This is a fun elective course about American culture in films and how it has changed over the years.
Students will watch American movies, use and develop their critical thinking skills, better develop their communication skills while learning about American culture.
This course will focus on the history of movies that have had a huge impact on American culture from the 1970’s to the current time. (See reference list below)
Various themes, ethics, and moral lessons will be taught and discussed and several popular American movies will be viewed that are not available in Taiwan.
Students will also discuss how American culture and/or American movies have influence Taiwanese culture over the years.
Students will be able to critically evaluate and verbally discuss American Popular culture and American movies. Contact Aaron through online teaching in the following 3 ways: 1) You can use the class LINE group or private LINE chat with Aaron 2) You can look for information Aaron posts on his website: http://aaron-pe-5-6.blogspot.com/ 3) You can email Aaron directly at: freethoughts2@yahoo.com


Each week will have different topics that either the teacher or classmates will present and then they will be discussed afterwards.

Week 1 Introduction and general course description of requirements, class discussion about how American culture has changed throughout the past 50 years.

Week 2 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 3 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 4 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 5 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 6 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 7 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 8 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 9 Mid-term Exam Week

Week 10 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 11 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 12 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 13 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 14 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 15 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 16 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 17 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 18 Final Exam Week

No text book required
The Godfather, Jaws, Rocky, Star Wars, Ghostbusters, The Breakfast Club, When Harry Met Sally, Back to the Future, Top Gun, Die Hard, The Terminator, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Titanic, Fight Club, Saving Private Ryan, Toy Story, Jurassic Park, The Matrix, Pulp Fiction, Mean Girls, Avatar, The Dark Knight, The Devil Wears Prada, Twilight, Pride and Prejudice, The Hangover, Love Actually, Brokeback Mountain, V for Vendetta,, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Lord of the Rings, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Inglorious Bastards, Superbad, Bridesmaids, Frozen, Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens, Bad Education,

50% attendance and participation (10 in-class activities, each worth 5 pts.), 20% mid-term exam or exam task, 30% final exam or other final exam task.





https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3ae5vnnIDhuE3phskVKQQt824Qgi7kCYkcM47jLY90c1Q1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=f96f4f70-0038-4bd1-a9f5-7c6004fe55a8&tenantId=5a484953-77ef-42ec-90cf-2f4e1037ffc7 The aim of this course is to provide guidelines for the students who are planning to write theses for their master's degree.
For more information on online and remote learning, please contact the assigned instructor.


First Semester: 1. Lay out a research and writing plan. 2. Search and analyze primary and secondary sources. 3. Produce an outline and research bibliography. 4. Conduct field research. 5. Write draft chapters. Second Semester: 5. Complete draft chapters. 6. Revise and finalize the dissertation. 7. Prepare for the oral defense.


For details about reference books, please contact your supervisor. 本課程因指導老師不同以及教學主題各異。

Your supervisor will explain the requirements and the basis upon which grades are determined.





為配合本校課程分流辦法,讓學生因應產業需求,促進學用合一,培養畢業後多元就業能力,本實 習課程於學期或暑假期間開設,實習時數 720 小時。期盼學生能落實所學、學以致用,提早接觸社 會,汲取實務經驗。亦讓企業界或相關單位拔擢人才,達成產學合作,進而增加學校實務教學資源 及學生就業機會。本課程限大四已修完畢業學分之同學選修。


課程內容與進度 1. 由本校/系推薦實習單位,若自行尋找者請填寫「實習單位意願調查表」。 2. 填寫「實習學生甄選報名表」 連同履歷表提交系上,以利甄選作業及後續與實習單位的聯繫。 3. 甄選確定後,請提出「家長同意書」並辦理保險 (公司未提供保險者請自行投保)。 4. 實習結束 後,請繳交「實習單位成績評分表」及「實習報告書」,由授課老師依據「實習報告評量表」評 量。


1. 實習成績: 由實習單位評量,佔 40%。 2. 實習心得報告成績: 由授課老師評量,佔 30%。 3. 實習相關活動成績:於課程中分組討論,發表實習工作經驗與人際關係之體驗, 由授課老師評 量,佔 30%。





This is an advanced conversation elective course. It will focus on critical thinking or higher level thinking while learning about current world events. This course will utilize different media outlets, including, but not limited to: TV, news outlets, online newspapers, youtube.com, blogs, other online resources, magazines, etc. For example, if today this course was offered, some of the topics for discussion could be the use of chemical weapons in Syria, the N. Korean nuclear weapons program, the possible upcoming meeting with the leader of N. Korea and President Trump, basically there seems to be something bad/new to discuss about President Trump every week, the Taiwanese boy who is being convicted of terrorism in America because he made threats to shoot people at his school, the fact that the Chinese premier is now the premier for life and what are the effects of this, Brittan leaving the EU, etc. Specifically, the students will utilize advance oral communication skills while moving from the basic forms thinking through the advance forms of thinking: Students will be able to critically evaluate and verbally discuss current world events. Students will be able to relate these world events to Taiwanese culture and society and critically evaluate if there are any connections or influences. Students will learn advanced vocabulary and advance intercommunication techniques. Students will learn advanced level public speaking skills. Contact Aaron through online teaching in the following 3 ways: 1) You can use the class LINE group or private LINE chat with Aaron 2) You can look for information Aaron posts on his website: http://aaron-pe-5-6.blogspot.com/ 3) You can email Aaron directly at: freethoughts2@yahoo.com


