This course provides students with practical training, instructional aids, and techniques of teaching English. Throughout the course, students will learn to put theories of Teaching Practicum into practice and familiarize themselves with different teaching and pedagogical delivery, for example, course and syllabus design, lesson planning, classroom management, designing tests and grading. They will also undertake their teaching practice under the supervision of assigned course instructors. By the end of the course, students will be able to utilize relevant instructional materials and learning resources appropriate to their intended audience.


For the detailed course schedule, please contact the assigned instructor.

Harmer, J. (1998). How to Teach English. UK: Longman Group Limited.
Brown, H. D. (2000). (4th ed.). Principles of language learning and teaching. NY: Longman.
Celce-Murcia, M. (2001). (3rd ed.). Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Boston: Heinle & Heinle.
Larsen-Freeman, D. (2000). Techniques and principles in language teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Parkinson, B. and H. Reid Thomas (2000). Teaching Literature in a Second Language. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Ng, Kit-har (2004). Incorporating Literature into the Certificate Level English Classroom in Hong Kong: Three Case Studies. PhD dissertation. The University of Hong Kong.
Hismanoglu, Murat (2005). “Teaching English through Literature", Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, Vol.1, No.1, pp 53-66.
Paran, Amos ed. (2006). Literature in Language Teaching and Learning. Virginia: TESOL. Inc.

The instructor will explain the requirements and the basis upon which grades are determined.





The Linguistics of European Languages Long Title: The Linguistics of European Languages: Genealogical relationships, languages in contact, bilingualism and linguae francae Most national and regional languages of Europe are genealogically related to some of their geographic neighbors, usually by sharing a common origin dating back hundreds of years. Languages like French, Italian and Spanish, for example, can be traced back to Latin in a tree-like model of inheritance of linguistic changes that occurred over more than a thousand years. The origin and transformation of Germanic languages, another major language branch in Europe, is different however. The development of Germanic languages, such as German, Dutch, Swedish, can best be understood by a wave model, where different sources of transformation propagate through the language continuum, becoming weaker at their respective peripheries. After all, there has never been a united Germanic kingdom which monopolized or prioritized a Germanic language. Instead, the languages originated and spread through closely related tribes, which all contributed to the formations that resulted in the modern Germanic languages.

In addition, war, occupation, migration, shifting border lines, Christianization, the establishment of nation states and the promotion of national languages caused different languages, sometimes of different language families, to coexist at various social levels within the same geographic space, giving languages another spin to influence each other. As a consequence, nowadays German is spoken in the North of Italy, Italian in Croatia, Catalan in Italy and France, Yiddish in Poland, English in Ireland, Finnish in Sweden and Swedish in Finland.
Interestingly, this coexistence didn't create bilingualism all over Europe. Some people perceive a second language as an enrichment of their lives, others consider it an oppression. Some can draw economic advantages from their bilingualism, others prefer to remain monolingual. While some groups base their identity on a specific culture and language, others see their bilingualism as a source of their identity. For example, while most speakers of Catalan also speak Spanish, and most inhabitants of South Tyrol speak Italian, there are few native speakers of French who speak Dutch as a second language. As some languages disappeared through a phase of linguistic coexistence, other languages can survive a century-long coexistence or even suppression. In either case however, languages influence each other significantly, bringing even genealogically unrelated languages closer to each other, e.g. at the lexical or phraseological level.

A fourth factor of mutual influence derives from linguae francae that existed in different times in Europe. While today most people associate English with the idea of a European lingua franca, this reflects only the recent developments of the late 20th century. For almost 2 milenia Latin has been the lingua franca of Europe, shaping a common lexical heritage, e.g. the word 'culture, cultura, Kultur, kultuur, ...' but also a common grammar, e.g. implanting the passive sentence structure in the Germanic languages. In addition to the religious and academic lingua franca Latin, more local linguae francae have been in usage at the level of law and administration, such as German in Middle and East Europe, implanted by the Austro-Hungarian Empire and ending with the fall of the iron curtain.

These linguae francae create common concepts, common phraseologies and common grammatical structures which are transferred to the vernaculars, the languages spoken by the people at home. Of particular interest in this respect is the Bible, which had been written until the reformation exculsively in Latin. Once translated, the Bible has for a long time been the only book a household owned. In other words, if a household in Europe had a book, it was the one and the same book all over Europe, translated from Latin into the common vernaculars. It was read on Sundays in the church, read at home before dinner, and served as reading material for those who taught themselves reading and writing, particularly women. The existence of expression like en: 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth', de: 'Auge um Auge, Zahn um Zahn', fr: 'il pour il, dent pour dent', in all European languages thus comes as little surprise.

In this course “The Linguistics of European Languages”, we will discuss and study 12 European languages, defined here as the European branch of the Indo-European languages spoken on the European continent, through texts shared among all these languages. We will follow a stepwise approach in getting acquainted with these languages and the linguistic notions that contributed to the formation of these languages, discussing the linguistic notions at the time we study the languages for which they are relevant, e.g. case with German, enclutic pronouns with French and determiners expressed as suffixes in Swedish and Bulgarian.

While our focus is strongly on exploring linguistic core notions that are relevant for the analysis of European and eventually non-European languages, the course has also some practical aspects, giving the course participants a linguistic grid, a language typology, through which they can better approach a new language and eventually dramatically reduce the time needed to speak a new European language to a few months, to read a new written European language to a few weeks, depending on the language learning history of the language learner.

During this course, we will work one week (4 hours) on one language. In a few cases, if a new script has to be acquired, as in the case of the Greek and Cyrillic alphabet, we will work two weeks on a language. During a language-week we will work through a) a handful of linguistic concepts, notions, mechanisms or regularities which are helpful or necessary to understand this language, but which are also relevant for other related languages. Such mechanisms are e.g.

    1. Sound changes in consonants, vowels and liquida:
      1. vowel change: Ablaut and Umlaut as in German,
      2. consonant change: The palatalization in Romance languages,
      3. the consonant shift in Germanic languages,
      4. liquida metathesis across language familie, e.g. de: Garten, fr: jardin, garder, ru: gorod, grad.
    1. Case systems, e.g. Latin, German, Russian:
      1. form, meaning and functions of case systems,
      2. the loss of case systems, e.g. Italian, Dutch, Bulgarian,
      3. free, relatively free, fixed word order as related to the case system,
      4. case in language loans,
      5. oblique cases, hierarchy of obliqueness (case hierarchy).
    1. Properties of nominal groups:
      1. determination in determinerless languages (Russian),
      2. determiners as suffixes (Bulgarain, Swedish),
      3. grammatical numbers:
        1. Numerals,
        2. singular, dual (Russian, Irish), plural.
      4. natural and grammatical gender:
        1. languages of three and two genders,
        2. gender agreement,
        3. gender and case,
        4. gender in loan words.
    1. Phonetic and phonological properties:
      1. syllable structures,
      2. syllable length (Germanic languages),
      3. word stress (German - French - English).
      4. clitic pronouns (French),
      5. apocope (Italian),
      6. re-syllabification,
      7. nasalization (French and Portuguese).
    1. Pronoun and verbal endings:
      1. pronouns in European languages
      2. enclitic versus pro-clitic pronouns
      3. relations between verbal endings and enclitic pronouns (Bulgarian)
    1. semantic changes
    2. changes within a language through time
    3. change of the ‘same’ word through different languages
    4. metaphors
    5. metonymies
    6. generalization
    7. specialization
    8. co-hyponymic transfer


