond the Object: Design after Modernism. (超物論:一些現代主義以後的設計思考),台北:田園城市。 Rybczynski, Witold(2016)Home Architecture Works: a Humanist’s Toolkit. (讀建築:從柯比意到安藤忠雄,百大案例看懂建築的十大門道)黃煜文譯,台北:貓頭鷹出版。 Simitch, Andrea(2015)The Language of Architecture: 26 Principles Every Architect Should Know.(建築的語言:從想到做,每位建築人都想掌握的26個法則)吳莉君譯,台北:原點出版。 Pause, Michael(2012)Precedents in Architecture. (建築典例),台北:六合出版社。 Ching, Francis D. K.(2015)Architecture : Form , Space , & Order. (建築:造型、空間與秩序),台北:六合出版社。 磯達雄(2013)《日本後現代建築巡禮》,台北:楓樹林出版。 五十嵐太郎 (2018)《日本建築家世界愛》(席捲世界的日本建築家群像),台北:原點出版。 謝宗哲(2017)《日本當代建築巡覽》,台北:商周出版。 隈研吾(Kengo Kuma)(2010)《負建築》(負建築),台北:博雅書屋。 隈研吾(Kengo Kuma)(2010)《自然的建築》(自然建築),台北:博雅書屋。 Goldberger, Paul(2012)Why Architecture Matters.(建築為何重要)林俊宏譯,台北:大家出版。 Chaslin, Fran231;ois(2003)Deux Conversation Avec Rem Koolhaas et caetera.(庫哈斯談庫哈斯)林怡萱譯,台北:田園城市。
“Scientific English” is the course designed to provide undergraduate students who have the attempt to further study with opportunities to be familiar with English biological literature, increase specialized vocabulary and improve reading and comprehensive understanding abilities and know how to prepare and present a formal literature presentation. The lecturer will introduce basic and advanced topics in various English biological literature including note, comment, review article and research article. In addition, the writing and research skill will also be emphasized. Lectures and workshops will be conducted in English if necessary. There are in-class exercises, quizzes, and homework assignments. A 5-min self-introduction and 25-min oral presentation will be required for each student in the end of semester. 本課程目的是提升學生在生物科技與相關領域之專業英語能力,提供學生熟悉生物專業英文文獻,加強專業字彙以及閱讀與口說溝通表達等能力。本課程題材包括基本生物科技短文,一般生物科技新聞(news),報導短文(note/comment),及專業生物科技類的實驗操作手冊(protocol),與進階的生物科技專業英文,包括文獻回顧文章(review article),研究型文章(research article),訓練同學在閱讀了解,翻譯,寫作,還有專業研究文獻口頭報告,研究計畫口頭報告,以及自我介紹的訓練,期望提升學生此類技能,不僅因應將來閱讀生物科技專業英文資料,準備專題討論課程,繼續升學進修或進入職場就業之提早準備,更達到深化生物科技專業知識及多元文化之學習,因應生物科技產業國際化的需求。課程中安排每位學生進行各項練習,閱讀,翻譯,中英文自我介紹及口頭報告。本課程和學校深根計劃合作特別聘請通識中心蔡奎如老師進行3次全英文授課與指導英文自我介紹。
本課程的目的是要介紹生物科技專業英文之閱讀 (包括一般生物科技短文, 專業生物科技類的research paper, review article), 朗讀與翻譯 (即席翻譯或指定時間內完成翻譯), 寫作原則 (包括英翻中之寫作, 摘要寫法練習, 資料整理與paper等的寫作), 及自我介紹,口頭報告,期望提升學生此類技能。
Week 1: Course Orientation 說明課程 Course Introduction- Professional Website to search literature article, especially those research/review article in SCI journal
Week 2: How to find a suitable material for presentation ? How to use Journal citation report database? (Practice on Reading and Translation: Title & Abstract)
Week 3: Professional Lecture Demonstration
Week 4: Professional Lecture Demonstration
Week 5: How to prepare a formal interview self-introduction presentation (in Mandarin and English) (Practice on Reading and Translation: Title & Abstract)
Week 6: 蔡奎如老師共同授課, 全英, Preparing Presentations: Outline, visual aids (By Dr. Tsai)
Week 7: 蔡奎如老師共同授課, 全英, Presentation Dos and Don'ts & Delivering presentations: Verbal and non-verbal communication, signposting (By Dr. Tsai) (蔡奎如老師支援)
Week 8: 中文自我介紹 Demonstration
Week 9: 每位同學中文自我介紹 (oral presentation 訂題目,修正自我介紹的英文稿子)
Week 10: How to prepare your lecture & ppt for presentation ? Introducing various styles of literature, including note, comment, review & research article (Practice on Reading and Translation: Title & Abstract) 西語系TA協助訓練 (先預約)
Week 11: How to make an Oral Presentation? How to write abstract? 西語系TA協助訓練 (先預約)
Week 12: 每位同學英文自我介紹, 蔡奎如老師共同授課, Co-advised by Dr. Tsai and Dr. Kao
Week 13: Oral presentation by students
Week 14: Oral presentation by students
Week 15: Oral presentation by students
Week 16:Oral presentation by students
Week 17: Oral presentation in English (every students)
Week 18: FINAL EXAM (take home 單字/翻譯無字典/翻譯無字典)
Teaching Assistants (TA) from Department of Western Language and Literature. Their meeting time and information will be posted later.
Course materials provided or assigned by the lecturer.
Additional Reading Material:
Dazzle 'Em With Style : The Art of Oral Scientific Presentation (2nd Ed) RH Anholt (Academic Press)
MLA Handbook : for Writers of Research Papers (7th Edition) Author:Joseph Gibaldi (Modern Language Association)
Professional and technical writing strategies (6th Edition) Author: Judith S. VanAlstyne (Pearson)
How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (7th Edition) Author: Robert A Day (ORYX press)
Writing successful science proposals (2nd Edition ) Authors: Andrew Friedland (Yale University Press)
ESP:English for Biotechnology (2nd Ed) NCKU ESP Program (Bookman)
participation (參與度15%) Active participation is highly appreciated, especially in Dr. Tsai’s class. including “reading and translation” (即席翻譯或預先提供資料的口語表現)
Final (單字與翻譯寫作 15%)
Formal Self-introduction : 自我介紹的口頭訓練(A 5-min oral self-introduction二次, 一次中文一次英文,各5分鐘,10+10%)
Oral presentation about Life Sciences- related research article生科領域專業口頭報告 (50%,個別報告+回答問題 50 min for each student,約25min口報,報告前一天完整PowerPoint上傳e平台)
Oral presentation in English (bonus, 5-10min presentation, 10%)
週次 日期 Speaker Topic 1 Feb. 25 Introduction 抽籤決定上台報告與基礎有機合成反應討論的順序 2 Mar. 04 準備週 基礎有機合成反應-1:Free radical reaction (A1074213葉富銘) 基礎有機合成反應-2:SN1 / SN2 / E1 / E2 (A1074209陳加諭) 基礎有機合成反應-3:Halogenation of alkene/halohydrin formation (A1074217顏煜昇) 基礎有機合成反應-4:Hydration of alkene (A1074205曾雅暄) 基礎有機合成反應-5:Epoxidation and ring opening(A1074223李兆翊) 3 Mar. 11 準備週 基礎有機合成反應-6:Ozonolysis(A1074241黃渝軒) 基礎有機合成反應-7:Swern oxidation(A1074237謝旻峻) 基礎有機合成反應-8:Diels-Alder Reaction(A1074343吳汶諺) 基礎有機合成反應-9:Electrophilic aromatic substitution(A1074243郭東翰) 基礎有機合成反應-10:Nucleophilic aromatic substitution(A1074233宋治豪) 4 Mar. 18 準備週 基礎有機合成反應-11:Friedel-Crafts alkylation/acylation(A1074225廖立程) 基礎有機合成反應-12:Woff-Kishner reduction (A1074203王濬宇) 基礎有機合成反應-13:Synthesis and hydrolysis of acetal/ketal(A1074239林 謙) 基礎有機合成反應-14:Grignard reaction(A1074211邱振隆) 基礎有機合成反應-15:Wittig Reaction(A1074215蔡沛辰) 5 Mar. 25 準備週 基礎有機合成反應-16:Hydrolysis of nitriles(A1074245邱泓瑄) 基礎有機合成反應-17:Synthesis of acyl halide(A1074219黃于玲) 基礎有機合成反應-18:Fischer esterification and ester hydrolysis(A1074207胡柏源) 基礎有機合成反應-19:Aldol reaction and condensation(A1074201陳嘉恩) 基礎有機合成反應-20:Claisen ester condensation(A1074231李可筠) 6 Apr. 01 清明節放假 7 Apr. 08 準備週 8 Apr. 15 書報討論-1:A1074213葉富銘;Org. Lett. 2021, 23, 676-681 書報討論-2:A1074241黃渝軒;J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 15240-15245 書報討論-3:A1074231李可筠;Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 7455-7459 9 Apr. 22 書報討論-4:A1074205曾雅暄;J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 12027-12033 書報討論-5:A1074203王濬宇;J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 5556-5561 10 Apr. 29 書報討論-6:A1074201陳嘉恩;J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 12937-12941 書報討論-7:A1074243郭東翰;J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 6511-6515 11 May 06 書報討論-8:A1074225廖立程;J. Org. Chem. 2020, 85, 11968-11974 書報討論-9:A1074245邱泓瑄;J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 19868-19873 書報討論-10:A1074237謝旻峻;J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 8116-8121 12 May 13 書報討論-11:A1074233宋治豪;J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 1206-1210 書報討論-12:A1074209陳加諭;Org. Lett. 2021, 23, 578-582 書報討論-13:A1074215蔡沛辰;J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 3269-3274 13 May 20 邀請演講 14 May 27 邀請演講 15 Jun. 03 邀請演講 16 Jun. 10 書報討論-14:A1074219黃于玲;Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 7721-7724 書報討論-15:A1074217顏煜昇;J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 8585-8590 書報討論-16:A1074343吳汶諺;J. Org. Chem. 2020, 85, 10125-10135 17 Jun. 17 書報討論-17:A1074211邱振隆;J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141, 15773-15778 書報討論-18:A1074239林 謙;J. Org. Chem. 2020, 85, 2260-2265 18 Jun. 24 書報討論-19:A1074207胡柏源;Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 1244-1248 書報討論-20:A1074223李兆翊;J. Nat. Prod. 2020, 83, 1701-1705 學生重新上台報告