Each week will have different topics, to be announced in the future as they are based on current events taking place


80% In-class activities, 20% final exam or other final exam task





This is a fun elective course about American culture in films and how it has changed over the years.
Students will watch American movies, use and develop their critical thinking skills, better develop their communication skills while learning about American culture.
This course will focus on the history of movies that have had a huge impact on American culture from the 1970’s to the current time. (See reference list below)
Various themes, ethics, and moral lessons will be taught and discussed and several popular American movies will be viewed that are not available in Taiwan.
Students will also discuss how American culture and/or American movies have influence Taiwanese culture over the years.
Students will be able to critically evaluate and verbally discuss American Popular culture and American movies. Contact Aaron through online teaching in the following 3 ways: 1) You can use the class LINE group or private LINE chat with Aaron 2) You can look for information Aaron posts on his website: http://aaron-pe-5-6.blogspot.com/ 3) You can email Aaron directly at: freethoughts2@yahoo.com


Each week will have different topics that either the teacher or classmates will present and then they will be discussed afterwards.

Week 1 Introduction and general course description of requirements, class discussion about how American culture has changed throughout the past 50 years.

Week 2 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 3 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 4 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 5 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 6 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 7 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 8 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 9 Mid-term Exam Week

Week 10 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 11 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 12 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 13 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 14 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 15 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 16 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 17 Watch an American movie, or part of a movie, and discuss its impact on American culture.

Week 18 Final Exam Week

No text book required
The Godfather, Jaws, Rocky, Star Wars, Ghostbusters, The Breakfast Club, When Harry Met Sally, Back to the Future, Top Gun, Die Hard, The Terminator, Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back, Titanic, Fight Club, Saving Private Ryan, Toy Story, Jurassic Park, The Matrix, Pulp Fiction, Mean Girls, Avatar, The Dark Knight, The Devil Wears Prada, Twilight, Pride and Prejudice, The Hangover, Love Actually, Brokeback Mountain, V for Vendetta,, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Lord of the Rings, My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Inglorious Bastards, Superbad, Bridesmaids, Frozen, Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens, Bad Education,

50% attendance and participation (10 in-class activities, each worth 5 pts.), 20% mid-term exam or exam task, 30% final exam or other final exam task.





This course explores literature and cinema as art forms that convey their languages, as media that reflect their cultural contexts, and as platforms that document social issues and deliver socio-political messages. To provide a thematic focus for our in-class discussion, the course of the semester hovers around the issues of social injustices. Beginning with Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, we will watch its film adaptation by Robert Mulligan and investigate the issues of racial and sexual inequities. Then, we will read Betty Smith's novel, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, watch its film adaptation by Elia Kazan, and delve into the sorrow and pathos of those who grow up in poverty and social discrimination. After that, we will read Ernest Hemingway's short story, "Cat in the Rain," and John Steinbeck's short story, "The Snake," watch the documentary film《十二夜》and probe into the awareness of animal welfare and protection. And finally, we will read Laurie Halse Anderson's Speak, watch its film adaptation by Jessica Sharzer, and examine the issues of campus bullying, teen rape, and sexual violence. The class format includes lectures, in-class discussions, film screenings, oral presentations, and poster presentations.
Google Classroom Code: qpf5c6i
Google Meet link: https://meet.google.com/wye-pkyw-qyu
5/11 & 5/18 Classes will be held remotely. Important messages will be announced via Google Classroom. Please refer to the Google Meet link above.


Tentative Calendar

Week 1 Feb. 23
Introduction: objective, methodologies, and policies
To Kill a Mockingbird (the film)

Week 2 Mar. 2
To Kill a Mockingbird (the film and the novel)

Week 3 Mar. 9
To Kill a Mockingbird (invited talk) 國立高雄師範大學英語學系張逸帆教授

Week 4 Mar. 16
To Kill a Mockingbird and racial and sexual injustices

Week 5 Mar. 23
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (the film)

Week 6 Mar. 30
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (invited talk) 國立臺灣師範大學英語學系張瓊惠教授

Week 7 Apr. 6
Spring Break

Week 8 Apr. 13
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn and poverty and social discrimination

Week 9 Apr. 20
Midterm Recess

Week 10 Apr. 27
Ernest Hemingway,"Cat in the Rain"
John Steinbeck, "The Snake"
(reading for the invited talk)

Week 11 May 4
Ernest Hemingway, "Cat in the Rain"
John Steinbeck, "The Snake" guided reading
Animal Protection Awareness (invited talk) 國立中山大學外國語文學系李佳容教授

Week 12 May 11
《十二夜》(film screening)

Week 13 May 18
Guidelines for Final Poster Presentation

Week 14 May 25
Speak (the film)

Week 15 June 1
Speak (the film and the novel) (invited talk) 國立彰化師範大學英語學系彭輝榮教授

Week 16 June 8
Speak and campus bullying, teen rape, and sexual violence

Week 17 June 15
Preparation for the Final Oral Presentation/Poster Presentation Contest

Week 18 June 22
Final Poster Presentation Contest

Course Materials:
1. Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird, introduced by Harold Bloom. Chelsea House Publishers, 1996.
Mulligan, Robert, director. To Kill a Mockingbird. Universal Pictures, 1962.
2. Smith, Betty. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Harper & Brother, 1943.
Kazan, Elia, director. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. Twentieth Century Fox, 1945.
3. “Cat in the Rain” by Ernest Hemingway
“The Snake” by John Steinbeck
4. Anderson, Laurie Halse. Speak. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1999.
Sharzer, Jessica, director. Speak. Showtime Entertainment, 2005.