Each language will be approached through a set of identical texts translated into the respective languages, e.g. the Lord's Prayer, Genesis 1 (1-31) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Paragraphs 1 to 10. In addition each language will be approached through one song which reflects the history or culture of a language, its region or country.
  1. Week 1: Course Introduction
  2. Week 2: Textual resources, English reading and discussion of textual resources, concepts in historical linguistics and language typology.
  3. Week 3: Germanic Languages, German:
    High German consonant shift
    Grammatical and natural gender
    Song: Udo Lindenberg - Wieder genauso

  4. Week 4 Dutch:
    Dutch words in English
    Verb first, second, last
    Losing case, fixing word order
    Song: Herman van Veen - Een lichte vrouw

  5. Week 5: Swedish:
    Determiners as suffixes, genitive suffix,
    Pronouns, reflexive pronouns
    Song: Miriam Bryant, Victor Leksell - Tystnar i luren

  6. Week 6: Romance Languages, Latin:
    Case system for nouns
    Colonial language
    Song: Requiem, Confutatis maledictis

    Additional: O, Fortuna, Panis Angelicus, Gaudete Christus est natus
  7. Week 7: Italian:
    Palatalization: giallo
    Underpalatiztion: pagare
    Overpalatization: tacere
    Song: Bella Ciao

  8. Week 8: French:
    La liaison
    Song: Jacques Brel -Mon plat pays
  9. Week 9: Catalan:
    Bilingualism, oppression, identity,
    Song: Lluis Llach - L'estaca

  10. Week 10: Spanish:
    Arabic words in Spanish
    Luis Eduardo Aute - Al alba

  11. Week 11: Hellenic Languages, Ancient Greek (2 weeks): Greek alphabet
    tense and aspect
    the aorist
  12. Week 13: Slavonic Languages, Russian (2 weeks):
    Cyrillic alphabet
    Soft and hard vowels
    Relatively free word order
    Song: Bulat Shalvovich Okudzhava - Poka zemlya esche vertitsya

  13. Week 15: Bulgarian:
    Lost case system
    Fixed word order
    Determiner suffixes
  14. Week 16: Celtic Languages, Irish:
    VSO language,
    case system,
    Latin words in Irish
    English words of Irish origin
    Irish words of English origin
  15. Week 17: Poster presentations

Each language will be approached through 3 standard texts: This set of texts, written or translated into the respective languages are: The Lord's Prayer, the first verses of the Bible, Genesis 1 (1-31), and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Paragraphs 1 to 10. These texts are freely available online.
Lord’s Prayer in written form: https://www.wordproject.org/bibles/resources/our_father/in_many_languages.htm
Lord’s Prayer in spoken form: (Spanish, French, German, Dutch, English), (Latin), (Irish),
Bibles translations in many languages: https://www.biblegateway.com/versions/ Genesis 1:1 spoken in many languages:
In addition each language will be approached through one song which reflects the history or culture of a language, its region or country. Videos are available through Youtube.

The course participants will be evaluated on the basis of their course attendance (30%), as well as their active participation in the collection and discussion of language material. 40% of the evaluation will be based on a poster to be presented by each participant at the end of the semester on the topic of one European language that hasn’t been discussed in class. No two students are allowed to present the same language. This poster presentation should reflect the geographic, sociolinguistic, grammatical, lexical, phonological and phonetic features of a language and discuss at least the Lord’s Prayer in this language. Special attention should be given to the interaction of different features, such as case system and word order, the absence of determiners and word order, verbal inflection and pronouns.





This course introduces students to on-going changes in postcolonial film studies. Postcolonial film scholarship has long examined films within geo-political contexts, enlightening our understanding of history, empire, and resistance in both Anglophone and Sinophone worlds. What’s new in the twenty-first century is a shift in postcolonial space, largely away from the third world to indigenous, marginal, and subaltern struggles, in the imperial center and in settler states. This changing geographical face brings with it new conceptual vocabulary and theoretical approaches.
This 2023 fall semester will explore the topic of subaltern narratives from diverse postcolonial spaces: Bend It Like Beckham (India-UK), Australia (Australia), Cape No. 7 (Taiwan), Wansei Back Home (Taiwan-Japan), The Leaving of Liverpool (Australia-UK) and draw connection and comparison between histories, themes, and perspectives.


Weeks 1-2: Introduction: a shift in postcolonial film scholarship
• “New Perspectives on Postcolonial Film”
• Empire Writes Back
• “Introducing Settler Colonial Studies”
Weeks 3-4: Subaltern narratives and diaspora in the imperial center.
Film text: Bend It Like Beckham.
• “20 Years Later: How ‘Bend It Like Beckham’ Became a Cultural Phenomenon”
Weeks 5-6: Subaltern narratives and post settler-colonial reconciliation in Australia
Film text: Australia
• “The Four Fathers of Australia”
• “Redeeming the Bastard Child”
Weeks 7-8: Subaltern narratives and post settler-colonial reconciliation in Taiwan
Film text: Cape No. 7
• “Space and Cultural Memory: Te-Sheng Wei’s Cape No. 7 (2008)”
Week 9: Midterm feedback due

Weeks 10-11: Reverse displacement from the former imperial center
Film text: Wansei Back Home (Taiwan-Japan)
• “The Wansei of Taiwan: History’s Castaways”
Weeks 12-13: Reverse displacement from the former imperial center
Film text: The Leaving of Liverpool (Australia-UK)
• Lost Children of the Empire
Weeks 14-16: Finding film evidence--workshop and presentation
• The Leaving of Liverpool (or films concerning students' cultural backgrounds)
Week 17: Tutorial on final term paper
Week 18: Final paper due (undergraduate option: revised group workshop report)

Film texts:
Bend It Like Beckham, Dir. Gurinder Chadha. Kintop Pictures, 2002.
Australia, Dir. Buz Luhrmann. Bazmark Films Australia, 2008.
Cape No. 7, Dir. Wei Te-sheng. ARS Film Productions, 2008.
Wansei Back Home, Dir. Huang, Ming-Cheng, Cultural Limited Company of Pool of Field, 2015.
The Leaving of Liverpool, Dir. Michael Jenkins, 1992, ABC, BBC.