1.每位學生必須準備一次”基礎有機合成反應的講解”與一次”書報討論的報告”。 2.基礎有機合成反應的講解: 1).開學上課時,抽籤決定每位學生講解基礎有機合成反應的順序與內容。 2).在排定上台講解的當天,每位學生以「黑板書寫」的方式,來講解有機合成反應的原理與反應機構。 3.書報討論的報告: 1).文獻的選擇: a).選擇一篇在2020年以後發表的有機全合成反應的paper,作為報告的主要文獻,再配合相關合成反應的 參考文獻。 b).Topic的選擇:所選擇的文獻不可以是學生自己實驗室group meeting講解過的papers、 指導教授講解過的papers、學生自己碩士論文相關研究的papers、其它課程中講解過的papers (含大學時期上課時,曾經使用過的papers)等;若發現有上述情形者,學期總成績為零分。 c).學生選定好報告的主要文獻之後,email給任課老師原始文獻的電子檔(PDF file)。 d).若是任課老師無法接受學生選擇的文獻為講題時,將通知同學更換文獻。 e).任課老師同意學生選擇的文獻之後,才開始準備abstract的撰寫。 2).撰寫abstract: a).在課程網頁上,學生自行下載abstract template,請勿更改abstract中的格式(如:字型、 字體size、紙張size、行距、段落的間距等)。 b).開學後的第七週(Apr. 08, 2021)前,email繳交一份abstract電子檔(1~2頁)給任課老師。 c).Abstract的內容應包含簡要證明或解釋選擇該文獻的原因,例如:該文獻的有機合成反應、 有機合成路徑、新合成方法、合成反應瓶頸的突破、合成反應的應用性等,不能直接copy 或是翻譯文獻的abstract來作為自己的abstract,要用自己的心得,來說明為何選擇該合成文獻 作為報告的主要文獻。 d).任課老師會將學生的abstract公告在課程網頁上,一旦公告之後,將不得再更改abstract的內容, 請謹慎考慮與充分準備之後,才將資料email給任課老師。 e).若是未繳交abstract,學期中不得上台報告,書報討論上台報告的期末成績為零分。 f).Chemical draw的規格: ACS Document 1996。 3).上台報告的投影片: a).排定上台報告日期的前一天(星期三18:00PM以前),email給任課老師一份上台報告的投影片 (PowerPoint file),作為期末成績的評分考量。 b).上台報告當天,列印一份當天報告的投影片給任課老師[橫式列印在A4的紙張, 一面A4的紙張有四張報告的投影片,並使用雙面列印],以供評分參考。 c).星期四當天上台報告的同學,可以自行邀請其它應用化學系老師與其他未選修書報討論課程的學生 來聆聽。 4).主席:由下一次要上台報告的修課同學擔任主席。 5).演講時間:每位同學演講時間約1小時,可視情況而延長時間。 4.評分方式: 1).基礎有機合成反應的討論:15% 2).Abstract:5% a).若是未繳交abstract,本部份的成績為零分,也不得參與上台報告,書報討論報告的期末總成績 為零分。 3).書報討論的報告:70% a).老師評分:70% i). 投影片內容的編輯。 ii). 當天演講的臨場表現。 iii).回答聽眾(學生/老師)提問時的表現等。 b).同學評分:30%。 i). 若第一次的上台報告表現不佳,期末必須重新上台報告,成績以80%計算(70 x 80% = 56%)。 由於時間有限,每位學生只有一次重新上台報告的機會。 4).對於邀請演講者的演講內容之發問:5% a).依照學生發問的次數與發問的內容來加分。 b).全學期至少4次。 5).對於同學的報告內容之發問:5% a).依照學生發問的次數與發問的內容來加分。 b).全學期至少12次(基礎有機合成反應的討論6次/書報討論的報告6次)。 6).主席:視表現加分。 7).缺席/遲到/未簽到:每次扣學期總成績5分。 8).請假:若因重大事故無法上課,請於上課前 30 分鐘前,本人親自向任課老師或應用化學系辦公室請假; 若有不可抗拒之因素以致無法聯絡除外,但必須事後提出證明。 9).未竟事宜於課堂隨時補充說明 10).若有任何問題,隨時歡迎到辦公室與任課老師討論 (理學院503室)。
第單元:Chromatography (W1、W2)、第一單元:1H NMR Spectrometry I (W3、W4)、第二單元:1H NMR Spectrometry II (W5、W6)、第三單元:1H NMR Spectrometry III (W7、W8)、第四單元:13C NMR Spectrometry (W9、W10)、第五單元:2D NMR & Structure Elucidation (W11、W12)、第六單元:2D NMR Examples (W13、W14)、第七單元:測圖操作技術與程式軟體實作應用 (W15)、第八單元:Final Oral Report (W16、W18)。
1) Organic Structure Determination Using 2D NMR Spectroscopy, Jeffery H. Simpson, 2008. 2) “Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds” 7th, Silverstein, R. M., Webster, F. X. and Kiemle, D. J., 2005. 3) Natural Product Chemistry: A mechanistic, biosynthetic and ecological approach, Kurt B. G. Torssell, 2th, 1997. 4) Purification and Structure Elucidation for Natural Products, Shi-Yie Cheng, 2013.
Homework Assignments:50%、Midterm Examination:20%、Final Examination:30%。
Statistics is a powerful tool for people making decision under uncertainty. The goal of this second squeal of statistics is to equip students the skill of applying the theory of sampling distribution in making decisions in business and economics. The topics include in this semester confidence interval, hypotheses testing, analysis of variances, analysis of categorical data and simple linear regression model.
Hypothesis test: Variance Analysis of variance (ANOVA) Simple linear regression Multiple regression Nonparametric methods
Required Textbook: Anderson, Sweeney and Williams, 2011. Statistics for Business and Economics, 11th edition. Recommended Textbooks: Paul Newbold, William Carlson, and Betty Thorne, 2012. Statistics for Business and Economics, 7th edition. Heinz Kohler, 2002. Statistics for Business and Economics. 林惠玲,陳正倉, 應用統計學,雙葉書廊。 嚴月珠,商用統計學,三民書局。
Exams: There will be one midterm and one final exam. I do not give makeup exams. If you have time conflict with the exams, you must let me know prior to the exam. Calculator and dictionary are allowed in the exams. Quiz: Quiz will be given about once every two weeks during lab hours. The purpose is to encourage students to study statistics regularly. Makeup quiz will not be given under any circumstances. Homework: There will be a one-hour lab, held by TA, in approximately every other week. The lab hour is designed to evaluate and enhance students' understanding about the topics covered in class. Consequently, the lab is spent on quiz and homework discussion. It also gives students the hand-on opportunity to apply statistical software on real data. Homework will be assigned and due exactly one week from the date of the assignment. Late homework will not be accepted. Grades: Your grade consists of the following components: Midterm 35% Final 40% Quiz 12% Homework 8% Participation: 5%
1. 使學生了解當代運動生理學之發展
2. 使學生了解運動生理學之意涵
3. 使學生了解運動生理學之運用
4. 使學生了解健康與運動適能之生理意義
5. 使學生了解運動表現之生理意義
6. 使學生了解運動生理學在運動科學領域的重要性,奠定日後運動科學研究之基礎
週次 日期 內容
1 正式上課Introduction to exercise physiology/Control of the internal environment
2 Bioenergetics
3 Bioenergetics
4 Exercise metabolism I
5 Exercise metabolism II
6 Exercise and the immune system
7 Skeletal muscle: structure and function
8 Circulatory responses to exercise
9 Mid-term exam
10 Respiration during exercise
11 Acid-base balance during exercise/Temperature regulation
12 The physiology of training: effect on VO2 max, performance, and strength
13 Preventing chronic disease: physical activity and health eating
14 Exercise test to evaluate cardiorespiratory fitness
15 Exercise prescriptions for health and fitness
16 Exercise for special populations I
17 Exercise for special populations II
18 Final-exam.
1. Powers, Scott K and Howley, Edward T. Exercise physiology: theory and application to fitness and performance 10ed. McGraw-Hill, New York, NY 2018
教授各式半導體元件之物理原理與操作特性,介紹各式半導體元件之製作。 實體上課在C01-B103 網路授課(依學校公告),使用Microsoft Teams: 團隊代碼 qad20j4
I. (1)Introduction, Semiconductor Materials and Structures II.(2) Energy Bands and Carrier Concentration in Thermal Equilibrium, (3) Energy Bands Donor and Acceptors III. (4)Carrier TransportPhenomena, Drift and Diffusion (5)Thermionic Emission Process (6)High Field Effects IV. (7) p-nJunction, Thermal Equilibrium Condition (8) Depletion (9) Exam. (10)Electrical Behavior (11)Heterojunction V. (12)Bipolar Transistor and Related Device, The Transistor Action (13)Frequency Response (14)Thyhistor and Power Devices VI. (15)MOSFET and Related Devices, The MOS diode (16)CMOS (17)MOS devices (18)Exam
教科書 Semiconductor Devices - Physics and Technology, S.M.Sze, 2nd Ed.,JOHN WILEY & SONS. 參考書 Optical Semiconductor Devices, Mitsuo Fukuda, JOHN WILEY & SONS. Optoelectronics / An Introduction to Materials and Devices, Jasprit Singh, McGRAW Hill.