When grading your final oral and poster presentations, I will consider your grammar, logic and organization, clarity, conciseness, originality, unity and coherence, development, and copy-editing. Your final grade of this course depends upon your performances in the following work:
1. in-class presentations 20 %
2. oral presentation 30 %
3. poster presentation 50 %





https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3aQqO1aw4JpLThtb-7JWFjLICm60hqSn8OW3uKKmW9EHQ1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=8f21c6b2-c66f-4b23-99ba-b1815d103799&tenantId=5a484953-77ef-42ec-90cf-2f4e1037ffc7 The purpose of this course is to introduce the course participants into the main research questions related to the field. Research methods will be discussed and trained. Finally participants will conduct in groups their own research.


September - November we will have A- and B-weeks. In the A-weeks we discuss the book we are reading and its implication. In the B-weeks we try out various research methods in nearby villages. In December the course participants will discuss and prepare the research to be conducted in January.

When Languages Die The Extinction of the World’s Languages and the Erosion of Human Knowledge K. David Harrison

Course participation 40% Field work 30% Final report 30%





This course provides students with practical training, instructional aids, and techniques of teaching English. Throughout the course, students will learn to put theories of Teaching Practicum into practice and familiarize themselves with different teaching and pedagogical delivery, for example, course and syllabus design, lesson planning, classroom management, designing tests and grading. They will also undertake their teaching practice under the supervision of assigned course instructors. By the end of the course, students will be able to utilize relevant instructional materials and learning resources appropriate to their intended audience.

For more information on online and remote learning, please contact the assigned instructor.


For the detailed course schedule, please contact the assigned instructor.

Harmer, J. (1998). How to Teach English. UK: Longman Group Limited.
Brown, H. D. (2000). (4th ed.). Principles of language learning and teaching. NY: Longman.
Celce-Murcia, M. (2001). (3rd ed.). Teaching English as a second or foreign language. Boston: Heinle & Heinle.
Larsen-Freeman, D. (2000). Techniques and principles in language teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Parkinson, B. and H. Reid Thomas (2000). Teaching Literature in a Second Language. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Ng, Kit-har (2004). Incorporating Literature into the Certificate Level English Classroom in Hong Kong: Three Case Studies. PhD dissertation. The University of Hong Kong.
Hismanoglu, Murat (2005). “Teaching English through Literature", Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, Vol.1, No.1, pp 53-66.
Paran, Amos ed. (2006). Literature in Language Teaching and Learning. Virginia: TESOL. Inc.

The instructor will explain the requirements and the basis upon which grades are determined.





This course provides an overview on pedagogical issues in the EFL/ESL context from the perspectives of theoretical foundations and current practice. It offers opportunities to explore ideas relating to development on language skills, classroom dynamics and interaction. On completion of this course, students will have acquired the principles underlying foreign language pedagogies, and are able to design and implement a teaching lesson on how to develop EFL young learners’ SDGs literacy in the English instruction.

5/9--22 為遠距教學。
遠距課程使用microsoft teams(可事先下載)
Teaching Practicum團隊代碼bc82hjy
登錄方式: 【登入網址】https://www.microsoft.com/zh-tw/microsoft-teams/group-chat-software
【學生帳號】學號@o365.nuk.edu.tw ,例如:a1033301@o365.nuk.edu.tw


Week 1 Orientation
Week 2 Teaching method 1
Week 3 Teaching method 2
Week 4 Institution visit
Week 5 Teaching method 3
Week 6 Teaching method 4
Week 7 Teaching method 5
Week 8 Teaching method 6
Week 9 Mid-term
Week 10 Teaching Reading & Writing Skills
Week 11 Teaching Listening Skills
Week 12 Teaching Speaking Skills
Week 13 Discussion on Lesson Plans
Week 14 Rehearsal
Week 15 Teaching Practice (1)
Week 16 Discussion
Week 17 Teaching Practice (2)
Week 18 Final Week

Larsen-Freeman, D. & Anderson, M. (2011). Techniques & Principles in Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Brown, D. H. (2014). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching. Pearson Education ESL.
Chuang, K. L. (2017). A Literary Perspectives on English Teaching and Learning. Bookman.
Sustainable Development Goals: A Reading List

1. Assignments, presentations, discussion: 50%
2. Final project (Teaching Practice): 50%





This is an elective course. It will focus on critical thinking or higher level thinking while learning advanced listening and communication skills using children’s stories. This course will focus on the diverse English children’s stories that are read throughout the world. Story designs and themes, like rhyming and repeating words, ethics, and moral lessons to be taught to children will also be some of the course contents that students will focus on through listening activities. Specifically, the students will utilize English listening and communication skills while moving from the basic forms of thinking through the advance forms of thinking: By the end of the course, students should be able to critically evaluate and verbally discuss children’s stories from all over the world. Students will learn advanced intercommunication techniques and advanced levels of public speaking skills. Contact Aaron through online teaching in the following 3 ways: 1) You can use the class LINE group or private LINE chat with Aaron 2) You can look for information Aaron posts on his website: http://aaron-pe-5-6.blogspot.com/ 3) You can email Aaron directly at: freethoughts2@yahoo.com