Ashcroft, Bill, et al. The Empire Writes Back. 2nd ed., Routledge, 2002 [1989].
Bean, Philip and Joy Melville. Lost Children of the Empire. London: Routledge, 1989.
Fu, Yu-wen. “Space and Cultural Memory: Te-Sheng Wei’s Cape No. 7 (2008)”, Postcolonial Film: History, Empire, Resistance, Rebecca Weaver-Hightower and Peter Hulme eds., Routledge, 2014, pp 223-246.
Konishi, Shino. “The Four Fathers of Australia: Baz Luhrmann’s Depiction of Aboriginal History and Paternity in the Norther Territory.” History Australia, vol.8, no.1, 2016, pp 23-41.
Morton, John. “Redeeming the Bastard Child: Exploring Legitimacy and Contradiction in Australia.” Studies in Australasian Cinema, vol. 4, no. 2, 2010, pp. 159-172.
Pindoria, Ayesha. “20 Years Later: How ‘Bend It Like Beckham’ Became a Cultural Phenomenon”, Collider, May 16, 2022.
Veracini, Lorenzo. “Introducing Settler Colonial Studies”, Settler Colonial Studies, vol.1, no.1, 2011, pp. 1-12.
“The Wansei of Taiwan: History’s Castaways”, OFTaiwan.
Weaver-Hightower, Rebecca. “New Perspectives on Postcolonial Film”, Rebecca Weaver-Hightower and Peter Hulme eds., Postcolonial Film: History, Empire, Resistance, London: Routledge, 2014, pp 1-20.

Attendance and discussions 50%
Guided workshops and presentations 30%
Final paper 20% (undergraduate option: revised group workshop report)





Taiwan officially entered the stage of an aged society in 2018. According to the National Development Council, Taiwan will be a super-aged society by 2026. With the rise of the aging population, the issue of the aging brain has received increasing attention. This course provides students opportunities to address this important issue from the perspective of Linguistics. In this class, students will be guided to read, discuss and analyze English/Chinese picture books (PB) about the aging brain, especially about the Alzheimer's disease (AD). They will be trained to develop and to hold some relevant activities/workshops for senior citizens to enhance their awareness of the aging brain and language at the end of the course.


Week 1 Orientation
Week 2 PB 1: Text analysis
Week 3 PB 1: Activity design
Week 4 Invited speech 1
Week 5 PB 2: Text analysis
Week 6 PB 2: Activity design
Week 7 Workshop 1 [draft]
Week 8 Invited Speech 2
Week 9 Mid-term week
Week 10 Workshop 1 [rehearsal]
Week 11 Workshop 1
Week 12 PB 3:Text analysis
Week 13 PB 3:Activity design
Week 14 Workshop 2 [draft]
Week 15 Workshop 2 [rehearsal]
Week 16 Workshop 2
Week 17 Discussion
Week 18 Final reivew

Picture books (PB) about the aging brain Relevant papers/reports on the aging brain and language

1. Discussion, assignments, presentations: 50%
2. Workshops on the aging brain and language: 50%





This course will focus on Jane Austen (1775-1817) and a selection of her writings. The materials will cover a few of Austen’s letters as well as three of her novels, including Sense and Sensibility (1811), Pride and Prejudice (1813), and Northanger Abbey (1817). The course aims to familiarize students with the social, economic, and cultural contexts of the late eighteenth century and the Regency Period in England. The lectures will also comprise discussions on many important issues concerning the author and women of her time, such as fashion, domestic economy, marriage, single women, female authorship, and etc.


W1 Course overview
W2 Getting to know Jane Austen and her world
W3 Jane Austen's letters on “All the important nothings”
W4 Jane Austen's letters on fashion
W5 Bank holiday
W6 An introduction to Sense and Sensibility; study questions on Sense and Sensibility; guided film
W7 Eighteenth-century social and cultural backgrounds; Sense and Sensibility continued
W8 Sense and Sensibility continued; study questions on Sense and Sensibility
W9 Midterm essay questions
W10 An introduction to Pride and Prejudice; study questions on Pride and Prejudice; guided film
W11 Pride and Prejudice continued
W12 Pride and Prejudice continued
W13 Pride and Prejudice continued
W14 An introduction to Northanger Abbey; study questions on Northanger Abbey; guided film
W15 Northanger Abbey continued
W16 Northanger Abbey continued
W17 Presentations on Jane Austen or topics concerning eighteenth-century England; course review
W18 Final essay questions

I. Textbooks
Austen, Jane. Northanger Abbey, Lady Susan, The Watsons, Sandition. Oxford World Classics. Introd. Claudia L. Johnson. Ed. James Kinsley and John Davie. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2019.
---. Pride and Prejudice. Oxford World Classics. Introd. Christina Lupton. Ed. James Kinsley. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2019.
---. Sense and Sensibility. Oxford World Classics. Ed. John Mullan. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2019.
Faye, Deirdre le, ed. Jane Austen's Letters. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1997.

II. Recommended reading
Brownstein, Rachel M. "Northanger Abbey, Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice." Copeland and McMaster 32-57.
Chen, Li-ching. "'Woman Is Fine for her Own Satisfaction Alone': Fashion in Jane Austen's Letters." Sun Yat-sen Journal of Humanities 34 (Jan. 2013): 1-20.
Fergus, Jan. "The Professional Woman Writer." Copeland and McMaster 12-31.
Flynn, Carol Houlihan. "The Letters." Copeland and McMaster 100-14.
McMaster, Juliet. "Class." Copeland and McMaster 115-30.

III. Recommended books
Copeland, Edward and Juliet McMaster, eds. The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2006.
Fritzer, Penelope Joan. Jane Austen and Eighteenth-Century Courtesy Books. Westport: Greenwood, 1997.
Olsen, Kirstin. All Things Austen: A Concise Encyclopedia of Austen's World. Oxford: Greenwood, 2008.
Todd, Janet, ed. Jane Austen in Context. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2005.
Watt, Ian. The Rise of the Novel. Taipei: Bookman, 1957.

IV. Recommended websites
(I) Jane Austen
Chawton House Library. .
Jane Austen Regency World. .
The Jane Austen Society. .
Jane Austen Society of North America. .
Talk Like Jane Austen Day. .

(II) The Regency Period
The Regency Encyclopedia. .
"Regency Fashion." The Jane Austen Centre.
The Regency Fashion Page. .

Class attendance and participation 25%
Presentation 25%
Midterm essays 25%
Final essays 25%





The course Linguistic Anthropology tries to approach the nature of cultures and languages in their mutual psychological and sociological dependence. We therefore discuss fundamental notions such as word, meaning, reference, concept, notion, transparent and opaque word meaning, taxonomy, practice, language, dialect, languaging, language change and the origin of new words on concepts on the basis of the fieldwork we are doing every second week in nearby villages. During these fieldwork trips we will collect languages spoken and the contexts by whom and when they are spoken. Likewise we will record concepts, notions and classification systems within the languages and cultures, such as used for naming animals, describing spaces and times, depending on the context of the practice, such as fishing, vending, worshipping, or seeking spiritual protection. After fieldwork, we will merge the experience made by different groups and discuss them in theoretical frameworks of increasing complexity. The course will provide the participants with the opportunity of personal grow with a range of new skills, e.g. related to fieldwork and data analysis, with higher levels of confidence, e.g. with approaching foreigners and discussing ideas freely in a group, with a solid understanding of notions and concepts which underlie the understanding and analysis of cultures, languages and their interactions, as well as with the culturally, intellectually and personally enriching experience brought about through field work.