1. 習題作業 2. 隨堂考試 3. 學習態度與課堂表現
This is an applied course on geotechnical engineering. Students majoring in civil engineering, architecture/architectural engineering, environmental engineering, construction engineering, geology/geological engineering may like to take this course. Taking Soil Mechanics, Foundation Engineering is pre-required. As an introductory course of geosynthetic applications, this course offers a comprehensive introduction of product-manufacturing, properties test, and design schemes. 課程視訊連結: 每星期二 上午9:00 - 下午12:00 Google Meet: https://meet.google.com/zpz-dueh-qbb
1-- Introduction .
Geosynthetics Related to Waste Containment Applications.
2-- Geomembranes.
Geonets/Geocomposites and Geogrids.
3-- Design by Function.
Geosynthetic Clay Liners.
Clay Minerals.
4-- Soil-Geosynthetic and Geosynthetic-Geosynthetic Interaction.
Compacted Clay Liners.
Hydraulic Conductivity.
5-- Factors Affecting Permeabilities.
Soil Fabrics.
Permeability-Laboratory Testing.
Clay-Water/Waste Interaction (Diffused Double Layer).
6-- Field Testing.
Construction Quality Control and Assusrance.
Modern Lining Systems.
Base and Side-Slope Lining Systems.
7-- Cover Lining Systems.
Geomembrane Permeability.
Leakage in Geomembrane Liner.
Leachate Collection and Removal Systems.
8-- Leachate Generation and Impingement.
Leachate Collection.
Perforated Pipe.
Leachate and Gas Collection and Removal.
9-- Mid-term Exam.
10-- Stability Analysis of Liner Systems.
Factor of Safety.
Slope- Planar Mechanism.
Stability Analysis for Liner/Cover Systems.
Anchorage of Geosynthetics.
11-- Seismic Stability of Liner Systems.
Seismic Stability- Planar Mechanism.
Seismic Stability for Liner/Cover Systems.
Permanent Displacement Analysis.
12-- Settlement.
Immediate and Consolidation Settlements.
Secondary Consolidation Settlement.
Localized Deformation in Liner.
Refuse Settlements.
13-- Empirical Model for Settlement Prediction.
Power Law, Gibson-Lo Model, Hyperbolic (Ling et al.) Model .
Contaminant Transport.
Fick's Laws.
14-- One-Dimensional Advection-Diffusion Equation 15-- Solution to Transport Equation.
Slurry Walls.
16-- Defection Analysis of Pipes.
Deflection Ratio and Load.
Soil Stiffness.
17-- Pipe Stiffness.
Iowa Formula and Modified Iowa Formula.
Design Example and Other Issues.
18-- Final Exam.
1. Koerner, R.M. (1997). Designing Geosynthetics , 4th Ed., Prentice-Hall.
2. Sharma and Sangeeta P. Lewis (1993). Waste Containment Systems, Waste Stabilization, and Landfills , John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
3. Daniel and Koerner (1995). Waste Containment Facilities , ASCE.
Mid-Term Exam 30%
Final Exam 30%
Homework 20%
Attendance 20%
Einfuehrung in die deutsche Sprache. Grundnotionen der Grammatik, Grundformen der Konversation, Basisvokabular. Introduction to German. Basic notions of German grammar, simple conversation and basic vocabulary
Anhand des Lehrbuchs According to the teaching material
Power-Sprachkurs Deutsch als Fremdsprache Starting German the easy way
Teilnahme am Unterricht 50% Hausaufgaben 50% Course participation 50% Homework 50%
★★★ 線上課程將以 Microsoft Teams 進行,請修課同學務必在 9/22 前加入課程團隊
『電磁學』為電機工程學系之必修專業課程,此課程目的在使學生瞭解電磁現象並培養其分析能力,使學生具備執行電信工程實務所需的基本理論基礎。此課程為後續電磁領域課程 (例如微波與射頻電路、天線設計、電磁干擾、電磁相容等)的必備基礎學科,實務應用包括無線通訊射頻電路、手機天線、高速數位傳輸系統、以及無線傳能等,在無線通訊與傳輸速率要求越來越高的時代是不可或缺的基礎課程。
1. 奠定學生執行電信工程實務所需的基本理論基礎;
2. 培養學生運用數學技巧與物理原理,解決基礎電信工程問題的能力。
A. 向量分析 1. 正交座標系統 2. 向量微積分 B. 靜電學和靜磁學 (場論) 1. 真空下的靜電場和靜磁場 2. 介質內的靜電場和靜磁場 3. 靜電場和靜磁場的邊界條件 C. 靜電學和靜磁學 (電路理論) 1. 純量電位 (電壓) 2. 電容和電能 3. 電阻和電功率 4. 電感和磁能 5. 靜電學的邊界值問題 6. Lorentz's 力方程式
We will discuss Electrostatics, Magnetostatics, and the required mathematical tools in this semester.
The topics include:
A. Vector Analysis 1. Orthogonal Coordinate Systems 2. Vector Calculus B. Electrostatics and Magnetostatics (Field concept) 1. Electrostatic and Magnetostatic Fields in Free Space 2. Electrostatic and Magnetostatic Fields in Materials 3. Boundary Conditions of Electrostatic and Magnetostatic Fields C. Electrostatics and Magnetostatics (Circuit concept) 1. Scalar Electric Potential (voltage) 2. Capacitance and Electric Energy 3. Resistance and Electric power 4. Inductance and Magnetic Energy 5. Electrostatic Boundary-Value Problems 6. Lorentz's Force Equation
D. K. Cheng, Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics, Addison-Wesley, 1993.
[1] D. K. Cheng, Field and Wave Electromagnetics, 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley, 1989.
[2] N. N. Rao, Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics, 6th ed., Prentice Hall, 2004.
註:採用的教科書 Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics 是參考書[1] Field and Wave Electromagnetics 的精簡版本。
Note: The textbook Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics is a shorter version of the reference [1], Field and Wave Electromagnetics.
小考 (15% x 2), 期中考試 (35%), 和期末考試 (35%)
Quizzes (15% x 2), Midterm (35%), Final Exam (35%)
Answering the questions in class: bonus
Suggested prerequisites:
Applications of microeconomics and industrial organization have grown substantially in business analysis and management. Microeconomics provides a framework for modern businesses to make output and pricing decisions that maximize profits under different market structures. Industrial organization is essential for firms to adopt strategic plans that protect their interests in the long run. Managerial economics aims to teach students to apply economic theories and develop economic strategies when making business decisions. Students will be familiar with the economic way of thinking that enables them to apply economic tools in practice. ******************online teaching************************************************** Due to the Covid19 pandemics, I will teach online for the first three weeks. The platform of online teaching is MS Teams. Students need to use the unique account number created by the university to join the classroom titled Managerial Economics. The MS Teams account number starts with your university id, followed by @o365.nuk.edu.tw. For example, if your university id is A1033301, your MS Teams account number will be a1033301@o365.nuk.edu.tw (letter A of your ID should be lowercase). The default password for the first-time user is Nuk plus your birthday in YYYYMMDD, for example, Nuk19900406. More importantly, please install the PC version of MS Teams. Do not use web-based MS Teams as it lacks the key components of the PC version! For more information about the installation of MS Teams, please visit the following web page: https://lic.nuk.edu.tw/p/406-1012-34772,r17.php?Lang=zh-tw. Please inform the instructor if you have difficulty getting connected to MS Teams. The MS Teams link for the first class on 9/22: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aXlafvzQFYqcmZes6lDrpMRgjqJFNRNtBsFecG3KQ-TQ1%40thread.tacv2/1631434210660?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%225a484953-77ef-42ec-90cf-2f4e1037ffc7%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%225726ebba-994b-4888-a761-ca637f88a7e0%22%7d
Chapter 1 Manager, Profits, and Markets Chapter 2 Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium Chapter 3 Marginal Analysis of Optimal Decisions Chapter 6 Elasticity and Demand Chapter 7 Demand Estimation Chapter 8 Production Cost in the Short Run Chapter 9 Production and Cost in the Long Run Chapter 10 Production and Cost Estimation Chapter 11 Perfect Competitive Market Chapter 12 Market Power Chapter 13 Strategic Decisions Making
Christopher R. Thomas and S. Charles Maurice. Managerial Economics: Foundations of Business Analysis and Strategy. 2020, 13th Edition.