Each week will have different topics and/or stories to be either read or listened to and then discussed afterwards. Week 1 Introduction and general course description of requirements Week 2 How children’s stories are designed and made for different age levels and abilities. Reading with your kids. Picture books and learning vocabulary. Week 3 Continue the discussion about How children’s stories are designed and made for different age levels and abilities. Reading with your kids. Picture books and learning vocabulary. Week 4 Vocabulary building books: Cars and Trucks by Richard Scarry Week 5 Continue the discussion about vocabulary building books: Things That Go by Richard Scarry Week 6 Story time and starter books. Click, Clack, Moo by Doreen Cronin, Elephant & Piggie by Mo Willems, Biscuit by Alyssa Satin Capucilli Week 7 Continue the discussion about story time and starter books. Aaron the Alligator by P. D. Eastman, The Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel Week 8 Rhyming and moral lessons, Books by Dr. Seuss: Green Eggs and Ham, Oh, the Places You'll Go! Week 9 Mid-term Exam Week Week 10 Continue the discussion about rhyming and moral lessons, Books by Dr. Seuss: The Lorax, The Cat in the Hat Week 11 Classic beginner books and the most popular books with lesson and morals: The Little Engine That Could by Watty Piper, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff Week 12 Continue the discussion about classic beginner books and the most popular books with lesson and morals: The Real Mother Goose by Blanche Fisher Wright, James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl Week 13 Continue the discussion about classic beginner books and the most popular books with lesson and morals: Love You Forever by Robert Munsch, The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein, Where the Sidewalk Ends: Poems and Drawings by Shel Silverstein Week 14 Student readings and class discussions Week 15 Student readings and class discussions Week 16 Student readings and class discussions Week 17 Student readings and class discussions Week 18 Final Exam Week

Some of the books listed above, to be announced on the first or second day of class. This is based on how many students register for this class and how many student readings and class discussion there will be. There will be a ‘teacher’s package” with additional information that is required for this course and students must bring it to class every day.

80% In-class activities (this will included 14 assignments each worth 5 points and 1 student reading and class discussion worth 10 points), 20% final exam or other final exam task. Attendance is taken every hour of every week of class. Any student who misses more than 8 class hours will receive a 0 (zero) as their final class grade. Students need to be in the classroom when the school bell rings. “LATE” for class is defined here as arriving within 15min. of the beginning of class, for each class hour. “ABSENT” from class is defined here as arriving after 15min. of the beginning of class. Students arriving after 15min. will be considered “ABSENT” from the first hour of class. However, students can arrive after 15 min. and be considered present for the second hour of class. If students arrive late for class, it is the student’s responsibility to tell the teacher they have arrived during the class break, even if the teacher sees you come into class.









1. 實習成績:50% (由實習單位主管依出勤狀況、實習態度、實習技術和成果等評定之)
2. 實習成果報告:50% (由任課老師評分)





This is a fun elective course. It will focus on critical thinking, or higher level thinking, and communication while learning about American popular culture. This course will focus on the history of T.V. shows from the 1950’s to the current time, while at the same time discussing and comparing Taiwanese culture and the influence of T.V. Various themes, ethics, and moral lessons will be taught and discussed and several popular American T.V. shows will be viewed that are not available in Taiwan. Specifically, the students will utilize English listening and communication skills while moving from the basic forms thinking through the advance forms of thinking: Students will be able to critically evaluate and verbally discuss American Popular culture and American T.V. shows. Students will be able to relate these shows to Taiwanese culture and society and critically evaluate if there are any connections or influences. Students will learn advance intercommunication techniques and students will learn advanced level public speaking skills, PPT, etc. Contact Aaron through online teaching in the following 3 ways: 1) You can use the class LINE group or private LINE chat with Aaron 2) You can look for information Aaron posts on his website: http://aaron-pe-5-6.blogspot.com/ 3) You can email Aaron directly at: freethoughts2@yahoo.com