From September to November we will have A- and B-weeks.

In the A-weeks we discuss the book we are reading and its implication.
In the B-weeks we will conduct field work in a nearby village and try out various research methods.
In December the course participants will discuss and prepare the project to be handed in at the end of the semester: A small research project in the field of Anthropological Linguistics, to be conducted in January and to be presented as a poster (A1, portrait) in class.
Week 1: Presentation of the course. Online through Microsoft Teams
Week 2: The languages of the world. Language families, language typologies, scripts, writing systems. Reading Chapter 1: A World of Many (Fewer) Voices
Week 3: The languages of Taiwan Field Word: Collecting languages and scripts, stories of migration, work and trade
Week 4: Language death, extinct languages, language revitalization, Reading Chapter 1: A World of Many (Fewer) Voices Video: Representation of fieldwork findings
Week 5: Words, concepts, opaque and transparent meanings Reading Chapter 2: An Extinction of (Ideas about) Species Field Work: Collecting fish photos, spoken fish names, written fish names, fish properties, stories about fish
Week 6: Word, communication, efficiency, word frequency, centrality Reading CASE STUDY: Vanishing Herds and Reindeer Words Representation of fieldwork findings
Week 7: Times, calendars, time calculation, temporal orientation Reading Chapter 3: Many Moons Ago. Traditional Calendars and Time-Reckoning Field Work: Collecting daily, monthly and yearly routines, calendars, birthdays of deities, temporal descriptions of rituals
Week 8: Representation of fieldwork findings Space, place names, spatial references, spatial reference systems, spatial markers, the right and left of temples Reading: CASE STUDY. Nomads of Western Mongolia
Week 9: Reading Chapter 4: An Atlas in the Mind Field Work: Collecting place names, spatial reference systems, spatial markers, stories of migration, fishing areas.
Week 10: Representation of fieldwork findings Number systems, numbers in languages, numbers in religions, 生老病死苦, 魯般尺 Reading Chapter 6: Endangered Number Systems. Counting to Twenty on Your Toes
Week 11: Field Work: Counting and measuring in temples. Steps, characters, size Reading Chapter 6: Endangered Number Systems. Counting to Twenty on Your Toes
Week 12: Traditional knowledge, meaning and usage, knowledge preservation Representation of fieldwork findings Reading CASE STUDY: New Rice versus Old Knowledge
Week 13: Presentation of end-of-semester final projects of previous years First brain storming on end-of-semester final projects
Week 14: Reading Chapter 5: Silent Storytellers, Lost Legends End-of-semester final project: Group finding, research question, research methodology Short introduction to Geographic Information Systems. QGIS
Week 15: Poster production, poster templates, structuring of a poster. Short introduction to Palladium, Stanford University Group work
Week 16: End-of-semester final project: Fieldwork, data collection, data processing Group work
Week 17: In-class presentation of final projects. Discussion and suggestions for final modifications
Week 18: Final modifications of the poster presentations. Citations, titles, structure, graphs etc.

K. David Harrison. 2007. When Languages Die: The Extinction of the World’s Languages and the Erosion of Human Knowledge.
Lera Boroditsky. How language shapes the way we think. TED-Talk.
Dying Languages | National Geographic
"When Languages Die" author/linguist K. David Harrison

Course participation 40%
Field work 30%
Final report 30%





https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3ae5vnnIDhuE3phskVKQQt824Qgi7kCYkcM47jLY90c1Q1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=f96f4f70-0038-4bd1-a9f5-7c6004fe55a8&tenantId=5a484953-77ef-42ec-90cf-2f4e1037ffc7 The aim of this course is to provide guidelines for the students who are planning to write theses for their master's degree.
For more information on online and remote learning, please contact the assigned instructor.


First Semester: 1. Lay out a research and writing plan. 2. Search and analyze primary and secondary sources. 3. Produce an outline and research bibliography. 4. Conduct field research. 5. Write draft chapters. Second Semester: 5. Complete draft chapters. 6. Revise and finalize the dissertation. 7. Prepare for the oral defense.


For details about reference books, please contact your supervisor. 本課程因指導老師不同以及教學主題各異。

Your supervisor will explain the requirements and the basis upon which grades are determined.





This is an elective course. It is avalable for all students, all years, and all majors. If you cannot join online, email the teacher at: freethoughts2@yahoo.com and contact the English department secretary for a class entry code. It will focus on critical thinking, or higher level thinking, and communication while learning about American popular culture. This course will focus on the history of T.V. shows from the 1950’s to the current time, while at the same time discussing and comparing Taiwanese culture and the influence of T.V. Various themes, ethics, and moral lessons will be taught and discussed and several popular American T.V. shows will be viewed that are not available in Taiwan. Specifically, the students will utilize English listening and communication skills while moving from the basic forms thinking through the advance forms of thinking: Students will be able to critically evaluate and verbally discuss American Popular culture and American T.V. shows. Students will be able to relate these shows to Taiwanese culture and society and critically evaluate if there are any connections or influences. Students will learn advance intercommunication techniques and students will learn advanced level public speaking skills, PPT, etc. ****Important**** Due to the Virus situation, if all of the courses are being taught online, you must contact the teacher as stated below. ALL students MUST do the following if you register for this course: Email Aaron with the following information at: freethoughts2@yahoo.com You English name, your Chinese name, your NUK I.D. number, and your mobile phone number AND the English name for this class. When you email Aaron, you will be given a Line group to join, you will be given Google Classroom information, and you can also find important class information on Aaron’s website: http://aaron-pe-5-6.blogspot.com/