Exams: There will be one midterm and one final exam. I do not give makeup exams. If students have a time conflict with the exams, they must inform the instructor before the exam. Calculator and dictionary are allowed in the exams. Homework: Homework will be assigned and due exactly one week from the date of the assignment. Late homework will not be accepted. Grades: Your grade consists of the following components: Midterm 30% Final 35% Homework 25% Participation 10%
本課程目標為教授學生認識與應用熱力學原理,藉以處理材料科學與化工上之傳統熱力學與相平衡問題o課程內容包含材料及化學程序上之功,熱性質之變化,化學反應平衡和相平衡與溶液平衡等等,藉由化工熱力學之教授,建立學生之熱力學學理基礎o *110-1學期所有開課之線上授課方式及相關網址:Google classroom課程代碼: lomkiqk
第一週 Introduction to thermodynamics 第二週 The first and other basic concept 第三週 Volumetric properties of pure fluids 第四週 Volumetric properties of pure fluids Homework 第五週 Heat Effects 第六週 The second law of thermodynamics 第七週 The second law of thermodynamics Homework 第八週 Thermodynamic properties of fluids 第九週 Mid-term Examination 第十週 Thermodynamic properties of fluids Homework 第十一週 Application of thermodynamics to flow process 第十二週 Production of power from heat 第十三週 Vapor/liquid Solution thermodynamics: theory Homework 第十四週 Solution thermodynamics: theory 第十五週 Solution thermodynamics: application Homework 第十六週 Solution thermodynamics: application 第十七週 Solution thermodynamics: application 第十八週 Final Examination
Smith, J. M. and Van NessH. C.Introduction to chemical engineering thermodynamics, 9th ed., McGraw, New York 1>. Sandler, Chemical and engineering thermodynamics, 3 rd., Wiley, 1999. 2>.Honig, Thermodynamics, 2 ed., Academic press., 1999. 3>.R. E. Balzhiser, Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, The southeast book company, 1987. 4>. Smith, J. M. and Van NessH. C.Introduction to chemical engineering thermodynamics, 6 th ed., McGraw, New York
期中考試(25%) 期末考試(20%) 作業,平時考試(50%)
自開學日110年9月22日(三)至110年10月12日(二)全校課程均採遠距線上授課,使用Microsoft Teams於上課時間遠距上課
課程Teams連結: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3aMIc4PR-v-TEd-T5cB6mi1JJyFUqROHpEqzY1s-Xw1eg1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=d55128ed-b9c5-473c-88f7-924bbac831c4&tenantId=5a484953-77ef-42ec-90cf-2f4e1037ffc7
遠距課程Teams連結: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3aMIc4PR-v-TEd-T5cB6mi1JJyFUqROHpEqzY1s-Xw1eg1%40thread.tacv2/1631701995947?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%225a484953-77ef-42ec-90cf-2f4e1037ffc7%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22b108e376-cf59-4d10-a95e-76a55e341654%22%7d
Financial technology (FinTech) is revolutionary and rapidly changing the financial services industries. This course will provide students with the latest empowering and practical knowledge on FinTech enabling them to understand some of the FinTech changes taking place currently in the financial services industry and, most importantly, the trends that will impact the industry in the future. Students are expected to develop a broad understanding of the recent FinTech development and its impact in the financial industries. Topics may include but are not limited to: blockchain and cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Altcoins, smart contracts, decentralized applications, markets for smart contracts, applications of blockchain technologies in various finance areas, alternative and P2P lending and crowdfunding, machine learning and its applications in FinTech such as robo-advising.
Course Outline:
Week |
Date |
Topic |
Required Reading |
1 |
09/22 -- 09/28 |
金融科技的發展演進 (遠距上課,使用Microsoft Teams) |
第1章 |
2 |
09/29 -- 10/05 |
金融科技的發展演進 (遠距上課,使用Microsoft Teams) |
第1章 |
3 |
10/06 -- 10/12 |
雲端運算 (遠距上課,使用Microsoft Teams) |
第2章 |
4 |
10/13 – 10/19 |
市場資訊供應-大數據與新市場平台 |
第3章 |
5 |
10/20 -- 10/26 |
人工智慧 |
第4章 |
6 |
10/27 -- 11/02 |
區塊鏈 (金融研訓院講座 10:00-12:00) |
第5章 |
7 |
11/03 -- 11/09 |
生物辨識 |
第6章 |
8 |
11/10 -- 11/16 |
支付 (金融研訓院講座 10:00-12:00) Quiz #1 |
第7章 |
9 |
11/17 -- 11/23 |
保險科技 |
第8章 |
10 |
11/24 -- 11/30 |
存貸 |
第9章 |
11 |
12/01 -- 12/07 |
募資 |
第10章 |
12 |
12/08 -- 12/14 |
金融科技下的投資管理 |
第11章 |
13 |
12/15 -- 12/21 |
純網銀與開放銀行 |
第12章 |
14 |
12/22 -- 12/28 |
監理科技 |
第13章 |
15 |
12/29 -- 01/04 |
資訊安全與風險管理 |
第14章 |
16 |
01/05 -- 01/11 |
金融機構的數位轉型 |
第15章 |
17 |
01/12 -- 01/18 |
Quiz #2 Final Project Presentation 1/2 (Group 1 to 7) |
18 |
01/19 -- 01/25 |
Final Project Presentation 2/2 (Group 8 to 15) |
** The above is tentative course schedule. Hopefully, we will get through all the listed topics
依據本校2021/09/07防疫會議決議,自開學日110年9月22日(三)至110年10月12日(二)全校課程均採遠距線上授課,本課程使用Microsoft Teams於上課時間遠距上課。
Topics of the final group project
Group |
Topic |
報告日期 |
1 |
雲端運匴的實際案例介紹 |
2022/01/18 |
2 |
大數據與新市場平台的實際案例介紹(基富通) |
2022/01/18 |
3 |
基富通好享退基金 |
2022/01/18 |
4 |
人工智慧的實際應用介紹 |
2022/01/18 |
5 |
區塊鏈實際應用案例 |
2022/01/18 |
6 |
生物辨識實際應用 |
2022/01/18 |
7 |
電子支付的分類與應用 |
2022/01/18 |
8 |
保險科技實務應用與趨勢 |
2022/01/25 |
9 |
群眾募資在台灣的發展與外國的比較分析 |
2022/01/25 |
10 |
理財機器人的應用與發展 |
2022/01/25 |
11 |
監理科技的應用與發展 |
2022/01/25 |
12 |
開放銀行的應用 |
2022/01/25 |
13 |
金融科技在存貸的應用發展實務 |
2022/01/25 |
14 |
普惠金融(Financial Inclusion)的發展趨勢 |
2022/01/25 |
15 |
台灣三家純網路銀行發展的比較 |
2022/01/25 |
Required text:
金融科技力, 台灣金融研訓院編輯委員會 編著 (財團法人台灣金融研訓院, 2021/05, ISBN: 978-986-399-210-3)
Supplemental Material:
1. The FINTECH Book: The Financial Technology Handbook for Investors, Entrepreneurs and Visionaries, Susanne Chishti and Janos Barberis (Wiley, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-119-21887-6)
2. Bank 3.0: Why Banking Is No Longer Somewhere You Go But Something You Do, Brett King (Wiley, 2012, ISBN: 978-1-118-58963-2)
3. 金融科技概論, 第二版, 李顯正著 (新陸書局, 2018, ISBN: 9789869565219)
4. A. M. Antonopoulos, Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies, O’Reilly Media Inc., Sebastopol, CA, 2014.
5. T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson, R. L. Rivest, and C. Stein, Introduction to Algorithms, Third Edition, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2009.
6. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies: A Comprehensive Introduction by Arvind Narayanan, Joseph Bonneau, Edward Felten, Andrew Miller, Steven Goldfeder, Princeton University Press, ISBN-13: 978-0691171692.
7. Ethereum: Blockchains, Digital Assets, Smart Contracts, Decentralized Autonomous Organizations by Henning Diedrich, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, ISBN-13: 978-1523930470.
8. Blockchain Applications: A Hands-on Approach. by Arshdeep Bahga and Vijay Madisetti, Vpt, ISBN-13: 978-0996025560.
9. Updated readings provided by the instructor.
Course Evaluation Process:
Your final grade will be based upon your performance on two exams (midterm and final exams), participation, and a research project. All grading is done on a percentage basis. The grading criteria are as the follow.
Class Participation 20%
Quizzes 40%
Final Group Projects 40%
All grading is done on a percentage basis.
Class Participation:
It is essential to attend every class in this semester. The score of the participation is calculated by the percentage of all classes held in this semester. Because of the pandemic of COVID-19, some classes will be held on Microsoft Teams. Therefore, every student in this class should be able to login and use Microsoft Teams account through the whole semester. Your grade of the participation will be based on your performance on the attendance in class. You earn 2 points when you are present at class for the roll call. You get 1.5 points when you show up late after the roll call. You have 1 point when you are permitted to take a leave. You have no points when you miss the class. Therefore, the score of class participation is equal to the sum of all points divided by 36 points (2 points * 18 weeks) and timing 100.
In order to evaluate the performance of the students, there will be two in-class quizzes. The quizzes are scheduled as the following course outline. Each quiz has several multiple-choice and short easy questions. The covered materials in each quiz will be announced in class before the quiz. Only the quiz with the highest grade will be counted in the final grade if your grades on both quizzes are greater than 0. If you take both quizzes and both grades are greater than 60, 5 extra credit will be added in the grade of the quizzes. If you only take one of the quizzes, your final grade will be the average of two quizzes.