Each week will have different topics and/or T.V. shows to be viewed and discussed, to be announced in the future. Week 1 Introduction and general course description of requirements Week 2 History of TV, how the creation of TV changed American society, TV show re-runs Week 3 1950’s Themes: Innocence, traditional values, traditional roles of family members, right from wrong, super heroes (I Love Lucy , Adventures of Superman, The Lone Ranger, Father Knows Best , The Abbott and Costello Show, Maverick, Alfred Hitchcock Presents, The Ed Sullivan Show, Gunsmoke, The Mickey Mouse Club, Leave It to Beaver, The Walt Disney Company, American bandstand) Week 4 1950’s Continued from week 3 Week 5 1960’s Themes: Innocence lost, impact of Vietnam War, distractions from real life events (Perry mason, The Andy Griffith Show, The Flintstones, Gilligan's Island, Batman, The Dick Van Dyke Show, The Beverly Hillbillies , The Beverly Hillbillies , The Twilight Zone , Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C., Bewitched , Hogan's Heroes, My Three Sons, Flipper, Hazel, The Fugitive, The Big Valley, Top Cat , The Bugs Bunny Show, star trek) Week 6 1960’s Continued from week 5 Week 7 1970’s Themes: Trying to get back where America was before, introducing fantasy, civil rights for all, woman’s empowerment, more entertainment (The Brady Bunch, The Carol Burnet Show, Sesame Street, All in the Family, Good Times, Sanford and Son, The Mary Tyler Moore Show , The Odd Couple, The Bob Newhart Show, Welcome Back, Kotter , The Six Million Dollar Man , The Waltons , The Bionic Woman, Wonder Woman, Charlie's Angels , Happy Days, Little House on the Prairie, Laverne & Shirley , Battlestar Galactica, The Jefferson’s, M*A*S*H , Hee Haw, Donny & Marie Show, The Love Boat , Fantasy Island, Different Strokes, Eight Is Enough) Week 8 1970’s Continued from week 7 Week 9 Mid-term Exam Week Week 10 1980’s Themes: Continuation of all of the themes before as they changed over time, new forms of entertainment using well-known comedians, more programing for teens (Three's Company, Mork & Mindy, Taxi, Family Ties, Cheers, Hill Street Blues, The Facts of Life, The Dukes of Hazzard , The Cosby Show, Dallas, Who's the Boss?, Night Court, Growing Pains, Miami Vice, 60 Minutes, Magnum, P.I. , Seinfeld, Mtv) Week 11 1980’s Continued from week Week 12 1990’s Themes: Continuation of all of the themes before as they changed over time, money vs. values in programing (Friends, Dawson's Creek , Gilmore Girls, , Will & Grace, reality TV, Everybody Loves Raymond , Frasier , Home Improvement, Beverly Hills, 90210, The Simpsons) Week 13 1990’s Continued from week Week 14 2000’s Themes: Continuation of all of the themes before as they changed over time, money vs. values in programing, mindless/brainless TV shows, pushing the limits of what is allowed on TV with language and adult themes (Cable TV shows, South Park, SpongeBob Square Pants, Battlestar Galactica , How I Met Your Mother, Rules of Engagement , One Tree Hill , The King of Queens , Lost , That '70s Show, Veronica Mars , The West Wing, The X-Files , Two and a Half Men , Premium TV (HBO/ Showtime) Six Feet Under , The Sopranos , Sex and the City , Curb Your Enthusiasm , etc.) Week 15 2000’s Continued from week Week 16 2010-present Themes: Continuation of all of the themes before as they changed over time, money vs. values in programing, mindless/brainless TV shows, pushing the limits of what is allowed on TV with language and adult themes, short attention spans of viewers (Mom, Modern Family, The Big Bang Theory , CSI: Crime Scene Investigation , GREYs anatomy , American Idol , The Office , 30 Rock , The Good Wife , Fresh Off the Boat , Hot in Cleveland , Premium TV, Breaking Bad , The Walking Dead , Game of Thrones , etc.) Week 17 2010-present Continued from week 16 Week 18 2010-present Continued from week 16 and 17 Week 19 Final Exam Week

None, but there will be a ‘teacher’s package’ that is required for this course that the student MUST read and bring every day.

80% In-class activities (16 assignments worth 5 points each), 20% final exam or other final exam task





Contact Aaron through online teaching in the following 3 ways: 1) You can use the class LINE group or private LINE chat with Aaron 2) You can look for information Aaron posts on his website: http://aaron-pe-5-6.blogspot.com/ 3) You can email Aaron directly at: freethoughts2@yahoo.com


Each week will have different topics that either the teacher or classmates will present and then they will be discussed afterwards.

Week 1 Introduction and general course description of requirements

Week 2 Class discussion about the students previous education experience, what qualities make a good/bad teacher, what is important for students in all grade levels

Week 3 class discussion about

Week 4 class discussion about

Week 5 class discussion about

Week 6 class discussion about

Week 7 class discussion about

Week 8 class discussion about

Week 9 Mid-term Exam Week

Week 10 class discussion about

Week 11 class discussion about

Week 12 class discussion about

Week 13 class discussion about

Week 14 class discussion about

Week 15 class discussion about

Week 16 Student presentations and class discussions (part 1)

Week 17 Student presentations and class discussions (part 2)

Week 18 Final Exam Week

The Teacher’s Supplemental In-Class Assignment Package
Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, 3rd edition: Jack C. Richards and Theodore S. Rodgers

50% attendance and participation (10 in-class activities, each worth 5 pts.), 20% mid-term exam or exam task, 30% final exam or other final exam task.





This course is designed to familiarize students with a range of representative novels and short stories from the nineteenth through the twentieth centuries in Britain and America. Students will learn about the elements of fiction and also develop their understanding of the role of fiction in representing and exploring social and cultural change, as well as the issues involved in its development. Upon completion of this course, students will: ◎ be familiar with the principal developments in the evolution of English and American fiction. ◎ develop an understanding of the main issues which preoccupy English and American novelists. ◎ develop critical and analytical skills through the writing and discussion of course assignments.

Please log in to your Moodle for the link to online and remote learning.