Each week will have different topics and/or T.V. shows to be viewed and discussed, to be announced in the future. Week 1 Introduction and general course description of requirements Week 2 History of TV, how the creation of TV changed American society, TV show re-runs Week 3 1950’s Themes: Innocence, traditional values, traditional roles of family members, right from wrong, super heros (I Love Lucy , Adventures of Superman, The Lone Ranger, Father Knows Best , The Abbott and Costello Show, Maverick, Alfred Hitchcock Presents) Week 4 1950’s The Ed Sullivan Show, Gunsmoke, The Mickey Mouse Club, Leave It to Beaver, The Walt Disney Company, American bandstand) Week 5 1960’s Themes: Innocence lost, impact of Vietnam War, distractions from real life events (Perry mason, The Andy Griffith Show, The Flintstones, Gilligan's Island, Batman, The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Beverly Hillbillies , The Beverly Hillbillies , The Twilight Zone , Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., Bewitched) Week 6 1960’s Hogan's Heroes, My Three Sons, Flipper, Hazel, The Fugitive, The Big Valley, Top Cat , The Bugs Bunny Show, star trek Week 7 1970’s Themes: Trying to get back where America was before, introducing fantasy, civil rights for all, woman’s empowerment, more entertainment (The Brady Bunch, The Carol Burnet Show, Sesame Street, All in the Family, Good Times, Sanford and Son, The Mary Tyler Moore Show , The Odd Couple, The Bob Newhart Show, Welcome Back, Kotter , The Six Million Dollar Man , The Waltons , The Bionic Woman, Wonder Woman) Week 8 1970’s Charlie's Angels , Happy Days, Little House on the Prairie, Laverne & Shirley , Battlestar Galactica, The Jefferson’s, M*A*S*H , Hee Haw, Donny & Marie Show, The Love Boat , Fantasy Island, Different Strokes, Eight Is Enough Week 9 Mid-term Exam Week Week 10 1980’s Themes: Continuation of all of the themes before as they changed over time, new forms of entertainment using well-known comedians, more programing for teens (Three's Company, Mork & Mindy, Taxi, Family Ties, Cheers, Hill Street Blues, The Facts of Life, The Dukes of Hazzard , The Cosby Show) Week 11 1980’s Dallas, Who's the Boss?, Night Court, Growing Pains, Miami Vice, 60 Minutes, Magnum, P.I. , Seinfeld, Mtv Week 12 1990’s Themes: Continuation of all of the themes before as they changed over time, money vs. values in programing (Friends, Dawson's Creek , Gilmore Girls, , Will & Grace, reality TV, Everybody Loves Raymond) Week 13 1990’s Frasier , Home Improvement, Beverly Hills, 90210, The Simpsons Week 14 2000’s Themes: Continuation of all of the themes before as they changed over time, money vs. values in programing, mindless/brainless TV shows, pushing the limits of what is allowed on TV with language and adult themes (Cable TV shows, South Park, SpongeBob Square Pants, Battlestar Galactica , How I Met Your Mother, Rules of Engagement , One Tree Hill , The King of Queens , Lost , That '70s Show, Veronica Mars , The West Wing, The X-Files , Two and a Half Men , Premium TV (HBO/ Showtime) Six Feet Under , The Sopranos , Sex and the City , Curb Your Enthusiasm , etc.) Week 15 2000’s That '70s Show, Veronica Mars , The West Wing, The X-Files , Two and a Half Men , Premium TV (HBO/ Showtime) Six Feet Under , The Sopranos , Sex and the City , Curb Your Enthusiasm , etc. Week 16 2010-present Themes: Continuation of all of the themes before as they changed over time, money vs. values in programing, mindless/brainless TV shows, pushing the limits of what is allowed on TV with language and adult themes, short attention spans of viewers (Mom, Modern Family, The Big Bang Theory , CSI: Crime Scene Investigation , GREYs anatomy) Week 17 2010-present American Idol , The Office , 30 Rock , The Good Wife , Fresh Off the Boat , Hot in Cleveland Week 18 2010-present Premium TV, Breaking Bad , The Walking Dead , Game of Thrones , etc. Week 19 Final Exam Week

No, but there will be a ‘teacher’s package’ that is required for this course that the student MUST read and bring every day. To be given out in class to be copied.

60% In-class activities (12 assignments worth 5 points each), 20% midterm exam or other midterm exam task 20% final exam or other final exam task





This course is designed to familiarize students with a range of representative novels and short stories from the nineteenth through the twentieth centuries in Britain and America. Students will learn about the elements of fiction and also develop their understanding of the role of fiction in representing and exploring social and cultural change, as well as the issues involved in its development. Upon completion of this course, students will: ◎ be familiar with the principal developments in the evolution of English and American fiction. ◎ develop an understanding of the main issues which preoccupy English and American novelists. ◎ develop critical and analytical skills through the writing and discussion of course assignments.


Week 1 Course overview
Week 2 Jane Eyre
Week 3 Jane Eyre
Week 4 Jane Eyre
Week 5 Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Week 6 Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Week 7 Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Week 8 Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Week 9 Mid-term Exam
Week 10 "Lizzie Leigh"
Week 11 "Lizzie Leigh" + The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Week 12 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Week 13 "The Yellow Wallpaper"
Week 14 "The Yellow Wallpaper"
Week 15 The Great Gatsby
Week 16 The Great Gatsby
Week 17 The Great Gatsby
Week 18 Final Exam

Jane Eyre; Tess of the D’Urbervilles; "Lizzie Leigh"; The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes; "The Yellow Wallpaper"; The Great Gatsby
Access your course materials: Moodle

Attendance and participation (20%), assignments (30%, including in-class discussions, presentations, and assignments), mid-term exam (25%), and final exam (25%).
You can find details about classroom etiquette, absence policy, how to report absences, and what kinds of absences can be excused on Moodle.





This course aimed to help students understand and enjoy some English and American plays.
Group presentations: Students take turns to give ppt presentations on each play concerning
1. A short biography of the playwright (week 1).
2. A brief synopsis of the play (week 2).
3. Characterization or Themes(week 3).


Week 1. Introduction and grouping
Week 2. Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest
Week 3. Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest
Week 4. Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest
Week 5. George Bernard Shaw, Pygmalion
Week 6. George Bernard Shaw, Pygmalion
Week 7. George Bernard Shaw, Pygmalion
Week 8. Essay Questions
Week 9. Mid-term exam
Week 10. Eugene O'Neill, Desire Under the Elms
Week 11. Eugene O'Neill, Desire Under the Elms
Week 12. Eugene O'Neill, Desire Under the Elms
Week 13. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, The Rivals
Week 14. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, The Rivals
Week 15. Richard Brinsley Sheridan, The Rivals
Week 16. Final exam
Week 17. Holiday
Week 18. Final Paper

Anthologies of American Literature and English Literature
Literature Online

Class participation: 50%
Mid-term exam: 25%
Final exams: 25%
Students who are absent for 3 weeks should give up enrolling in this course.
If you take the exam later than the exam date, you will only get 4/5 of your score.





This course is designed to enhance students’ knowledge of the origins and variations of current English languages. The first part of this course aims to provide a historical background of English. The second part will cover the key issues in sociolinguistic studies, including standard English vs. dialects; language and age; language and gender; language used in different social context etc. In the third part, the main focus will be the discussion of the outcomes of English’s contact with other languages, including the issues such as, bilingualism, language shift and language endangerment etc. This course will also examine to what extent English languages influence the global culture.