Important note: There is no makeup quizzes. If you miss a quiz for an excused reason, you must contact me before the quiz in order to be excused. There are no exceptions to this rule. I will determine excusable absences.
Final Group Project:
The instructor will assign randomly 4 students in a project group. There are 15 groups in this class. The topics of the final group project are showed on the following page. All students are required to attend the presentations of final group project. If you are absent without the permitted excuse, not only the grade of class participation but also that of the final group project will be deducted. The component of the grade of the final group project, there are 40% of the PowerPoint file, 40% of the presentation and 20% of the participation of the group project. Every group have 10 minutes to present the topic. All group members should present the project. Every group only need to submit the PPT file in elearningv4. The due date for uploading the ppt file is at 23:55, January 25th, 2022.
Academic Dishonesty: No cheating is allowed during the exam. Copying projects is also considered for cheating.
Important dates
Quiz 1: Tuesday, November 16th, 2021 (09:10AM - 09:40AM)
Quiz 2: Tuesday, January 18th, 2022 (09:10AM - 09:40AM)
Final Project Presentation: Tuesday, January 18th & 25th, 2022 (09:10AM - 12:00AM)
(1) This course aims to help students improve their English listening and conversational skills.
(2) This course will help students acquire their academic note-taking skills. It will familiarize students with a few note-taking tips, such as numbers and statistics noting, items listing, charts making, sketches drawing, descriptions and definitions noting, use of abbreviations and symbols, and etc. to help them take better notes. In addition, a few inspiring commencement speeches and TED talks will be introduced in class to stimulate students to think about issues concerning themselves. Students will be required to discuss the topics in pairs and groups to improve their English speaking skills.
Google Meet link (code): https://meet.google.com/tjs-wjyr-oms
Please notice: The lectures take place from 16:20 to 19:10 on Tuesdays.
* Please notice that the lectures will take place from 16:20 to 19:10 on Tuesdays during the semester.
W 1 21/09 Bank Holiday
W 2 28/09 Course overview
W 3 05/10 “Unit 1,” Contemporary Topics 3; “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish” by Steve Jobs
W 4 12/10 “Unit 1,” Contemporary Topics 3; “The Power of Believing You Can Improve” by Carol Dweck
W 5 19/10 “Unit 2,” Contemporary Topics 3
W 6 26/10 “Unit 2,” Contemporary Topics 3; “Grit is the Key Factor to Success” by Angela Lee Duckworth and “Why Do We Sleep” by Russell Foster
W 7 02/11 Quiz 1 on CNN Interactive English Magazine; “Unit 3,” Contemporary Topics 3
W 8 09/11 “Unit 3,” Contemporary Topics 3
W 9 16/11 Midterm Examination
W 10 23/11 Examination results announced; “Unit 4,” Contemporary Topics
W 11 30/11 “Unit 4,” Contemporary Topics
W 12 07/12 “Unit 5,” Contemporary Topics; “How to Make Stress Your Friend” by Kelly McGonigal
W 13 14/12 “Unit 5,” Contemporary Topics 3; “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are” by Amy Cuddy
W 14 21/12 Presentation 1; “Unit 5,” Contemporary Topics 3
W 15 28/12 Presentation 2; “Unit 6,” Contemporary Topics 3
W 16 04/01/2022 “Unit 6,” Contemporary Topics 3
W 17 11/01 Quiz 2 on CNN Interactive English Magazine; course review
W 18 18/01 Final examination
I. Textbooks
Beglar, David, and Neil Murray. Contemporary Topics: 21st Century Skills for Academic Success." 4th ed. New York: Pearson Education, 2017.
II. TED talks and commencement speeches
De Botton, Alain. “A Kinder, Gentler Philosophy of Success.”
Cuddy, Amy. “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are.”
Duckworth, Angela Lee. “Grit is the Key Factor to Success.
Dwek, Carol. “The Power of Believing that You Can Improve.”
Foster, Russell. "Why Do We Sleep?"
Gilbert, Dan. “Why Are We Happy.”
Heffernan, Margaret. “The Dangers of ‘Willful Blindness.’”
Jobs, Steve. “Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish.”
McGonigal, Kelly. “How to Make Stress Your Friend.”
III. Other Materials
CNN Interactive English Magazine, No. 241. Oct. 2020.
IV. Useful Websites
TED: Ideas worth Spreading.
VoiceTube blog
Class attendance and participation 10% (Please notice that if you miss the class for more than three times, you will lose this 10% of the whole score).
Quizzes 20%
Presentation 20%
Mid-term examination 25%
Final examination 25 %
1.請加入 科技與社會倪麥童 課程群組,Line 網址 https://line.me/R/ti/g/3JzuVfB9gy 2.110年9月22日(三)至110年10月12日(二)全校課程均採遠距線上授課 科技與社會倪麥童 排程會議 9/28-10/12 下面Teams 遠距線上授課連結 https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3aKSg55B3IVGK79SwwvcF_FP8_q-Oa8nS3CiP_MQof_Qc1%40thread.tacv2/%25E4%25B8%2580%25E8%2588%25AC?groupId=7eb016da-6652-4142-8676-d1c71ec79e7d&tenantId=5a484953-77ef-42ec-90cf-2f4e1037ffc7 「老師的一顆心,學生的一片天。」,通識教育是『一場可帶走的盛宴』,在未來的人生,可以有相當大的幫助。我們正在實現這個夢想,希望能用我們的誠意,讓您成為我們實現夢想的夥伴,加入我們成為現代科技公民,人生多彩多姿,快樂學習。 (一)與校核心能力的關係: 本課程係本校通識教育正式課程規劃中,核心課程:「科學素養」子類下的一門,其所欲回應校訂「基本素養」指標為「科學素養」與「專業素養」,所欲成就學子的能力為「知識力」與「創造力」,除建立學生學習能力與思考能力外,同時激發學生創造之發想與實作能力。 (二)與通識中心核心能力的關係: 對照於本校通識課程核心能力的養成設定,本課程希望能達成以下幾點具體目標,養成學子相關的能力: 1.民主素養:本課程將經由全球化議題之探討,幫助學生了解全球性之規範、慣例、典章和制度,提升學生休戚與共之感受與對多元文化之認同,使其具力行民主生活所需的民主知識、態度。 2.倫理素養:沒有倫理的科學可能是空洞、主觀、武斷及有偏見的。本課程將於適合之主題課程中,佐以相關影片、文獻資料進行討論,強化學生重視且實踐「有倫理的科學」,並幫助學生從科學探索的角度找尋一種與生活價值契合的豐富美好內涵與時代精神,從中建立「高感度、高體會」之美學新概念,使其不管在哪個面向都可發展出延伸的美意與信念。 3.科學素養:本課程之主要課程設計即以建立學生科學素養為主,除自製投影片內容說明外,並配合科普讀本導讀及相關影片,引導學生藉由小組討論及簡報,進行深度科學思考,進而提升「形成科學議題」的能力及「解釋科學現象」的能力。 4.媒體素養:在資訊媒體傳播快速、媒體倫理不被重視的環境中,本課程透過理論的閱讀,加上科學相關新聞解說,引導學生進行科學新聞稿撰寫,使學生瞭解媒體對於最新科技訊息的篩選、包裝、選擇與組合,並培養學生能夠從各類媒體原始資料中舉出導致事件發生和結果的因素,改變並結合資料以得到結論。 5.新能源素養:本課程藉由生活中能源危機問題的探究,闡示能源的利用與能源危機的預防,引導學生認識新能源科技,讓學生對「能源危機」議題做出明智的抉擇,並且主動採取負責任的行為以及將抉擇付諸於行動中。 1.提高學生的學習興趣與動機:本課程以「STS 教學模式」進行,教學時以社會議題或生活中的問題為題材,藉由科學探究活動的進行,使學生可以習得相關的技能和技術,更可以科學的態度和科學的概念去尋找問題解決之道,並且從中表現出其創造力,進而提昇其學習興趣與科學素養。 2.培養學生問題解決的能力:透過問題導向學習的過程,學生不單只是學會學科知識,同時也學會如何面對生活中真實情境問題的解決方法,經由以探究方式建立知識本質,養成提出證據和講道理的處事習慣,並在面對問題、處理問題時,持以好奇與積極的探討、瞭解及合理的解決態度。 3.培養高層次思考能力:透過問題導向學習的討論及與人分享的過程,學生可以培養對問題內容批判思考、創造性思考及知識整合能力,擺脫傳統的限制,可因應問題而變化解決的途徑,以產生不同類別的解答。 4.發展觀念和價值:對於地區性或全球性,有關科學、技學與社會互動的論題發展合宜的觀念與價值觀。 5.培養學生合作學習的精神及社會化協商的能力。
(一) 課程內容的專業範疇說明: 人類的食、衣、住、行均與科技發展息息相關,在現代科技快速發展下,人類社會究竟產生什麼變化?該如何因應科技突破所帶來的社會變遷及倫理價值衝擊? 本課程期望經由探討社會呈現的變化與所帶動之政治、經濟、產業的改變,引導學生逐漸擺脫科學是客觀、中立於社會之外的想法,開始思索科技與社會的複雜關聯,以及科技人不可避免牽扯上的權力關係與政治問題,並使學生在學習活動中強化其反應及感受力、溝通技能、技巧實踐、資訊科技應用能力及智力刺激、鍛鍊,強調每一位同學都是知識的主體,利用真實問題或情境模擬啟發學生創新及批判性思考,以及體驗結構與行動的權力關係;在團體行動操演及小組討論的互動過程中,進行知識之交融與建構,以獲得創意思考及問題解決所需之綜合性知識和技能、及持續自我學習技巧及動機。 Week 01 Introduction of Technology and Society(Happy Health Hope) Week 02 Technology and Society( living experience(1)) Week 03 Technology and Society( living experience(2)) Week 04 A Whole New Mind Vs Future education (I) Week 05 A robot pass a university entrance exam Week 06 Power of Passion and Perseverance Week 07 A Whole New Mind Vs Future education (II) Week 08 Future Learning & A story for making gliders Week 09 Midterm Feedback Report Week 10 Hand Glider Flight Competition Week 11 You Should Have a Good Life Week 12 Having a Good Speech Week 13 Minerva A New Kind of Higher Education Week 14 Be a Science Good Inspiring Leader Week 15 There's More to Life Than Being Happy Week 16 Technology and People Week 17 The Age of the Unthinkable Week 18 Final Review Report (Deadline for Supplementary Report)
教科書: 1.指定用書:葉文冠、陳德興、黃鼎元著,《科技與工程倫理》,東華書局,2017年。 2.課程中指定之相關文章。 參考書: 1.台灣經濟研究院,《建構低碳綠活社會:全球綠色能源應用推廣案例》,台經院出版,2011年。 2.成令方、傅大為、林宜平編,《醫療與社會共舞》,群學出版社,2008年。 3.杜文苓,電子科技與環境風險,《科技社會人》,頁266-277。 4.李尚仁,英國基因改造作物爭議,《科技渴望參與》,頁317-320,2009年。 5.林崇熙,科技就是風險,《科技渴望參與》,頁127-132,2009年。 6.周桂田,從美國牛肉談爭議性科技的風險溝通,《醫療與社會共舞》頁350-357,群學出版社,2008年。 7.吳嘉苓、傅大為、雷祥麟,《科技渴望社會》,群學出版社,2004年。 8.郭文華,我要我的STS,《科技渴望參與》,頁89-95,2009年。 9.陳恒安,科學素養與民主社會,《科學月刊》四月號,400期,頁309-312,2003年。 12.陳恒安、郭文華、林宜平編,《科技渴望參與》,群學出版社,2009年。 13.喬舒亞.庫珀.雷默,《不可思議的年代:面對新世界必須具備的關鍵概念》,行人文化實驗室,2009年。 14.蘇瓦茲(Joe Schwarcz),《科學新聞不能這樣看:蘇老師教你聰明解讀》,天下遠見出版,2009年。 15.AI Gore ,《不願面對的真相》,商周出版,2007年。 16.David Held and Anthony McGrew,《全球化與反全球化》,弘智文化事業出版,2005年。 17.Raj Patel著,葉家興等譯,《糧食戰爭》,台北:高寶出版社,2009年。 18.倪麥童,《科際整合淺釋》,樹德科技大學 科際整合與大學教育研討會論文集 ,2008年 19.倪麥童,《科際整合與大學通識教育》,南榮通識教育學術研討會論文集 ,2009年