Week 1 Course overview
Week 2 Jane Eyre
Week 3 Jane Eyre
Week 4 Jane Eyre
Week 5 Tess of the D’Urbervilles
Week 6 Tess of the D’Urbervilles
Week 7 Holiday Week 8 Tess of the D’Urbervilles
Week 9 Tess of the D’Urbervilles
Week 10 Mid-term Exam
Week 11 “Lizzie Leigh”
Week 12 “Lizzie Leigh”
+ “The Yellow Wallpaper”
Week 13 “The Yellow Wallpaper”
Week 14 The Great Gatsby
Week 15 The Great Gatsby
Week 16 The Great Gatsby
Week 17 The Great Gatsby
Week 18 Final Exam

Jane Eyre Tess of the D’Urbervilles “Lizzie Leigh” “The Yellow Wallpaper” The Great Gatsby

Attendance (10%), assignments (30%, including in-class discussions, oral presentations and worksheets), mid-term exam (30%), and final exam (30%).





This course is intended to help students understand and enjoy some British and American plays. 請修課同學加入臉書教學社團 https://www.facebook.com/groups/411202334104776
Lectures and group presentations:
Groups of students take turns to give ppt presentations on each play concerning:
1. A short biography of the playwright (week 1).
2. A brief synopsis of the play (week 2).
3. Characterization, Themes, motifs, allusions, etc. (week 3).


Week 1. Introduction
Week 2 Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire
Week 3. Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire
Week 4. Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire
Week 5. Michael Frayn, Noises Off
Week 6. Michael Frayn, Noises Off
Week 7. Michael Frayn, Noises Off
Week 8. Essay Questions (open-book)
Week 9. Mid-term exam (non-Open-book)
Week 10. Arthur Miller, Death of a Salesman; Aristotle
Week 11. Arthur Miller, Death of a Salesman; Aristotle
Week 12. Arthur Miller, Death of a Salesman; Aristotle
Week 13. M. Butterfly
Week 14. M. Butterfly
Week 15. Holiday
Week 16. M. Butterfly
Week 17. Final exam
Week 18. Final paper

Norton Anthologies of American Literature and English Literature
Literature Online

Class participation: 50%
Mid-term exam: 25%
Final exams: 25%
Students who are absent for 3 weeks should give up enrolling in this course. 缺席三次的學生請自行棄選。
If you take the exam later than the exam date, you will only get 4/5 of your score. 補考者分數八折。





This course is designed to enhance students’ knowledge of the origins and variations of current English languages. The first part of this course aims to provide a historical background of English. The second part will cover the key issues in sociolinguistic studies, including standard English vs. dialects; language and age; language and gender; language used in different social context etc. In the third part, the main focus will be the discussion of the outcomes of English’s contact with other languages, including the issues such as, bilingualism, language shift and language endangerment etc. This course will also examine to what extent English languages influence the global culture.


2022/02/21 — Orientation 2022/02/28 — National Holiday 2022/03/07 — Language Attitude 2022/03/14 — Language Attitude 2022/03/21 — Language and Ethnicity 2022/03/28 — Students’ Presentation 1 + Language and Ethnicity 2022/04/04 — National Holiday 2022/04/11 — Lexical Borrowings 2022/04/18 — Mid-term Exam 2022/04/25 —Students’ Presentation 2 + Internet Language 2022/05/02 — Internet Language + English as a Global Language 2022/05/09 — English as a Global Language + Students’ Presentation 3 2022/05/16 — Style, Context, and Register 2022/05/23 — Pidgin and Creole 2022/05/30 — Language Taboos + Students’ Presentation 4 2022/06/06 — Language Taboos 2022/06/13 — Language Shift, Endangerment, and Death 2022/06/20 — Final Exam + Assignment Due    The syllabus is subject to necessary changes.

Assigned readings will be distributed in the lectures.

In-class Presentations = 20% + Attendance  Choose one topic and find example by yourself (each student 5 min) Option I: ■ Mid-term Exam (40%) ■ Final Exam (40%) (either exam or a 1500- word essay) Option II: ■ Mid-term Exam (40%) + 1,500-word Essay (40%) ■ 1,500-word Essay (40%) + Final Exam (40%) Option III: ■ 3,000-word Essay (80%)





This two-semester course introduces students to the history, conventions, and metamorphosis of genre fiction. Also known as popular fiction, genre fiction has dominated the imagination of common readers for over a century. How is genre fiction different from “literary” works? What is the appeal of popular genres and what are readers’ expectations for each genre? This course invites students to discuss these questions through exploring major genres of popular fiction: fantasy, science fiction, crime, horror, romance, and historical fiction. We will read two works for each category: a “classic” in the genre and a contemporary example. Multimedia adaptations will also be included and students are encouraged to think about the close connection between genre fiction and popular media.
The second semester of this course examines three well-established genres—mystery, romance, and historical fiction—and the emergence of new genres in the past decade. We will discuss the close connection between romantic fantasy and historical settings, as well as the exploration of human psychology in mystery novels. 5/9開始遠距兩週,Teams連結:https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3acScASHZz4_Npqwy7Xz0pIrk6Hb923oB-sksT5rXLuIU1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=5600e0d2-d4c0-4113-a337-a06f95deae57&tenantId=5a484953-77ef-42ec-90cf-2f4e1037ffc7