2023/09/11 — Orientation 2023/09/18 — Language Family and Typology; 2023/09/25 — The Origins of English; + Standard Language vs. Dialects; 2023/10/02 — Standard Language vs. Dialects 2023/10/09 — National Holiday 2023/10/16 — Students’ presentation (Standard Language vs. Dialects) 2023/10/23 — Language and Gender 2023/10/30 — Language and Gender 2023/11/06 — Mid-term Exam (Terminology and Essay Questions) 2023/11/13 — Students’ presentation (Language and Gender) 2023/11/20 — Language, Age, and Social Classes 2023/11/27 — Language, Age, and Social Classes 2023/12/04 — Students’ presentation (Language and Age) 2023/12/11 — Language and Identity 2023/12/18 — (Students’ presentation on Language and Social Classes) + Code-switching 2023/12/25 — Students’ presentation (Language and Identity)+ Code-switching 2023/01/01 — National Holiday 2023/01/08 — Final Exam (Terminology and Essay Questions)

Assigned readings will be distributed in the lectures.

In-class Presentations = 20% + Attendance  Choose one topic and find example by yourself (each student 5 min) Option I: ■ Mid-term Exam (40%) ■ Final Exam (40%) (either exam or a 1500- word essay) Option II: ■ Mid-term Exam (40%) + 1,500-word Essay (40%) ■ 1,500-word Essay (40%) + Final Exam (40%) Option III: ■ 3,000-word Essay (80%)





This course is intended to help students understand and enjoy American literature.
請修課同學加入臉書教學社團 https://www.facebook.com/groups/1020402472287630
Lectures and group presentations:
Groups of students take turns to give ppt presentations for 15 minutes concerning
1. A short biography of the author
2. A summary of the works
3. Themes, motifs, allusions, etc.


Week 1. Introduction
Week 2 Cotton Mather
Week 3. Holiday
Week 4. Jonathan Edwards
Week 5. Benjamin Franklin, “The Way to Wealth” (1758)
Week 6. Thomas Jefferson, “The Declaration of Independence” (1776)
Week 7. Washington Irving, “Rip Van Winkle” (1819)
Week 8. Mid-term exam (non-Open-book)
Week 9. Essay Questions (open-book)
Week 10. James Fenimore Cooper, The Last of the Mohicans (1826)
Week 11. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nature (1836)
Week 12. Nathaniel Hawthorne, “Young Goodman Brown” (1835)
Week 13. Edgar Allan Poe, “The Fall of the House of Usher” (1843)
Week 14. Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852), Chapter 7
Week 15. Henry David Thoreau, Walden (1854) “Spring”; Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass (1855)
Week 16. Herman Melville, “Bartleby, the Scrivener” (1853)
Week 17. Final exam
Week 18. Final paper

Anthologies of American Literature
Literature Online

Class participation: 50%
Mid-term exam: 25%
Final exams: 25%
Students who are absent for 3 weeks should give up enrolling in this course.
If you take the exam later than the exam date, you will only get 4/5 of your score.





This course aims to introduce students to as many canonical works as possible of English literature from the Eighteenth Century to the Romantic Period.

Students are required to preview the works which will be covered in each of the weeks before they comet to class. During the class, the instructor will ask students to feel free to express their ideas about the works they have read before she gives a detailed explanation of each of the works to them.


W1 12/09 Course overview
W2 19/09 Joseph Addison (1672-1719) and Sir Richard Steele (1671-1729); The Tatler (1709-1710) and The Spectator (1711-1712): "The Aims of the Spectator" by Addison and "The Spectator's Club" by Steele
W3 26/09 "The Spectator's Club" continued; Alexander Pope (1688-1744); The Rape of the Lock: the introduction to the work, the letter addressed to Mrs. Arabella Fermor
W4 03/10 The Rape of the Lock continued: lines 1-28, 41-70, 105-148 of Canto 1; lines 1-34, 101-142 of Canto 2
W5 10/10 Bank holiday
W6 17/10 The Rape of the Lock continued: lines 125-178, Canto 3; lines 11-16, 79-88, Canto 4; lines 103-114, and 123-150, Canto 5
W7 24/10 An introduction to Samuel Johnson (1709-1784); Johnson's Preface to A Dictionary of the English Language (1755); Group 1's presentation on Alexander Pope and his work(s)
W8 31/10 Chapters 40-44, The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia (1759)
W9 07/11 Mid-term examination
W10 14/11 Introduction to the Romantic Period
W11 21/11 Examination results announced; William Blake (1757-1827); "There Is No Natural Religion" (I. Man's perceptions are not bounded . . . .) and "The Argument" of The Marriage of Heaven and Hell; Group 2's presentation on Samuel Johnson and his work(s)
W12 28/11 William Blake's Songs of Innocence and of Experience; "Introduction," "The Lamb," "The Little Black Boy," "The Chimney Sweeper," "The Divine Image," and "Infant Joy" from Songs of Innocence
W13 05/12 "Introduction," "The Chimney Sweeper," "The Tyger," "London," "The Human Abstract," and "Infant Sorrow" from Songs of Experience; Group 3's presentation on William Blake and his work(s)
W14 12/12 Robert Burns (1759-1796); "Song: For a' that and a' that" and "To a Mouse"
W15 19/12 Robert Burns's "To a Louse" and "Tam o'Shanter"
W16 26/12 William Wordsworth (1770-1850); "We Are Seven," "Expostulation and Reply," "The Tables Turned," "The Solitary Reaper," and "The World is Too Much with Us"; Group 4's presentation on Robert Burns and his work(s)
W17 02/01/2024 William Wordsworth's "Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey" and "Resolution and Independence" (if we have adequate time); course review
W18 09/01 Final examination

I. Textbooks
Abrams, M. H., and Stephen Greenblatt, et al, eds. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 10th ed. Package 1 (A. B. C.). New York: Norton, 2018. Greenblatt, Stephen, and Carol T. Christ, eds. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 10th ed. Package 2 (D. E. F.). New York: Norton, 2018.
II. Recommended Reference Books
Cudden, J. A., and Claire Preston. Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory. New York: Penguin, 2000.
Day, Martin S. History of English Literature. 3 vols. Taipei: Bookman, 1990.
Frye, Northrup, Barbara Perkins, and Sheridan Warner Baker. Harper Handbook to Literature. 2nd ed. Sydney: Pearson Education, 1997.
Hornstein, Lillian Herlands, Leon Edel, and Sterling Allen Brown, ed. The Reader’s Companion to World Literature. 2nd ed. New York: Penguin, 2002.
So, K. H., and I-chung Wang, eds. A Guide to Major Texts in English Literature. Taipei: Bookman, 2007.
Thornley, G. C., and Gwyneth Roberts. An Outline of English Literature. Essex: Longman, 1997.