1.學習態度80%:出席率30%(課堂點名), 手擲機實作(含小組互評)20%,課中表現(含課前翻轉教室預習)20% ,課堂活動加分 10%。 2.個人期末報告20%(課程學習心得)
The weather condition has been changed significantly in the last few decades. The primary reason is the green house effect due to excessive use of fossil fuel. Alternative energy sources that is sustainable will need to be explored to reduce the dependence on the fossil fuel. Also, it is quite desirable that the energy efficiency of sustainable energy as well as traditional fossil fuel generating system need to be improved. The ICT and IoT systems had been widely developed in many areas to improve the efficiency. This course will discuss the different energy sources, especially sustainable energy source. Also, the use of ICT and IoT systems to improve efficiencies will be discussed. 用google meet 上課時 請同學從加入視訊會議,請點選以下連結:meet.google.com/mmg-xmic-rfi 如要改用電話加入,請撥打 (US) +1 443-402-6810 並輸入以下 PIN 碼:548 767 275#
1. Energy, work, ICT and IoT 2. Traditional and nuclear energy sources and systems 3. ICT in the improvement of efficiency in traditional power system 4. Solar energy and the design of ICT feedback control to improve the efficiency 5. The application of solar energy panel and the use of ICT projects 6. Wind power and the related IoT control to improve efficiency of the system 7. Ocean wave related power and microwave power transmission 8. Geo-thermal power and the monitoring of environment using IoT 9. How to convert unreliable green power into reliable and constant power? 10. Efficiency of energy storage and transmission
Sustainable Energy (SI Edition), Dunlap
Midterm Report (20~40%) Final Report (30~50%) Attendance (10~20%) Homework and Quiz (10~20%) Bonus (0~20%)
This is an elective course. It will focus on critical thinking, or higher level thinking, and communication while learning about American popular culture. This course will focus on the history of T.V. shows from the 1950’s to the current time, while at the same time discussing and comparing Taiwanese culture and the influence of T.V. Various themes, ethics, and moral lessons will be taught and discussed and several popular American T.V. shows will be viewed that are not available in Taiwan. Specifically, the students will utilize English listening and communication skills while moving from the basic forms thinking through the advance forms of thinking: Students will be able to critically evaluate and verbally discuss American Popular culture and American T.V. shows. Students will be able to relate these shows to Taiwanese culture and society and critically evaluate if there are any connections or influences. Students will learn advance intercommunication techniques and students will learn advanced level public speaking skills, PPT, etc. ****Important**** Due to the Virus situation all of the courses are being taught online for at least the first couple weeks of school this year. ALL students MUST do the following if you register for this course: Email Aaron with the following information at: freethoughts2@yahoo.com You English name, your Chinese name, your NUK I.D. number, and your mobile phone number AND the English name for this class. When you email Aaron, you will be given a Line group to join, you will be given Google Classroom information, and you can also find important class information on Aaron’s website: http://aaron-pe-5-6.blogspot.com/
Each week will have different topics and/or T.V. shows to be viewed and discussed, to be announced in the future. Week 1 Introduction and general course description of requirements Week 2 History of TV, how the creation of TV changed American society, TV show re-runs Week 3 1950’s Themes: Innocence, traditional values, traditional roles of family members, right from wrong, super heros (I Love Lucy , Adventures of Superman, The Lone Ranger, Father Knows Best , The Abbott and Costello Show, Maverick, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, The Ed Sullivan Show, Gunsmoke, The Mickey Mouse Club, Leave It to Beaver, The Walt Disney Company, American bandstand) Week 4 1950’s Continued from week 3 Week 5 1960’s Themes: Innocence lost, impact of Vietnam War, distractions from real life events (Perry mason, The Andy Griffith Show, The Flintstones, Gilligan's Island, Batman, The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Beverly Hillbillies , The Beverly Hillbillies , The Twilight Zone , Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., Bewitched , Hogan's Heroes, My Three Sons, Flipper, Hazel, The Fugitive, The Big Valley, Top Cat , The Bugs Bunny Show, star trek) Week 6 1960’s Continued from week 5 Week 7 1970’s Themes: Trying to get back where America was before, introducing fantasy, civil rights for all, woman’s empowerment, more entertainment (The Brady Bunch, The Carol Burnet Show, Sesame Street, All in the Family, Good Times, Sanford and Son, The Mary Tyler Moore Show , The Odd Couple, The Bob Newhart Show, Welcome Back, Kotter , The Six Million Dollar Man , The Waltons , The Bionic Woman, Wonder Woman, Charlie's Angels , Happy Days, Little House on the Prairie, Laverne & Shirley , Battlestar Galactica, The Jefferson’s, M*A*S*H , Hee Haw, Donny & Marie Show, The Love Boat , Fantasy Island, Different Strokes, Eight Is Enough) Week 8 1970’s Continued from week 7 Week 9 Mid-term Exam Week Week 10 1980’s Themes: Continuation of all of the themes before as they changed over time, new forms of entertainment using well-known comedians, more programing for teens (Three's Company, Mork & Mindy, Taxi, Family Ties, Cheers, Hill Street Blues, The Facts of Life, The Dukes of Hazzard , The Cosby Show, Dallas, Who's the Boss?, Night Court, Growing Pains, Miami Vice, 60 Minutes, Magnum, P.I. , Seinfeld, Mtv) Week 11 1980’s Continued from week Week 12 1990’s Themes: Continuation of all of the themes before as they changed over time, money vs. values in programing (Friends, Dawson's Creek , Gilmore Girls, , Will & Grace, reality TV, Everybody Loves Raymond , Frasier , Home Improvement, Beverly Hills, 90210, The Simpsons) Week 13 1990’s Continued from week Week 14 2000’s Themes: Continuation of all of the themes before as they changed over time, money vs. values in programing, mindless/brainless TV shows, pushing the limits of what is allowed on TV with language and adult themes (Cable TV shows, South Park, SpongeBob Square Pants, Battlestar Galactica , How I Met Your Mother, Rules of Engagement , One Tree Hill , The King of Queens , Lost , That '70s Show, Veronica Mars , The West Wing, The X-Files , Two and a Half Men , Premium TV (HBO/ Showtime) Six Feet Under , The Sopranos , Sex and the City , Curb Your Enthusiasm , etc.) Week 15 2000’s Continued from week Week 16 2010-present Themes: Continuation of all of the themes before as they changed over time, money vs. values in programing, mindless/brainless TV shows, pushing the limits of what is allowed on TV with language and adult themes, short attention spans of viewers (Mom, Modern Family, The Big Bang Theory , CSI: Crime Scene Investigation , GREYs anatomy , American Idol , The Office , 30 Rock , The Good Wife , Fresh Off the Boat , Hot in Cleveland , Premium TV, Breaking Bad , The Walking Dead , Game of Thrones , etc.) Week 17 2010-present Continued from week 16 Week 18 2010-present Continued from week 16 and 17 Week 19 Final Exam Week
No, but there will be a ‘teacher’s package’ that is required for this course that the student MUST read and bring every day.
