1. Understanding organic reactions and mechanisms. 2. Observing how organic reactions proceed. 3. Being able to propose routes for organic molecule synthesis. 4. Having abilities to analyze organospectrometry data (NMR, IR, Mass, UV and etc.) of various functional groups.
週次 日期 授課進度 Topic 1-1 Jul. 03 Ch.12 Introduction Infrared Spectrometry and Mass Spectrometry 1-2 Jul. 04 Ch.12 Infrared Spectrometry and Mass Spectrometry 1-3 Jul. 05 Ch.12,13 Infrared Spectrometry and Mass Spectrometry Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrum 1-4 Jul. 06 Ch.13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrum 1-5 Jul. 07 Ch.13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrum 2-1 Jul. 10 Ch.13,15 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrum Conjugated System, Orbital Symmetry and Ultraviolet Spectroscopy 2-2 Jul. 11 9:00AM~14:00 PM; 1st Mid-Exam, Chapter 12, 13 Jul. 12-13 監考分科測驗(不上課) 2-5 Jul. 14 Ch.15 Conjugated System, Orbital Symmetry and Ultraviolet Spectroscopy 3-1 Jul. 17 Ch.15,16 Conjugated System, Orbital Symmetry and Ultraviolet Spectroscopy Aromatic Compounds 3-2 Jul. 18 Ch.16 Aromatic Compounds 3-3 Jul. 19 Ch.16 Aromatic Compounds 3-4 Jul. 20 Ch.17 Reactions of Aromatic Compounds 3-5 Jul. 21 Ch.17 Reactions of Aromatic Compounds 4-1 Jul. 24 Ch.17 Reactions of Aromatic Compounds 4-2 Jul. 25 9:00AM~14:00 PM; 2nd Mid-Exam, Chapter 15, 16, 17 4-3 Jul. 26 Ch.18 Ketones and Aldehydes 4-4 Jul. 27 Ch.18 Ketones and Aldehydes 4-5 Jul. 28 Ch.18,19 Ketones and Aldehydes Amine 5-1 Jul. 31 Ch.19 Amine 5-1 Aug. 01 Ch.19 Amine 5-3 Aug. 02 Ch.19,20 Amine Carboxylic Acids 5-4 Aug. 03 Ch.20 Carboxylic Acids 5-5 Aug. 04 Ch.20 Carboxylic Acids 6-1 Aug. 07 9:00AM~14:00 PM; Final Exam, Chapter 18, 19, 20
Organic Chemistry, 9th, L. G. Wade, Jr ed. Prentice Hall (2017) and 10th (2023)
1. 課堂表現與作業25%: a).請“準時”上課,不要遲到。上課期間,請勿聊天吵鬧;每次上課均需要簽到與簽退。 b).上課期間,能回答出老師對於上課內容的提問,每次均會加分。 c).指定的作業請按時繳交。 2. 二次期中考成績共50%,期末考試成績25%: a).若被發現有作弊行為,本課程學期總成績〝零分〞,並依校規懲處。 b).若答案卷的書寫字蹟潦草導致不易辨認,或是順序雜亂而難以識別時,視同零分計算。 3. 上課期間,請關閉行動電話,以免干擾旁人。 4. 未竟事宜於課堂隨時補充說明。
1. Understanding organic reactions and mechanisms. 2. Observing how organic reactions proceed. 3. Being able to propose routes for organic molecule synthesis. 4. Having abilities to analyze organospectrometry data (NMR, IR, Mass, UV and etc.) of various functional groups.
週次 日期 授課進度 Topic 1-1 Jul. 03 Ch.12 Introduction Infrared Spectrometry and Mass Spectrometry 1-2 Jul. 04 Ch.12 Infrared Spectrometry and Mass Spectrometry 1-3 Jul. 05 Ch.12,13 Infrared Spectrometry and Mass Spectrometry Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrum 1-4 Jul. 06 Ch.13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrum 1-5 Jul. 07 Ch.13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrum 2-1 Jul. 10 Ch.13,15 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrum Conjugated System, Orbital Symmetry and Ultraviolet Spectroscopy 2-2 Jul. 11 9:00AM~14:00 PM; 1st Mid-Exam, Chapter 12, 13 Jul. 12-13 監考分科測驗(不上課) 2-5 Jul. 14 Ch.15 Conjugated System, Orbital Symmetry and Ultraviolet Spectroscopy 3-1 Jul. 17 Ch.15,16 Conjugated System, Orbital Symmetry and Ultraviolet Spectroscopy Aromatic Compounds 3-2 Jul. 18 Ch.16 Aromatic Compounds 3-3 Jul. 19 Ch.16 Aromatic Compounds 3-4 Jul. 20 Ch.17 Reactions of Aromatic Compounds 3-5 Jul. 21 Ch.17 Reactions of Aromatic Compounds 4-1 Jul. 24 Ch.17 Reactions of Aromatic Compounds 4-2 Jul. 25 9:00AM~14:00 PM; 2nd Mid-Exam, Chapter 15, 16, 17 4-3 Jul. 26 Ch.18 Ketones and Aldehydes 4-4 Jul. 27 Ch.18 Ketones and Aldehydes 4-5 Jul. 28 Ch.18,19 Ketones and Aldehydes Amine 5-1 Jul. 31 Ch.19 Amine 5-1 Aug. 01 Ch.19 Amine 5-3 Aug. 02 Ch.19,20 Amine Carboxylic Acids 5-4 Aug. 03 Ch.20 Carboxylic Acids 5-5 Aug. 04 Ch.20 Carboxylic Acids 6-1 Aug. 07 9:00AM~14:00 PM; Final Exam, Chapter 18, 19, 20
Organic Chemistry, 9th, L. G. Wade, Jr ed. Prentice Hall (2017) and 10th (2023)
1. 課堂表現與作業25%: a).請“準時”上課,不要遲到。上課期間,請勿聊天吵鬧;每次上課均需要簽到與簽退。 b).上課期間,能回答出老師對於上課內容的提問,每次均會加分。 c).指定的作業請按時繳交。 2. 二次期中考成績共50%,期末考試成績25%: a).若被發現有作弊行為,本課程學期總成績〝零分〞,並依校規懲處。 b).若答案卷的書寫字蹟潦草導致不易辨認,或是順序雜亂而難以識別時,視同零分計算。 3. 上課期間,請關閉行動電話,以免干擾旁人。 4. 未竟事宜於課堂隨時補充說明。