Week 1: Introduction to genres of the semester
Weeks 2-5: Crime/mystery genre
Classic: Edgar Allan Poe, “The Murders in the Rue Morgue”, “The Mystery of Marie Rogêt”, and “The Purloined Letter”
Contemporary: Patricia Highsmith, The Talented Mr. Ripley
Weeks 6-9: Romance novels
Classic: Kathleen Woodiwiss, The Flame and the Flower
Contemporary: André Aciman, Call Me by Your Name
Week 10: Midterm exam
Weeks 11-15: Historical fiction
Classic: Mary Renault, Fire from Heaven
Contemporary: Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles; Sarah Waters, Fingersmith
Weeks 16-17: Emerging new genres: The New Weird genre as example
B. Caitling, The Vorrh
Week 18: Final exam

Tzvetan Todorov, The Fantastic: A Structural Approach to a Literary Genre
Rosemary Jackson, Fantasy: The Literature of Subversion

Attendance and participation: 30%
Midterm exam: 30%
Final exam: 40%





This survey course introduces students to the history of American literature from 1865 through the present. Students will learn about the major periods and figures, as well as the historical, cultural, and critical contexts of American literature during this time. Emphasis will be placed as much on literary traditions and close readings of individual texts. Through active participation in classroom discussions and group presentations, students are encouraged to develop self-directed learning skills and independent thinking regarding the relationship between literary texts and their social contexts. 5/9開始遠距兩週,Teams連結:https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3aQsMgIhZ26FB289XDV8CNTANQzQfO_DDai5YB0JXp48U1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=c08873c0-ab00-4ed5-b96d-b65131b69b0d&tenantId=5a484953-77ef-42ec-90cf-2f4e1037ffc7


01 (02/25): Introduction
02 (03/04): Mark Twain, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884)
03 (03/11): Twain cont.
04 (03/18): Twain cont.
05 (03/25): Henry James, “The Real Thing”
06 (04/01): Booker T. Washington, The Atlanta Exposition Speech (1895)
07 (04/08): W. E. B. Du Bois, The Souls of Black Folk (1903)
08 (04/15): Kate Chopin, “Désirée’s Baby” (1893)
09 (04/22): Midterm exam
10 (04/29): Stephen Crane, “The Open Boat” (1897)
11 (05/06): Stephen Crane cont.
12 (05/13): Robert Frost, “The Road Not Taken,” (1916); “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” (1923)
13 (05/20): T. S. Eliot, “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” (1915)
14 (05/27): Langston Hughes, “The Negro Speaks of Rivers,” (1921)
15 (06/03): Holiday
16 (06/10): Ernest Hemingway, “Hills Like White Elephants” (1927)
17 (06/17): William Faulkner, “A Rose for Emily” (1930)
18 (06/24): Final exam

Ed. Levine, Robert S. The Norton Anthology of American Literature. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2017. (Shorter Ninth Edition)
Ed. Fox, Richard Wightman & James T. Kloppenberg. A Companion to American Thought. Oxford, UK: Blackwell, 1998.
Hart, D. James. The Concise Oxford Companion to American Literature. New York: Oxford University Press, 1986.
High, Peter B. An Outline of American Literature. London & New York: Longman, 1997.
Ed. Lemay, J.A. Leo. An Early American Reader. Washington, D.C.: United States Information Agency, 1989.

Attendance and participation 20%
In-class presentations and activities 20%
Midterm exam 30%
Final exam 30%





This course aims to introduce students to as many canonical works as possible of English literature from the Romantic Period to the Victorian Period.
Students are required to preview the works which will be covered in each of the weeks before they come to class. During the class, the instructor will ask students to feel free to express their ideas about the works they have read before she gives a detailed explanation of each of the works. [Should circumstances require, the lectures will be delivered online. Here are the link and code: meet.google.com/xyp-suiu-nre].


W 1 22/02 Course overview
W 2 01/03 William Wordsworth (1770-1850); “We Are Seven,” “Expostulation and Reply,” “The Tables Turned,” “The Solitary Reaper,” and “The World is Too Much with Us”
W 3 08/01 William Wordsworth’s “Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey” and “Resolution and Independence”
W 4 15/03 Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834); “The Eolian Harp” and “Frost at Midnight”
W 5 22/03 Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”
W 6 29/03 “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” continued
W 7 05/04 Bank Holiday
W 8 12/04 Charles Lamb (1775-1834) and “Old China”; presentation: Group 1 on Wordsworth's life and works
W 9 19/04 Mid-term examination
W 10 26/04 George Gordon, Lord Byron (1788-1824); “Written after Swimming from Sestos to Abydos,” “She walks in beauty,” and “So, we’ll go no more a roving”
W 11 03/05 See the examination result; George Gordon, Lord Byron's Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage
W 12 10/05 Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage continued; Presentation: Group 2 on Coleridge's life and works
W 13 17/05 Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822); “A Song: ‘Men of England” and “Ode to the West Wind”; presentation: Group 3 on Byron's life and works
W 14 24/05 Percy Bysshe Shelley's “Ode to a Sky-Lark”; John Keats (1795-1821)
W 15 31/05 John Keats's “Ode to Psyche” and “Ode to a Nightingale”; presentation: Group 4 on Shelley's life and works
W 16 07/06 John Keats's “Ode on a Grecian Urn” and “To Autumn”
W 17 14/06 Introduction to the Victorian Age (1830-1901)
W 18 21/06 End of semester; final examination

I. Textbooks
Abrams, M. H., and Stephen Greenblatt, et al. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 8th ed. Vol. 1. New York: Norton, 2006.
Stephen Greenblatt, et al. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 8th ed. Vol. 2. New York: Norton, 2006.