80% In-class activities (16 assignments worth 5 points each), 20% final exam or other final exam task
設計與規劃自成為一種專業的論述實踐以來,便蘊含了思考和行動、歷史與未來、理論與實踐之間的辯證關係,並隱含著人類的構想(及期許、慾望、夢想、烏托邦)、實作(由技術和科技物中介的各種行動),以及設計與規劃作用其上的對象狀態(建成環境、自然現實、空間結構、社會關係與過程等等),三方面彼此之間的動態關係和發展歷程。設計和規劃如果是對於社會與空間現實的一種介入和干預,那麼,在複雜、充滿衝突和緊張的社會世界裡,必然會引發並牽動多重且可能不均等的各種社會秩序、文化想像、生活慣習、環境生態,以及權力關係;這些,才是討論設計規劃何以產生、產出什麼結果的重要關鍵。 本課程將藉由理論性的文獻選讀,引領同學建立並勾勒一個對設計規劃史方面的理解輪廓,也包括台灣的個案研究資料的閱讀。除了文獻資料的閱讀外,經驗研究的引發探討是另一個課程進行的重點,以作為同學在閱讀之餘的觀察省思及印證,建議能夠扣連上個人論文研究的探討。
「設計與規劃的論述」課程旨在透過歷史的檢視,省思環境規劃和設計專業的發展,包括實作的歷史與思想的歷史。做為一種實踐的行動,設計與規劃既是對環境和社會的介入,也是對未來和歷史的塑造;這其中也同時包括介入、塑造和干預所造成的差錯、偏移及意外後果。而其所形成之設計與規劃的歷史與理論,則是對設計與規劃發展過程的選擇性呈現,而非中立的單純紀錄。換言之,所謂的設計與規劃理論,往往是在歷史的殷鑑下,進行對過往之設計規劃的反省批判,並據以生產新的前瞻性之設計規劃操作的可能性。 四、課程進度(視修課人數調整之) 第 一 週 1.加退選週──課程介紹 Relph, Edward(1998)The Modern Urban Landscape.(現代都市地景)謝慶達譯,台北:田園城市。 Hall, Peter(2009)Cities of Tomorrow.(明日之城)童明譯,上海:同濟大學出版社。 Parker, Simon(2007)Urban Theory and the Urban Experience: Encountering the City. (遇見都市:理論與經驗)王志弘、徐苔玲譯,台北:群學出版。 Knox, Paul L.(2019)Cities and Design. (城市與設計)徐苔玲、王志弘譯,台北:群學出版。 Green, Ben(2020)The Smart Enough City: Putting Technology in Its Place to Reclaim Our Urban Future.(被科技綁架的智慧城市)廖亭雲譯,台北:行人出版。 饗庭伸(2020)都市:人口減少時代都市計画.(折疊都市:從日本的都市規劃實踐經驗,探尋人口減少時代的城市設計和人本生活)林書嫻譯,台北:臉譜出版。 Molotch, Harvey(2018)Where stuff comes from : how toasters, toilets, cars, computers, and many others things come to be as they are.(東西的誕生:談日常小物的社會設計)李屹譯,台北:群學出版。 Papanek, Victor(2013)Design For The Real World: Human Ecology And Social Change.(為真實世界設計:人類生態與社會變遷)楊路譯,台北:五南出版。 第 二 週 2.選課確認,討論分組 第 三 週 3.西方現代都市規劃與設計的起源與發展 Relph, Edward(1998)〈現代城鎮規劃的發明:1890-1940〉,in The Modern Urban Landscape.(現代都市地景):79-111。 Relph, Edward(1998)〈第一個機械時代的日常地景:1900-1940〉,in The Modern Urban Landscape.(現代都市地景):113-141。 Relph, Edward(1998)〈建築的現代主義與國際主義:1900-1940〉,in The Modern Urban Landscape.(現代都市地景):143-171。 Rybczynski, Witold(2019)Makeshift Metropolis: Ideas About Cities. (關於城市建築,我想說的是…建築思想家黎辛斯基的城市再思考)黃中憲譯,台北:貓頭鷹出版。 第 四 週 4.西方現代都市規劃與設計的起源與發展 Relph, Edward(1998)〈隔離城市的規劃:1945-1975〉,in The Modern Urban Landscape.(現代都市地景): 197-235。 Relph, Edward(1998)〈城市的公司化:1945-〉,in The Modern Urban Landscape.(現代都市地景): 237-266。 Relph, Edward(1998)〈後現代主義的規劃與建築:1970-〉,in The Modern Urban Landscape.(現代都市地景):295-327。 第 五 週 5.專論一:田園城市與區域規劃 Rybczynski, Witold(2019)Makeshift Metropolis: Ideas About Cities. (關於城市建築,我想說的是…建築思想家黎辛斯基的城市再思考)黃中憲譯,台北:貓頭鷹出版。 Parker, Simon(2007)〈城市描述:古典都市研究的社會改革與經驗傳統〉,《遇見都市:理論與經驗》(王志弘、徐苔玲譯)(pp. 41-74),台北:群學。 Parker, Simon (2007)〈烏托邦願景:從花園城市到新都市主義〉,《遇見都市:理論與經驗》(王志弘、徐苔玲譯)(pp. 75-104),台北:群學。 第 六 週 6.專論二:城市美化運動、自建社區、縉紳化與企業主義城市 Hall, Peter(2009)〈紀念碑之城—城市美化運動:芝加哥、新德里、柏林、莫斯科(1900-1945)〉,in Cities of Tomorrow.(明日之城):198-226。 Hall, Peter(2009)〈企業之城—上下顛倒的規劃:巴爾的摩、香港、倫敦(1975-1990)〉,in Cities of Tomorrow.(明日之城):394-419。 Parker, Simon(2007)〈郊區與族裔聚居區之間:都市研究與二次大戰後英美的社區追尋〉,《遇見都市:理論與經驗》(王志弘、徐苔玲譯)(pp. 105-141),台北:群學。 第 七 週 7.專論三:基礎設施、移動性與資訊時代 Hall, Peter(2009)〈公路之城—汽車郊區:長島、威斯康興、洛杉磯、巴黎(1930-1987)〉,in Cities of Tomorrow.(明日之城):307-365。 Hall, Peter(2009)〈褪色的盛世之城—信息城市和無信息隔都:紐約、倫敦、東京(1990-2000)〉,in Cities of Tomorrow.(明日之城):421-442。 Jacobs, Jane(2007)The Death and Life of Great American.(偉大城市的誕生與衰亡:美國都市街道生活的啟發)吳鄭重譯注,台北:聯經出版。 第 八 週 8.專論四:自然危機、災害、可持續性發展與規劃 Benton-Short, Lisa and John Rennie Short (2012) 《城市與自然》(徐苔玲、王志弘譯),台北:群學。【選讀:6-12章】 *Blowers, Andrew and Kathy Pain (2009)〈無法持續的城市〉,收於Steve Pile, Christopher Brook and Gerry Mooney編《無法統馭的城市?秩序/失序》(王志弘譯)(pp. 247-340 ),台北:群學。 Steve, Hinchliffe (2009)〈城市與自然:親密的陌生人〉,收於John Allen, Doreen Massey and Michael Pryke編《騷動的城市:移動∕定著》(王志弘譯)(pp. 153-202),台北:群學。 第 九 週 9.期中考──期中作業繳交 第 十 週 10.城市與設計 Knox, Paul L.(2019)Cities and Design. (城市與設計)徐苔玲、王志弘譯,台北:群學出版。 第十一週 11.城市與設計 Knox, Paul L.(2019)Cities and Design. (城市與設計)徐苔玲、王志弘譯,台北:群學出版。 饗庭伸(2020)都市:人口減少時代都市計画.(折疊都市:從日本的都市規劃實踐經驗,探尋人口減少時代的城市設計和人本生活)林書嫻譯,台北:臉譜出版。 第十二週 12.城市創生或智慧城市 Landry, Charles(2019)The Civic City in a Nomadic World.(遊牧世界的市民城市:探討未來新生活型態城市創生發展新思維)姚孟吟譯,台北:馬可孛羅出版。 Green, Ben(2020)The Smart Enough City: Putting Technology in Its Place to Reclaim Our Urban Future.(被科技綁架的智慧城市)廖亭雲譯,台北:行人出版。 第十三週 13.設計、實踐和理論 Molotch, Harvey(2018)Where stuff comes from : how toasters, toilets, cars, computers, and many others things come to be as they are.(東西的誕生:談日常小物的社會設計)李屹譯,台北:群學出版。 Papanek, Victor(2013)Design For The Real World: Human Ecology And Social Change.(為真實世界設計:人類生態與社會變遷)楊路譯,台北:五南出版。 第十四週 14.設計、實踐和理論 劉可強,張聖琳(2002)〈建立一個批判性的「跨文化的本土」設計語彙藍本:反省「模式語彙」對宜蘭演藝廳空間設計的衝擊〉,《城市與設計學報》13/14: 371-394。 翁註重、林美玲(2008)〈尋找現代化的樣子-1980年代MIT(Made in Taiwan)運動與國家形象建構〉《城市與設計學報》19:91-124。 劉欣蓉(2012)〈消失的「理想住宅」方案〉,《國立台灣大學建築與城鄉研究學報》19: 43-64。 蔣雅君(2008)〈民族形式與紀念性-台灣現代主義建築之“地域性”表述〉《城市與設計學報》19:49-89。 郭恩慈(1997)〈重構設計.期盼設計:從現代主義、功能主義、美學到後現代人文主義倫理學對設計之反省〉,《城市與設計學報》1: 139-151。 翁註重(2002)〈當「歷史」碰上「設計」—重看「設計史或設計研究」的爭論,及其背後的歷史思維〉《設計學報》7(1):15-32。 第十五週 15.自選文獻報告(高雄研究文獻選讀) 第十六週 16.自選文獻報告 第十七週 17.自選文獻報告 第十八週 18.期末考──期末報告作業繳交