Course participation and attendance 10% (Please note: if you skip class more than three times, you will lose this 10% score).
Textbook or study materials 20% (You MUST have your own textbooks or course texts).
Presentation 20%
Mid-term examination 25%
Final examination 25%





This module is designed to enhance students’ knowledge of current translation theory and translating skills. Students will be given assignments (i.e., translating an assigned text) in order to apply what they learn in lectures during the translating process. Practical translation problems that may be encountered during the translating process will be investigated. Relevant problem-solving strategies and techniques will be taught. Students’ translation errors in the assignments will also be examined and discussed in the lessons.


2023/09/14 — Orientation 2023/09/21 — Cohesion and Coherence 2023/09/28 — National Holiday 2023/10/05 — Syntactic Problems in Translation 2023/10/12 — The Problems of Non-equivalence 2023/10/19 — The Problems of Long Sentences 2023/10/26— The Problems of under/over/mistranslation 2023/11/02 — Register Analysis: formal texts 2023/11/09 — Mid-term exam 2023/11/16 — Mid-term exam 2023/11/23 — Assignment Discussion + CA practice 2023/12/30 — Assignment Discussion + CA practice 2023/12/07 — Assignment Discussion + CA practice 2023/12/14 — Assignment Discussion + CA practice 2023/12/21 — Assignment Discussion + CA practice 2023/12/28 — Assignment Discussion + CA practice 2023/01/04 — Final Exam (CA) 2023/01/11 — Final Exam (CA)


Translation Assignments + Attendance = 60% Mid-term exam (Interpreting) = 20% Final Exam (Interpreting) = 20%





1.進一步介紹基本句型:數字 時間 生活作息.... 2.透過錄音檔訓練學生的聽力及口說能力 3.透過短篇閱讀增進學生的閱讀能力並進一步了解西班牙語系國家的生活習慣及民俗文化 西二(上) 視訊通話連結:https://meet.google.com/uoh-ezhw-bqd 若有問題請寄信給我 auroralee83@yahoo.com.tw


1. Repaso 2.Leccion 9 ¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono? P.156-163 3. P.164-167 4. Actividad en grupo 5. P.168-174 6. Actividad en grupo 7. Leccion 10 ¿Qué hora es? P.176-181 8. Ejercicios y p.182-185 9. Examen del semestre medio 10.Pelicula 11. P.186-193 12.Leccion 11 ¿A qué hora te levantas? P.196-199 13. P.200-204 14.Actividad en grupo 15. P.205-210 16. P.211-216 17.Película 18.Examen fiinal

實用西語入門 方柏婷 李優俐 華立圖書 2018 ISBN:978-957-784-779-9

期中考 30% 期末考 30% 平時考 40%





This course attempts to familiarize students with central components of linguistics. Students will have an overview of the various fields of linguistics, including the nature of human language, morphology, syntax, semantics, phonetics, phonology, and the psychology of language. Language and society, inclusive of language in society and language change, will also be covered.


Week 1: Orientation
Week 2: Language: a preview
Week 3: Morphology
Week 4: Morphology
Week 5: National Holiday
Week 6: Syntax
Week 7: Syntax
Week 8: Syntax
Week 9: Review 1
Week 10: Test 1
Week 11: Semantics
Week 12: Semantics
Week 13: Semantics
Week 14: Phonetics
Week 15: Phonetics
Week 16: Phonetics
Week 17: Review 2
Week 18: Test 2

Fromkin, V., Rodman, R., & Hyams, N. (2013). An Introduction to Language. (10th ed.) USA: Thomson.
Language Files (12th ed). (2017). The Ohio State University Press.
O’Grady, W., & Archibald, J. (2015). Contemporary Linguistic Analysis. (8th ed.) USA: Pearson.

1. Attendance, class participation, on-line discussion, assignments, exercise and paper-and-pencil tests: 80%
2. Group reports/exercises: 20%





This wide-ranging survey course covers English literature from the Middle Ages to the middle of the eighteenth century, including the works of influential authors of the Old English period, the Middle English period, the sixteenth century, and the early seventeenth century, and the Restoration and the early to mid-eighteenth century. It aims to give the students a general understanding of English literature’s historical background, development, and changes and familiarize them with the major canonic works, genres, and literary movements/traditions. The class format will combine lectures, discussions, audio-video supplements, student performances, and presentations.


Tentative Calendar Date Topic Reading Week 1 Sept. 15 Introduction: The Middle Ages Week 2 Sept. 22 Introduction: The Middle Ages (Continues) Norton Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, lines 1178-1308; 1465-1557; 1729-1875 Week 3 Sept. 29 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight In-class activities: 1. reading aloud with your peers: the three temptation scenes from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 2. plot summary and character analysis of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Week 4 Oct. 6 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Continues) In-class activities: 1. reading aloud with your peers: the three temptation scenes from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 2. plot summary and character analysis of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Norton Geoffrey Chaucer, The General Prologue Week 5 Oct. 13 Geoffrey Chaucer, “The General Prologue” Reading aloud with your peers: Chaucer’s “The General Prologue” with the help of a study guide Norton Geoffrey Chaucer, “The Wife of Bath’s Prologue” Week 6 Oct. 20 Geoffrey Chaucer, “The General Prologue” (Continues) Reading aloud with your peers and costuming a Chaucerian character: Chaucer’s “The General Prologue” with the help of a study guide Week 7 Oct. 27 Geoffrey Chaucer, “The Wife of Bath’s Prologue” Reading aloud with your peers: “The Wife of Bath’s Prologue” with the help of a study guide Week 8 Nov. 3 Geoffrey Chaucer, “The Wife of Bath’s Prologue” (Continues) Reading aloud with your peers and costuming the Wife of Bath: With the help of a study guide mid-term preparation Week 9 Nov. 10 mid-term exam Norton The Sixteenth Century, “Introduction” Week 10 Nov. 17 Introduction to the Sixteenth Century Norton Queen Elizabeth, “Speech to the Troops at Tilbury” Week 11 Nov. 24 Film Screening: Elizabeth (依莉莎白) Week 12 Dec. 1 Introduction to the Sixteenth Century (Continues) Norton anonymous, Everyman Week 13 Dec. 8 Anonymous, Everyman Reading aloud with your peers: Identifying the speaker, locating the lines, and trying to interpret the meanings behind the lines Week 14 Dec. 15 Anonymous, Everyman (continues) Reading aloud with your peers: Identifying the speaker, locating the lines, and trying to interpret the meanings behind the lines Norton Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus Week 15 Dec. 22 Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus In-class activity: 1. Film-screening and guided reading, Doctor Faustus (directed by Nevill Coghill and Richard Burton, starred by Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton) 2. Walt Disney, The Little Mermaid, 38:47-45:11 Week 16 Dec. 29 Christopher Marlowe, Doctor Faustus (Continues) In-class activity: 1. Film-screening and guided reading, Doctor Faustus (directed by Nevill Coghill and Richard Burton, starred by Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton) 2. Reading aloud with your peers: Identifying the speaker, locating the lines, and trying to interpret the meanings behind the lines Final Exam Preparation Week 17 Jan. 5 Final Exam Week 18 Jan. 12 Conferences for Final Test Papers (Meet in my office)

Textbook: The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Volume 1 (10th edition) (selected reading)

Your final grade in the class depends upon your performance in the following work: 1. In-class exercise and participation (40%) 2. mid-term exam (30%) 3. final exam (30%)





This course introduces methods for writing essays and organizing paragraphs in various styles. The course aims at helping students:
1. organize paragraphs logically;
2. abide by basic writing conventions for correct format; and
3. reinforce grammar and vocabulary through writing practice.