II. Recommended Reference Books
Cudden, J. A., and Claire Preston. Dictionary of Literary Terms and Literary Theory. New York: Penguin, 2000.
Day, Martin S. History of English Literature. 3 vols. Taipei: Bookman, 1990.
Frye, Northrup, Barbara Perkins, and Sheridan Warner Baker. Harper Handbook to Literature. 2nd ed. Sydney: Pearson Education, 1997.
Hornstein, Lillian Herlands, Leon Edel, and Sterling Allen Brown, ed. The Reader’s Companion to World Literature. 2nd ed. New York: Penguin, 2002.
Thornley, G. C., and Gwyneth Roberts. An Outline of English Literature. Essex: Longman, 1997.

Class attendance and participation 10% (Please notice that if you skip classes for more than three times during the semester, you will lose this 10% of the score)
Presentation 30%
Mid-term examination 30%
Final examination 30%





https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a3IEA-aSLXDwjQwFpp7mgV0lCaPKuwKYUfi6Bm28babs1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=8a4ed31a-1194-4a1c-aacd-0c7d91d61b20&tenantId=5a484953-77ef-42ec-90cf-2f4e1037ffc7 Digital Humanities, a research activity that aims at the creation and usage of digital archives, the transformation of cultural heritage into digital objects or the analysis of humanistic material in digital format, has become an established research branch within the Humanities, which provides new or alternative views on culture, history, arts, literature, music, languages etc. Using the potentials of the computer, i.e. its large storage capacity and its capacity to search through data, to reorganize data, to find patterns within data and to visualize data in various views, allows to create and explore large and unexploited data sets. Many of the analysis-related activities in digital humanities can be handled with specific software solutions, e.g. GIS implementations of KWIC toos. When using these specific software solutions, only a basic understanding of the main concepts and a procedural knowledge of where and when to click is required. Yet, data have in most cases to be generated first, e.g. extracted from larger text corpora, or transformed into a specific format in order to fulfill the input requirements of a specific software. To overcome these two problems, knowledge of a general purpose programming language is helpful or required. In addition to the general features of a such a programming language, shared by many alternative programming languages, e.g. opening files, extracting information, and reorganizing this new information into new formats, some general purpose programming languages come with powerful add-ons, that can turn them into tools for specific analyses. These general purpose languages, combined with these highly specific add-ons can replace specialized software solutions implemented in graphical interfaces. This liberation from the graphical interface unleashed the full power of the computer. The repeated processing of similar data becomes possible, without having to go to the same sequence of clicking hundreds or thousands of times. In addition, the freedom to generate creative solutions for analysis and visualization, specific to the research question and not specific to the company that produces the interface, lays the foundation for groundbreaking and innovative research. Python is an excellently designed and frequently taught programming language for these two seemingly opposing purposes. Easy to learn and applicable to all kind of data acquisition and data processing problems, Python can be extended by powerful modules to do corpus analyses, natural language processing, pattern identification, statistical analyses, geographic analyses, time-line analyses or network analyses. These properties have made Python to become the most frequently and extensively employed programming language in the Humanities, in teaching as well as in research: Using the same, simple-to-learn, basic Python syntax in advanced modules, users can concentrate on the concepts, the predicates that implement them and the design of creative solutions for analysis and visualization.


This course aims to promote insight, practice and confidence in the usage of the programming language in general and of Python more specifically. Students should by the end of the course understand the general principles of using a programming language, become acquainted with the principles of Python, and have develop literacy in that language. In addition students should be aware of the kind of programming that is common in the humanities (text analysis, network analysis etc) and which add-ons are available for these tasks. Finally students should explore as many of these add-ons as possible. Doing this work on their own data and creating their own solutions will show them that they are in state to produce exciting, innovative and thought provoking results. Week 1 and 2 starts with the very basics. Learning how to code is easy if somebody helps you with the start. The first steps will thus be very slow, making sure that students understood and master the new material. Week 3 and 4 will introduce students to the task of text processing. They will learn how to read files from a file system, how to clean them and compute a frequency distribution over words. Frequency distributions will be produced for long texts and for large collections of texts. Week 5 and 6 deal with preprocessing text. Students will experiment with some of the elementary tools to analyze their textual data. Week 7 and 8 are more theoretical. We will discuss some of the basic programming principles, common practices and where to find documentation. In week 9 and 10, students will first write a program to compute the readability of texts. Next, students will implement the basic algorithm that is behind authorship attribution. Week 11 and 12 will introduce students to the concept of Object Oriented Programming. Students will implement a network structure to analyze relations between people on Twitter. In week 13 and 14, we start working on more real applications. We will work on systems for archiving and searching through collections of text. We introduce students to the field of Information Retrieval and build a simple information retrieval system. In week 15 to 17, we create a web application to search through a library of PDF files. This will be our first real application ready for use by end-users. Theses weeks introduce students to many modules available in the standard library as well as third-party modules.

Teaching Material: Folgert Karsdorp, Maarten van Gompel and Matt Munso, Python Programming for the Humanities https://github.com/sonofmun/FK-python-course/blob/master/README.md.

Course participation (50%) and final project (50%)