Relph, Edward(1998)The Modern Urban Landscape.(現代都市地景)謝慶達譯,台北:田園城市。 Hall, Peter(2009)Cities of Tomorrow.(明日之城)童明譯,上海:同濟大學出版社。 Parker, Simon(2007)Urban Theory and the Urban Experience: Encountering the City. (遇見都市:理論與經驗)王志弘、徐苔玲譯,台北:群學出版。 Knox, Paul L.(2019)Cities and Design. (城市與設計)徐苔玲、王志弘譯,台北:群學出版。 Green, Ben(2020)The Smart Enough City: Putting Technology in Its Place to Reclaim Our Urban Future.(被科技綁架的智慧城市)廖亭雲譯,台北:行人出版。 饗庭伸(2020)都市:人口減少時代都市計画.(折疊都市:從日本的都市規劃實踐經驗,探尋人口減少時代的城市設計和人本生活)林書嫻譯,台北:臉譜出版。 Molotch, Harvey(2018)Where stuff comes from : how toasters, toilets, cars, computers, and many others things come to be as they are.(東西的誕生:談日常小物的社會設計)李屹譯,台北:群學出版。 Papanek, Victor(2013)Design For The Real World: Human Ecology And Social Change.(為真實世界設計:人類生態與社會變遷)楊路譯,台北:五南出版。 Howard, Ebenezer(2020)To-morrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform.(百年眾望經典.明日田園城市)吳鄭重譯,台北:聯經出版。 Kevin, Lynch(2014)The Image of the City.(城市的意象)胡家璇譯,台北:遠流出版。 Jacobs, Jane(2007)The Death and Life of Great American.(偉大城市的誕生與衰亡:美國都市街道生活的啟發)吳鄭重譯注,台北:聯經出版。 Rybczynski, Witold(2019)Makeshift Metropolis: Ideas About Cities. (關於城市建築,我想說的是…建築思想家黎辛斯基的城市再思考)黃中憲譯,台北:貓頭鷹出版。 Sadik-Khan, Janette & Solomonow, Seth(2018)Streetfight: Handbook for an Urban Revolution.(偉大城市的二次誕生:從紐約公共空間的凋零與重生,探尋以人為本的街道設計和智慧運輸)高子梅譯,台北:臉譜出版。 Worsley, Lucy(2014)If Walls Could Talk: An Intimate History of The Home.(如果房子會說話:家居生活如何改變世界)林俊宏譯,台北:左岸文化出版。 Sennett, Richard(2020)Building and Dwelling: Ethics for the City.(棲居:都市規劃的過去、現在與未來,如何打造開放城市,尋找居住平衡的新契機?)洪慧芳譯,台北:馬可孛羅出版。 Zukin, Sharon(2010)Landscapes of Power: From Detroit to Disney World.(權力地景:從底特律到迪士尼世界)王志弘等譯,台北:群學出版。 Zukin, Sharon(2012)Naked City: The Death and Life of Authentic Urban Places.(裸城:純正都市地方的生與死)王志弘等譯,台北:群學出版。 王志弘編(2015)《叛民城市:台北暗黑旅誌》,台北:公共冊所出版。 Goldberger, Paul(2012)Why Architecture Matters. (建築為何重要)林俊宏譯,台北:大家出版。 蘇碩斌(2015)《看不見與看得見的臺北》,台北:群學。 吳光庭(2015)《意外的現代性》,台北:田園城市出版。 Kotkin, Joel(2006)《城市的歷史》(謝佩妏譯),台北:左岸。 Mumford, Lewis(1994)《歷史中的城市》(宋俊嶺、倪文彥譯),台北:建築與文化出版社。 Schorske, Carl E.(2002)《世紀末的維也納》(黃煜文譯),台北:麥田。 Harvey, David(2007)《巴黎,現代性之都》(黃煜文譯),台北:群學。 Hollis, Leo(2011)《倫敦的崛起:知識份子打造的城市》(宋美瑩譯),台北:貓頭鷹。
1. Random variables and random vectors 2. Joint, marginal and conditional distributions 3. Random sampling and sample generators 4. Sampling distribution 5. Estimators methods: for example, Maximun likelihood estimation 6. Properties of estimators (e.g., bias, variance, mean squared error, consistency, sufficient statistics, efficiency, uniformly minimum variance undiasedness, and information inequality) 7. Confidence intervals 8. Testing statistical hypotheses and test statistics: significance and power, Neyman-Pearson theorem, likelihood ratio tests, Lehmann-Scheffe theorem 9. Contingency tables and goodness-of-fit
1. Mathematical Statistics by S. F. Arnold. 2. A Course in Mathematical Statistics (2nd ed.) by G. G. Roussas.
9/22-10/12全校遠距教學,本課程以Microsoft teams平台
上課時間請登入Microsoft teams選取談判策略與實例演練課程團隊即可進入課程上課
談判無所不在。舉凡正式談判桌的協商,到衝突現場的處理,甚至是隔空的心理對峙等,都屬於談判的範疇。作為政治人物、律師、公務員、企業家在職場上應對,甚或家庭主婦在市場上買菜喊價等,都處於談判的環境。瞭解談判本質,把談判策略及技巧應用於國家大事、商場競爭或日常生活,既利己且利他。本課程的規劃,著重於應用、實用且好用,授課內容是馬上可以上手應用的策略與技巧,更透過實例演練讓同學實際操作談判的進行,增進同學的靈巧思考與協商技巧,成為溝通高手。 本課程設定目標為培養學生溝通協調、團隊合作、歸納分析、談話應對、機智反應等現代社會所需要的溝通能力與協商技巧,以增進人際關係,提升競爭力。在講授面,強調淺顯易懂且實用的談判概念與策略;在學習面,將透過多次的實例演練操作,讓學生親身體驗談判的實戰互動,將所學概念予以操作化,增進學習效果。
1. 開學週 2. (第二周) 談判概說、課程講解及學生分組 3. (第三周) 談判基本概念與認知 4. (第四周) 談判前準備與團隊分工 5. (第五周) 談判目標設定、參照標準與籌碼 6. (第六周) 掌握談判情境營造、節奏掌握與需求引導 7. (第七周) 談判實例演練&講評檢討(第一次) 8. (第八周) 談判僵局化解、讓步與退路 9. (第九周) 談判說服、收尾與取得承諾 10.(第十周) 談判實例演練&講評檢討(第二次) 11.(第十一周) 談判風格與高效談判工具 12.(第十二周) 談判陷阱與道德 13.(第十三周) 綜合討論
洪慧芳、林俊宏 譯。2018。〈華頓商學院最受歡迎的談判課〉。台北:先覺出版公司。Diamond, Stuart 原著。Getting More: How to Negotiate to Achieve Your Goals in the Real World.
劉復苓 譯。2012。〈華頓商學院的高效談判學〉。台北:經濟新潮社。Shell, G. Richard. 2006. Bargaining for Advantage: Negotiation Strategies for Reasonable People. 2nd Edition.
卞娜娜 譯。2007。〈川普談判學:達成每一筆交易的完美談判法〉。台北:英屬維京群島商高賢國際公司。Ross, H. George. 原著。2006. Trump-Style Negotiation: Powerful Strategies and Tactics for Mastering Every Deal. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
邱麗娟 譯。2008。〈絕對不會輸的交涉術〉。台北:城邦文化公司。Hiromasa Ohashi (大橋弘昌) 原著。
許晉福 譯。2004。〈贏在談判〉。台北:美商麥格羅.希爾公司。Misino, Dominick J. and Jim DeFelice. 原著。2004. Negotiation and Win. McGraw Hill.
劉慧玉 譯。2013。〈哈佛這樣教談判力〉。台北:遠流出版社。Fisher, Roger, William Ury & Bruce Patton 原著。
閻蕙群 譯。2017。〈雙贏談判〉。台北:三采文化公司。Malhotra Deepak 原著。Negotiating the Impossible.
1. 全程出席課堂,參與聽講、討論及實例演練。 2. 學期成績依實例演練成績、出席狀況及課堂表現而定。