Week 1. Introduction and Grouping
Week 2. Expository Essay
Week 3. Holiday
Week 4. Descriptive Essay
Week 5. Descriptive Essay
Week 6. Narrative Essay
Week 7. Narrative Essay
Week 8. Mid-term exam: Summaries and Comments (Open-book)
Week 9. Grammar, Vocabulary, and Syntax Exam (non-Open-book)
Week 10. Argumentative Essay, Toulmin Method, Comparison and Contrast Essay
Week 11. Rogerian Method, Cause and Effect Essay
Week 12. Classical Method, Problem and Solution Essay
Week 13. Sentence Variety
Week 14. Grammar, Vocabulary, and Syntax Exam (non-Open-book)
Week 15. Paraphrasing
Week 16. Body and Conclusion Paragraphs
Week 17. Final exam
Week 18. Final Paper

BBC, CNN, writing lab, and YT language learning websites
Literature Online

Class participation: 50%
Mid-term exam: 25%
Final exams: 25%
Students who are absent for 3 weeks should give up enrolling in this course.
If you take the exam later than the exam date, you will only get 4/5 of your score.





Students will be reviewing paragraph writing, and learning essay writing in the different forms or different purposes, proofreading of their own essays, peer-reviewing other’s work, and pre-writing organization techniques. Students will also learn how to take academic notes, write business emails, and other business writing assignments. ALL students MUST do the following if you register for this course: Email Aaron with the following information at: freethoughts2@yahoo.com You English name, your Chinese name, your NUK I.D. number, and your mobile phone number AND the English name for this class. When you email Aaron, you will be given a Line group to join, you will be given Google Classroom information, and you can also find important class information on Aaron’s website: http://aaron-pe-5-6.blogspot.com/


This schedule might change due to holidays, etc. Announcements will be made in class, so students must pay attention. Weekly Schedule: This schedule might change due to holidays, etc. Announcements will be made in class and on the class website, so students must pay attention and review the website for class updates and new information. Week 1 Introduction and general course description of requirements Week 2 review paragraph writing Week 3 3 parts of a paragraph Week 4 Introduction to essay writing 1 Week 5 Elements of great writing 1 Week 6 prewriting activity 1 Week 7 prewriting activity 2 Week 8 proofreading and Mid-term review Week 9 Mid-term Exam Week Week 10 Editing and peer editing Week 11 Cause and effect essays 1 Week 12 Cause and effect essays 2 Week 13 Argument Essays 1 Week 14 Argument Essays 2 Week 15 Comparison Essays 1 Week 16 Comparison Essays 2 Week 17 Essay test review Week 18 Final Exam Week

Required Texts: Teacher’s Supplemental “Class Package” “Great Writing Level 4 (5th edition)" by Keith S. Folse, ISBN: 9780357021088

Grades: Attendance and In-class assignments 40% Mid-term exam 20% Final exam 30%. Student Writing Portfolios: 10%





During this course students will be utilizing their listening and communication skills in a variety of situations. Students will learn to feel comfortable speaking English in a variety of situations (private conversations, academic conversations or public speeches, or professional situations/business). Students will be learning public speaking skills and techniques. Students will be learning listening and follow-up questioning techniques. ALL students MUST do the following if you register for this course: Email Aaron with the following information at: freethoughts2@yahoo.com You English name, your Chinese name, your NUK I.D. number, and your mobile phone number AND the English name for this class. When you email Aaron, you will be given a Line group to join, you will be given Google Classroom information, and you can also find important class information on Aaron’s website: http://aaron-pe-5-6.blogspot.com/


Weekly Schedule: This schedule might change due to holidays, internet capabilities, and teacher/student preferences, etc. Announcements will be made in class and on the class website, so students must pay attention and review the website for class updates and new information. ****Note, all online activities involve listening, answering or creating questions, discussions, reading and discussions, or practice testing students’ listening skills. Some of the listening activities are for academic or professional purposes. Week 1 Introduction and general course description of requirements Week 2 Listening and conversation activity, individual, partner, or group from “Class Package” about ‘food’, or online resource activity or task, or supplemental material. Week 3 One minute speeches, Listening and conversation activity, individual, partner, or group from “Class Package” about ‘What would you do?’’, or online resource activity or task, or supplemental material. Week 4 Listening and conversation activity, individual, partner, or group from “Class Package” about ‘culture shock’, or online resource activity or task, or supplemental material. Unit 1 from book "Sociology" Week 5 Listening and conversation activity, individual, partner, or group from “Class Package” about ‘dating’, or online resource activity or task, or supplemental material. Week 6 Listening and conversation activity, individual, partner, or group from “Class Package” about ‘death’, or online resource activity or task, or supplemental material. Unit 2 from book "Linguistics" Week 7 Listening and conversation activity, individual, partner, or group from “Class Package” about ‘dreams/future plans’, or online resource activity or task, or supplemental material. Week 8 Mid-term review Week 9 Mid-term Exam Week Week 10 Student presentations, Listening and conversation activity, individual, partner, or group from “Class Package” about ‘critical decision making’, or online resource activity or task, or supplemental material. Unit 3 from book "Pyschology" Week 11 Student presentation, Listening and conversation activity, individual, partner, or group from “Class Package” about ‘business related decision making’, or online resource activity or task, or supplemental material. Week 12 Student presentations, Listening and conversation activity, individual, partner, or group from “Class Package” about ‘friendship’, or online resource activity or task, or supplemental material. Unit 4 from book "Business" Week 13 Listening and conversation activity, individual, partner, or group from “Class Package” about ‘gender issues’, or online resource activity or task, or supplemental material. Week 14 Listening and conversation activity, individual, partner, or group from “Class Package” about ‘students preferences’, or online resource activity or task, or supplemental material. Unit 5 from book "Education" Week 15 Listening and conversation activity, individual, partner, or group from “Class Package” about ‘jobs’, or online resource activity or task, or supplemental material. Week 16 Listening and conversation activity, individual, partner, or group from “Class Package” about ‘telling lies’, or online resource activity or task, or supplemental material. Week 17 Final Exam review Week 18 Final Exam Week

Required: "Student Class-package" to be given out to all students durring the first or second week of class. Required Book: "Contemporary Topics 2" 4th edition, by Ellen Kissliger, Pearson Publishers

Grades: Attendance and In-class assignments 30% Student speeches and presentations 20% Mid-term exam 20% Final exam 30%.



